
作者&投稿:秋勉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



I like computer
Good morning,boys and girls,today I will give you a speech on I like computer.
Computer is getting more and more familiar to us. You can see it everywhere. I have a computer and I like it very much. Usually I use it to surf the Internet and write some articles. Sometimes I use it to look through files and make simple programs.
In the year 1997, my father and mother bought a computer for me. This computer was very advanced at that time. When I first saw it, I felt it looked like a strange lady in a mysterious veil and with a science halo over her head. Nobody dared to touch the computer except me in my family. When I first turned it on, I was very surprised that a beautiful world was flying to me. From then on, I fell into the computer world.
Using computer is a very serious matter. It can only be operated in right programs. If there is an error-even only a small error, it can't run properly. So if you want to make a program, you must be careful. When we talk about computers, we are sure to talk about computer games. Lots of adults don't like computer games because they don't think that computer games are helpful to the study. But I don't think so. I think that computer games are very interesting and they can lead you into a wonderful world-a world you have never seen before. They can also take you to the sky and can take you into the earth. In the games, you can be a hero or you may be a thief. An interesting world is waiting for you!
In the modern world, the computer is becoming more and more popular. In the future, it will be more useful and everybody will be interested in it.

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玩是小孩的天性,不玩电脑是不现实的,但要自己去控制上网时间,不要被网络所控制,记住,要关就关,不用觉得惋惜! 在这里,我祝愿大家利用好网络,让网络推着我们向前冲,冲向成功的道路! (记住,网络是一个两面派,一面好一面坏,就要看你怎么选,选好,他带你一飞冲天,选坏,他把你拉下深涯。 网络安全演讲稿2 ...

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