
作者&投稿:斋叙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

From his bulging eyes seemed to spurt inner violence of an uncontrolled vitality which his weakened body could hardly contain.

黑体字是句子的主语,这个句子是倒装句。from his bulging eyes 是状语, seem 是系动词,spurt是表语.
正常语序是:Inner violence of uncontrolled vitality which ... contain... seemed to spurt from his bulging eyes. 他的羸弱身躯无法驾驭的,活力爆发的内心挣扎从他暴突的双眼中迸发出来。

英语句子中的主语 主语就是是一个句子的主题,它的位置一般在一句之首,可用做主语的有单词,短语,从句乃至句子. 如: the man (主语)grasped the boy(宾语) by the hand.那男人抓住那个男孩的手. is would be nice to see her again .如果可以再见她一面,那将是一件令人开心的事.(句子做主语)

1. 【Rubbish】, however, is only part of the problem of polluting our planet.
2. 【The use of pesticides and fertilizers】 produces cheap grain and vegetables.
3. Second, 【attending college or university】 can change our life.
4. 【It】形式主语 is extremely doubtful 【whether we would equally enjoy reading about ourselves】.真正主语
5. 【Dancing】 proved to be more than the dish could bear.
6. 【The third reason for attending a college】 is to increase knowledge.
7. 【Why people tolerate a four-hour journey each day for living in the country】 is beyond me.
8. With the knowledge learned in a university, 【we】 will have a deep understanding with our society.
9. 【The people who want a good job】 have to study hard and at least graduate with a high education.
10. 【The people who graduate from college】 seem more confident in our community.
11. 【Competition of our days】 has become more and more drastic, and even 【a very simple job or low position】 will attract hundreds of candidates to apply for it.

1. rubbish 2. the use of pesticides and fertilizers 3. attending college or university 4. whether we would equally enjoy reading about ourselves 5. dancing 6 The third reason for attending a college 7. Why people tolerate a four-hour journey each day for living in the country 8. we 9. The people who want a good job 10. The people who graduate from college 11. Competition of our days 以及even a very simple job or low position

哇靠 伊萨 卡

brother 英[ˈbrʌðə(r)] 美[ˈbrʌðɚ]n. 兄弟; 同事,同胞; 同志;int. (表示生气或吃惊) 我的老兄!;[例句]Oh, so you're Peter's younger brother 哦,那么你是彼得的弟弟。[其他] 复数:brothers ...

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大神帮忙 英雄联盟 推荐个法师
推荐几个 1虚空行者 这个人的被动很适合中单 并且高爆发 大招短cd 可跑可追 不容易死 2暗影之拳 这个英雄6j前会被压制 单6j后有大招后 爆发超强 而且连招给力 秒杀脆皮主q副e w逃跑用

汉译英 ”取得进步 , 凉爽的衣服 勤奋的 ” 请大神帮忙翻
Progress cool clothes.勤奋的 assiduous; diligent; industrious; studious ;

找出单词中含有字母a e,ay的单词各造5个句子,英汉标注。求助大神
1.单词:a-e lake、cake、Kate、make、grapes 句子:The duck is in the lake.(小鸭在湖中。)Mom makes a cake.(妈妈做蛋糕。)Kate is my friend.(凯特是我的朋友。)I make a pizza.(我做披萨。)You like grapes.(你喜欢葡萄。)2.单词:ay say、May、hay、play、day 句子:She ...

征服者:conqueror 杀手:killer,slayer 致命xxx:比如你是个精灵就来个:deadlyelf如果你是个战士:deadlysolder 战士,勇士:solder,worrior.教父:godfather 如果你想叫xxx伯爵:Sir.xxx比如死亡公爵:Sir.Death xxx阁下:Lord.xxx像指环王里别人叫阿拉刚:Lord.Aragan 如果想叫疯狂的xxx:wildxxx 胜利者...

东海县15858052334: 各位英语高手帮我找出下列句子的各种成分(主语这样的)指出句子里哪个词或句代表哪个成分 谢啦 多分 -
百富吉非: 我来回答 :(1).主语Anne Frank谓语 wanted 直接宾语the first kind,连词so 主语she 谓语made 宾语her diary 宾语补足语her best friend.(2).并列主语She and her family 谓语hid away 介词短语做时间状语for nearly twenty-five months 连词before ...

东海县15858052334: 怎样在英语句子中准确找到谓语动词 主语 宾语 表语 定语 状语? -
百富吉非:[答案] 组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分.英语句子成分有主语,谓语,表语,宾语,宾语补足语,定语,状语等. 顺序一般是主语,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,而表语,定语,状语的位置要根据情况而定. 1、主语 主语表示句子主要说明的人或事物,一般由名...

东海县15858052334: 求各位大神帮帮忙,帮我划分一下英语句子成分
百富吉非: 1这是一个并列句,and前后各为两个完整句.前面的after midnight是时间状语 big storm是主语 后面的the rain是主语,pour使谓语down是状语 2是一个主语两个谓语动词中间用and连接.前面的we had built是修饰shelter,属于定于部分,省去...

东海县15858052334: 在英语里,什么叫宾语,主语,谓语,求答案 -
百富吉非: 我举一个例子吧,I like watching TV,中文意思是,我喜欢看电视,你先把他翻译成中文,而里面的主语就是我,主语表示句子主要说明的人或事物,一般由名词,代词,数词,不定式等充当.谓语就是喜欢,谓语说明主语的动作,状态或特征由动词(或短语动词)构成.而宾语就是看电视,宾语表示动作行为的对象,跟在及物动词之后,能作宾语的有名词,代词,数词,动词不定式等.

东海县15858052334: 英语里面怎样判断一个句子的成分?求大神帮助 -
百富吉非: 组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分.英语句子成分有主语,谓语,表语,宾语,宾语补足语,定语,状语等. 顺序一般是主语,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,而表语,定语,状语的位置要根据情况而定. 1、主语 主语表示句子主要说明的人或事物...

东海县15858052334: 怎么样看到一个英语句子就能分清主语,谓语等,这些成分呢? -
百富吉非: 把句子翻译一下 找出动词 eg: We visited her home 我们拜访了她的家 动词是is is 既是谓语动词, we 是 主语,her home 即是宾语 这些宾语是该句中动词所带来 ,还有一些动词是表达或形容主语的 这些动词即是系动词eg:I am student 这句话中I 是主语 am是谓语 student是表语

东海县15858052334: 英语句子成分分析 求英语大神 -
百富吉非:The advantages主语 (claimed for such foods overconventionally grown and marketed food products)定语 are now being debated(谓语). The growing interest主语 (of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North ...

东海县15858052334: 请求各位英语大神,下列英语句子成分是(定)主系表么?十分感谢! -
百富吉非: 1. 是的,主系表结构无疑.但有特殊词imaginable捣乱. 2. 主语由名词短语the most fun job充当,形容词imaginable是它的后置定语. 3. 系动词是过去式动词became,表语为形容词bleak,副词deeply充当状语修饰表语bleak.

东海县15858052334: 谁能给我几个句子让我来找逻辑主语? -
百富吉非: 入门级别的:He likes helping others . (he 是helping 的逻辑主语) Moved by his words , I told him all the news . (I 是moved 的逻辑主语) I saw him playing at the river side . (him 是playing 的逻辑主语) 逻辑主语就是不一定是出现在句子里的那个主语...

东海县15858052334: 英语的感叹句主语和谓语怎么找 -
百富吉非: what a lovely day!感叹句的主语就是你要感叹的对象啊.How beautiful you are! are是谓语,beautiful是表语 关于你那个人称有adj...我看不懂.

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