用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 , 使短文正确,通顺,每词限用一次: (same , work , special ,

作者&投稿:薄诸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 使短文正确、通顺、每词限用一次:~

There are many ways for us to reduce waste . For example , we can reuse paper and plastic bags . We can also(recycle)newspapers , glass and cans to make new things . Here are some (useful)ways to reduce waste.
Write on (both)sides of paper
Many people write on only one side of their paper . Why not stop wasting the other side ?Some students only use half the pages of their (notebooks)before getting new ones . Try to use up all the paper .People often often give cards on (birthday) or festivals . How about (sending)e-cards instead ?

Maybe throw away your old batteries. Have poisonous (有毒的)parts in them . So , don’t throw away batteries . Keep them(together) .Try to use rechargeable (充电的)batteries for your games and CD players .
Give off all your unwanted clothes.
There are many poor families in China . You may (collect)your unwanted clothes . Then you can pass them on to those poor (children). You can also feel(happy)when you help someone.

小题1:hard小题2:places小题3:dead小题4:impossible小题5:letting小题6:whenever小题7:that小题8:wearing小题9:them小题10:clean 试题分析:本文介绍了应怎样去除脚臭:要浸泡脚而不是直接冲水;要穿吸水的棉袜;不要穿塑料的及人造材料的鞋;要经常换鞋、晒鞋,保持脚的干净和干燥等。小题1:根据文中句子In fact, your feet work so for you that sometimes they get sweaty(出汗的)-and smelly.实际上,你的脚为你工作如此努力以至于有时它们会出汗会发臭。so…that…如此……以至于……,so后要跟形容词或副词,故填hard。小题2:根据文中句子They live on your feet and love dark, wet like the insides of the sweaty shoes. 它们生活在你的脚上并且喜欢像出汗的鞋内部那样黑暗、潮湿的地方。因为insides ,shoes都是复数形式,所以place也要用其复数形式places。小题3:根据文中句子They eat skin cells and oils from your feet, 它们吃皮肤的死细胞和脚产生的油。所给death是名词,要用其形容词形式dead。小题4:根据文中句子It’s to stop the smell completely, but if you cut down on sweat, you will cut down on the bad smell. 完全阻止臭味不太可能,但如果你去除了脚汗,你就能有效防止臭味。所给单词possible 可能的,根据句意,此处只能填“不可能的”,故填impossible。小题5:根据文中句子Dipping(浸泡) your feet into a tub of water is better than just the shower water run past them.把你的脚浸泡在水盆里要比只是在水下冲一冲效果好得多。所给单词let放在连词than的后面要用动名词,故填letting。小题6:根据文中句子Put on a fresh pair they get wet.无论什么时候鞋湿了都要换上一双干净的。此处要用when的适当形式whenever。小题7:根据文中句子Don’t wear the same shoes every day, because will allow germs to build up. 不要每天穿同一双鞋,因为那会让细菌滋生。此处that是代词,代指“不常换鞋”这件事情,故填that。小题8:根据文中句子 Let your shoes dry out for a few days before them again. 在你重新穿这双鞋之前要让它们在外面风干几天。before是介词,故填wear的动名词形式wearing。小题9:根据文中句子Putting out in the sun may also help kill the germs.把它们放在太阳下晒一晒也可能帮助杀死细菌。代替复数形式要用them,是it的复数形式,此处放在动词后要用宾格,故填them。小题10:根据文中句子 As long as you keep your feet and dry, those germs will have to find lunch somewhere else.只要你保持脚的干净和干燥,那些细菌就只能另寻去处。keep+adj.保持……,根据句意,此处要填“干净的”clean。



You may want to know what North( American ) people wear on( work ) days. What people wear ( depends on ) their likes and dislikes .Some people prefer to dress( special ) but some people don’t . Generaly , people in the USA and Canada share the( same ) style of dressing . On ( birthday ) , children often wear paper party hats .At Christmas some people often( wear ) . Sanla Claus hats . People in Canada and United States wear suits for( formal )in offices , as well as for more formal occasions


American; special, depends on;formal, same, Birthday,wear,work 我觉得我做的应该是完全对了,呵呵。希望你核实下!

用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个单词限用一次,使短文通顺,正确连 ...
小题2:本句的含义为绝大多数的家庭都喜欢家庭烹饪,故本句空格处填家庭的单词families。 小题3:本句的含义为家庭餐可以把家里的人聚在一起,故本句空格处填一起的单词together。 小题4:本句的含义为一些家庭,家庭餐只是家人彼此见面的时候所吃的一顿饭,故本句空格处填看见的单词sees。 小题5...

用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 小题1:We can find the museum...
小题2:句意;你介意把你的座位给这个老人吗?动名词作宾语表示抽象动作,短语give up放弃,交出。根据所给单词,可知填动名词giving,给。小题3:句意:每天锻炼一小时,你就能保持健康。根据所给单词health,可知填形容词healthy,健康的。小题4:句意:为了你的安全,你最好不要去越南旅行。本句中...

用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次(每空限填一词) west...

小题1:根据后面的We hear reports of students falling from the buildings 可知应该是校园里经常会发生一些安全事故;故答案为accidents小题2:我们经常会听到当学生擦窗户时掉下来的报道。根据后面的while cleaning windows可知应该是从楼上掉下来,即用介词from;故答案为from小题3:三年前,学生在楼道里...

1. paid 付钱 2. are studying (正在)学习 3. ill 病了 4. train 训练 5. Perhaps 可能\/也许 参考资料:英语牛人团

故填him的反身代词,himself,他自己。小题2:联系下文to waste a lot of time.浪费了许多时间,可知是件愚蠢的事情。故填silly,愚蠢的。小题3:根据下文描述可知句意是:快速的吃过早饭,故填quick的副词形式quickly修饰had,作状语。小题4:联系下文computer games.可知是玩电脑游戏,本句中to是...

without是介词,所以put要写成putting.小题2:With 此句意为:有了电子邮件,有就可做这样的事情。故选with.因为在句首,所以要大写。小题3:computer 此句意为:使用电脑你可以既迅速又简便地发送电子邮件。故选computer.小题4:slower 此句意为:邮政比电子邮件要慢得多。故选用slow.句中有than,所以...

小题1:called小题2:child小题3:read小题4:would小题5:questions小题6:advice小题7:hours小题8:drinks小题9:was小题10:hope 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了一名叫汤姆的作家在作者的学校举办了一场演讲,通过这次演讲,作者希望自己将来也能写书。小题1:根据句意:一位名叫汤姆的作家,来到学校,...


to plant 2.practice(动作发生过)\/practicing(动作在发生)3.reached 4.rises 5. good 1)flyiing 2a0swimming 3)enjoy 4)have read 5)coming

克什克腾旗14747873628: 用方框中所给单词适当形式填空 -
滑元民诺: 1, catches 2. always 3,. return 4. Which 5. flowers 6. along 7. because 8. second 9. hard 10. far

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滑元民诺:[答案] Jamie was a boy .He didn't have a hobby .After school ,he didn't take ( part ) in any games with his friends ,He just (stayed ) at home and watched a lot of television .No hobby was not a good way for a young boy to ( grow ) up .So one day his grandpa ...

克什克腾旗14747873628: 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 ,使短文正确,通顺,每词限用一次:(invite ,much ,eat ,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 ,使短文正确,通顺,每词... -
滑元民诺:[答案] 你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题: 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 , 使短文正确,通顺,每词限用一次: (invite , much , eat , him , come , make , drink , loud , one , good) Tom (came) to the U.S.A. Two days ago . This is the(first)time for ...

克什克腾旗14747873628: 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确.每词仅用一次(每空一词). A: This party is such a great idea! B: I agree. It - _1.__ - three years ... -
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滑元民诺:[答案] village,like,bridge,boat,afraid1.I'm(afraid ) I have no time to play soccer this afternoon2.there are three(bridges ) on the river3.what does is look(like )?4.these(villagers ) are kind to me.we l...

克什克腾旗14747873628: 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词).relax      good      twenty      he       knife56.__ - are... -
滑元民诺:[答案] 56.答案:knives.考查名词复数.根据cutting things切东西,可知应该是小刀knife,由are可知应该用复数形式knives.57.答案:better.考查比较级.根据What delicious soup!多么美味的汤!及with a little more s...

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滑元民诺:[答案] 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 (foreigner ,cry ,gestue ,upset ,cultue) 61.Helen lost her pet dog and she ( cried ) 62.I'm always ( upset ) before the exams . 63.David ,do you know about Chinese ( culture ) ? 64.The two ( foreigners ) are interested in ...

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克什克腾旗14747873628: 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺正确连贯(每个单词限用一次)What's the real meaning of the word “peace(和平,安宁)”? The   1 ... -
滑元民诺:[答案]小题1:following 小题2:best 小题3:Many 小题4:because 小题5:closely 小题6:growing 小题7:second 小题8:being 小题9:noise 小题10:means 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺正确连贯,注意时态和人称.

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