
作者&投稿:离风 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
五年级的英语小故事,2分钟内!! 要求:1.要有译文! 2.要简单,不要太复杂。 3.不要有生单词!!~

The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子

A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders.

Zeal should not outrun discretion.

有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过 去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。

The Dog And The Shadow 狗和它的影子
A DOG, crossing a bridge over a stream with a piece of flesh in his mouth, saw his own shadow in the water, and took it for that of another Dog, with a piece of meat double his own in size. He therefore let go his own, and fiercely attacked the other Dog, to get his larger piece from him. He thus lost both: that which he grasped at in the water, because it was a shadow; and his own, because the stream swept it away.
一条狗嘴里叼块肉,来到一座桥上.它看见水里有自己的影子, 以为是另一条嘴里也叼着一块比自己
那块肉大一倍的狗.它忙丢下自己嘴里的那块肉,猛力地攻击水里的狗.试图去抢它的肉.结果,它两块肉都得不到. 因为那只是一个影子,它自己的影子而已.真正的肉也被水冲走了.

Which do you find more important, money or friends?
B: Friends, of course.
A: Why?
B: I can always borrow money from friends.


The Nice Wedding Gift
We attended the wedding of an acquaintance's son. Because we did not know the young man or his bride, we decided to send them a practical household gift, a fire extinguisher. Apparently, the couple mass-produced their thank-you notes because we received a card saying: Thank you very much for the nice wedding gift. We look forward to using it soon.




1.Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world

2.I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. I am as happy as a king.

3.No sooner had the witer vacation begun than I returned to my native town. Of course I
must make good use of it;.In the morning I reviewed my lessons and read newspapers or magazines. In the afternoon I played ball games with my friends or went fishing in the river. At night I watched television with my family. hardly had the clock on the wall struck ten when I went to bed.
寒假刚一开始,我就回故乡了。自然我须好好利用它。 早晨我复习功课并阅读报纸或杂志。下午我和朋友打球,或去河中钓鱼。晚上我就和家人看看电视。墙上的钟刚敲十下,我就去睡觉了。

4.I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!

【篇一】Three Good Friends 三个好朋友 One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. T...

1、五年级英语小短文故事:A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. “What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?”"I gave it to a poor old woman,” he answered."You're a good boy,” said the mother proudly. “Here ...

四年级小学生英语故事篇一 The assin the lion's skin An Ass found a Lion's Skin, and dressed himself up in it. Then he went about frightening every one he met, for they all took him to be a lion, men and beasts alike, and took to their heels when they saw him coming. Elated ...

故事1 三个好朋友一天,一只猴子在河边骑车。这时他看见树下有一只狮子,狮子向他跑来。他非常的害怕,掉进河里。他不会游泳,大叫起来。兔子听见了,跳进水里,但他却没有办法救猴子。幸运的是,一只大象过来了。大象非常强壮,救出了兔子和猴子。他们来到大象的家,在那里吃了一顿大餐。从此他们成了好朋友。 Story 2...

【第一篇:两个狗洞】Two Holes for the Dogs My uncle has two dogs. One is big and the other is small. He likes them very much. One day, Mr. Smith came to visit him. When the friend saw two holes in the door, a large hole and a small hole, he was surprised and ...

翻译:站在屋顶的小山羊与狼 小山羊站在屋顶上,看见狼从底下走过,便谩骂他,嘲笑他。狼说道:“啊,伙计,骂 我的不是你,而是你所处的地势。”这故事说明,地利与天机常常给人勇气去与强者抗争。二、狗和狼 The simple English fable:The dog and the wolf A wolf was almost dead with ...

★ 儿童睡前英语故事带翻译:我的学校 ★ 二年级英语常见小动物英语单词与故事 ★ 英语小故事带翻译20字 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为你推荐:特别推荐 「网络好人」是什么意思? 有哪些揭露讽刺韩国财阀的电影? 为什么麦当劳一瓶冰露卖 7.5 元? 汽车加混汽油会有什么后果? 等你来...

Zeal should not outrun discretion.有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过 去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。这是说,有些人想急于得到所需的东西,一时冲动,草率从事,就会身遭不幸。第二篇 Little Robert Little ...

⑷ 小学五年级英语演讲童话小故事要2-3分钟的 How the Elephant got his trunk Once upon a time,there was a sad elephant.He was dirty and stinky,because he could not reach to wash his back.All the other animals didn’t play with him because he was *** elly. Elephant sat under a tree,...

英语小故事 英语故事比赛的 中英文都要有 六年级水平
故事一 三个好朋友一天, 一只猴子在河边骑车。这时他看见树下有一只狮子,狮子向他跑来。他非常的害怕,掉进河里。他不会游泳,大叫起来。兔子听见了,跳进水里,但他却没有办法救猴子。幸运的是,一只大象过来了。大象非常强壮,救出了兔子和猴子。他们来到大象的家,在那里吃了一顿大餐。从此他们成了好朋友。Story ...

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