
作者&投稿:紫娄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我本来计划上周将货款支付给你,但因为临时出差所以没有支付。同时我注意了一下合同中的TERMS OF PAYMENT: 30days from B/L date,而B/L的日期是2015年2月18日。我希望如果你们3月18日之前收到货款,不会对我们产生故意延误支付货款的不好的感觉。谢谢你的支持与理解!
I had planned to last week to pay money to you, but because of the temporary travel so no payment. At the same time I took a look at the contract TERMS OF PAYMENT: 30days from B/L date, while B/L is dated February 18, 2015. I hope if you receive the payment before March 18th, will not produce intentionally delays the payment does not feel good to us. Thank you for your support and understanding!


we have received you advance payment, and the date of delivery is at the end of next month.

I am very happy about your arrival .通常口语里不这样说。
I am very glad that you can come .

I'm very glad to you can come.

I am really glad you are coming here

I am very glad [to hear from you] [to receive your letter], [as this is a kind of trust to me] [because it means that you trust me]. 其实这样连起来写并不是很自然。建议分2句话写。I am very glad to receive your letter. Thank you for trusting me....

问题五:我太高兴了 用英文怎么说 I'm so glad 问题六:“快乐的我”用英语怎么说 你好!happy me 是正确的,me 是宾格,形容词后面接宾语,mine 是“我的”的意思,如果那样翻译则是处快乐的我的”,所以是 happy me .很高兴为你解答!问题七:令我高兴的是。英语翻译 令我高兴的是:...

我们会很高兴地听到你方消息,并慎重考虑能达成交易的任何建议。2、Bill, I am glad to hear from you! I've been at it day and night. . . looking over the records.比尔,我很高兴得到你的消息!我这些天都忙着核对那些账目报表,3、Glad to hear from you. I learnt from the news ...

英语:hello,very glad to know you 德语:hallo, sehr froh, Sie zu kennen 西班牙:hola, muy alegre conocerle 法语:bonjour, très heureux de vous connaître 意大利:ciao, molto felice di conoscerli 葡萄牙:hello, muito contente de conhecê-lo 日语:こんにちは, あなたを知る...

英语翻译 我很高兴成为你的笔友,我是张明,1986年出生的,籍贯安徽,学校...
1986. I'm study in Huangshan Middle School. Physics is my favorite subject.我叫张明,很高兴成为你的笔友。我在1986年生于安徽省。我现在黄山中学学习。物理是我最喜欢的科目。楼主“语文”代表什么,因为不明白你的意思,所以不敢冒昧翻译进去 请继续追问,直到给你一个满意的答案 望楼主采纳 ...

日语 很高兴认识你 怎么说(汉字请标注平假名)

4、Glad to meet you.5、I'm so glad to see you.6、It's been nice seeing you.英语日常短语推荐:1. Hello! \/ Hi! 你好!2. Good morning \/ afternoon \/ evening! 早晨(下午\/晚上)好!3. I’m Kathy King. 我是凯西•金。4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得•...

“收到你的来信我非常高兴”翻译成英文是I'm so glad to receive your letter.1、so的英式读法是[səʊ];美式读法是[soʊ]。作副词意思有那么;这样;如此。作形容词意思有真的;非常。作代词意思是这样。作连词意思有因此;所以;以便。2、glad的英式读法是[ɡlæd];...

“知道你将要来中国我很高兴”有多种翻译方法:1、I am very glad to know that you will come to China.2、I am very happy to know that you are coming to China.3、I am very pleased to know that you are about to come to China.祝你开心如意!

我很高兴我能和你交朋友 翻译 悬赏 用英语
I am glad to make friends with you .I'm very happy to make friends with you .It is my great pleasure to make friends with you.

渝北区18986733024: 英语翻译:我很高兴你的到来,用英语翻译,不要用软件翻译, -
矣虏天晴:[答案] I am very happy about your arrival .通常口语里不这样说. I am very glad that you can come .

渝北区18986733024: 英语翻译听到你来我所在的城市我很高兴,我们终于有机会见面啦.对于你的到来我非常高兴 -
矣虏天晴:[答案] I'm glad to hear that you are coming to my city. We finally can meet. I'm excited by your visiting.

渝北区18986733024: 你的到来我很高兴,欢迎;英文怎么翻译? -
矣虏天晴: I am glad at your coming.Welcome.

渝北区18986733024: 帮我翻译一句话,翻译成英文<我很高兴你的到来,也很期待和你的相遇,但我又很担心和你见面,因为我英语 -
矣虏天晴: 这一句翻译是绝对正确的,而且我相信LZ应该是用于日常对话吧,所以比较casual: I'm glad that you've came. But because of my English, I was a little worried about meeting you despite how excited I am.

渝北区18986733024: 我很高兴你来我们城市上学 用英语怎么说? -
矣虏天晴:[答案] 翻译:I'm very glad that you come to school in our city.

渝北区18986733024: 英语翻译上面的句子是翻译成“我很高兴你来了”吗?如果是的话,那么“如果你能来我会很高兴”该如何翻译? -
矣虏天晴:[答案] 对的 Si tu peux venir, je serai très content.

渝北区18986733024: 英语翻译句子:我很高兴见到你. -
矣虏天晴: 见到你很高兴! nice too meet you (正式), good to see you (非正式,朋友之间) 回答: nice too meet you too (正式), you too (介于正式与非正式), same here (非正式,非常口语化)

渝北区18986733024: 见到你,我非常地高兴.用英文怎么说 I'm very___ - ___ - ___ - you. -
矣虏天晴:[答案] I'm very【happy to see 】you.

渝北区18986733024: 见到你,我非常地高兴. 用英文怎么说 I'm very - -- - --- - --- - you. -
矣虏天晴: I'm very【happy to see 】you.祝你开心.

渝北区18986733024: 我很开心你能来这儿 英语 -
矣虏天晴: I am glad that you can come here.保证准确率!帮到你的话望及时选为满意答案,谢谢O(∩_∩)O~

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