
作者&投稿:谢纪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

喂,你好大家: 我的名字是***。并且我是从没有。*** ***海外华侨中学。它真正地是有巨大荣誉这个机会为采访。 我希望回答任何u培养和我希望我可以今天做好表现。现在让我简要地自我介绍。 我是***年。 我从“***大学”毕业了在***。 我在“***大学”然后得到了高度在***。 自从我从大学,毕业了我***几年来工作了。并且我是一headteacher ***几年来。 是老师是疲乏,但激动的。 被教许多年,我认为我在教的领域被体验。 我在教得到荣誉,但我仍然认为我需要一个新的环境向挑战。 我是虚心,迅速thoughs和纯熟的在搜寻对于信息关于互联网。 我可以很好操作计算机。 在我的消遣时间,我有宽广的兴趣。例如读书,浏览互联网,享受音乐,写有些文章在我的blog和平衡聊天与外国朋友网上,如果可能。 我总相信运转的坚硬罐头带来我们更多机会。 要是最佳你是稍微坚硬的。 但“尝试所有我最佳“可能总使我振作。要成功或出故障不是唯一的事。 它在怎样我们面对和invaluate我们自己。这是我们利用的机会,并且这是什么我们工作在所有我们的生活。 发光象流星在晚上和总微笑在生活。我们一定给它全部。 某天,当我们为什么转回去脚印我们留下,时间在我们的心脏将记录胜利。 如此“尝试所有我最佳” --- 这是我的座右铭。 好! 非常。谢谢!

My hometown is a beautiful and pleasant city.
In yesteryear,my senior high school is finish,I`m come to Japan,Suddenly began`s new life style is unprepared for me,but in Japan, the learning process is filled happy、exciting and challenge.
In the course of study,I feel the English is difficult for me, but I will endeavor,because nextyear I hope entered Takushoku University by way of a recommend student.

我也不是精通英语 是查字典拼的 希望能帮到你 祝你考试顺利

Good afternoon teachers,my name is ** ,and I am a student of Class 14 Grade 3 of ** High School.Time flies,three years has gone,but I would never forget anything during that time.And I was no longer the one that did not understand English at all.I have found that now I love English!And all these changes are because of my teacher Mr Hu--a very humorous teacher.I feel happy and enjoy mysely in his class,at the same time ,all my classmates love him.So now I have a strong will to learn English so that I can speak fluent English like him in the future.

Teachers are good afternoon, I called × ×, is the third year from × × 14 classes of secondary school students. Guangyinsijian, 2003 the time has ended, but the little Didi which I will never forget, I was no longer completely in the past that I do not understand English, I found that I like the English. Because of my English teachers - teachers Hu is a very humorous teacher, he's the lesson I feel very happy, students are very like him. Therefore, I would like to learn English well, after that, as he said as fluent in English ..

Good afternoon!My name is xx,a student of class 14,senior 3,xx middle school.How time flies!Three years of time has passed,but I will always remember every little bit of it.At last,I'm no longer that person who knows nothing about English at all.On the contrary,I find that I like English very much.That is all because my English teacher,Mr Hu,is a very humorous teacher.Having his classes is of great joy to me and all my classmates.So I've decided that I must work hard and learn English well so as to speak English as fluently as he does in the future.

Dear Sirs, good afternoon! My name is XX, and I came from Class 14 in the third year of upper XX middle school. Time flew, three years had gone past, but I will never forget any little thing that has happened during that time. I am no longer that person who does not know anything about English. I found that I now have a passion for English and am enthusiastic about it. This is because my English teacher, teacher Hu is a very humourous teacher. I am always very happy in his lessons and very much enjoy them, all of my classmates like him as well. Therefore, I want to learn good English, and wish to be as fluent as him in the future.




1: I met many questions in the mail process, looked for the packing case to look for one day, said that these were not the wish explained I had laboriously, not about these. But I has understood a truth in this process.2: I thought that I also am a selfish person, alwa...

英语高手请进···高分求精确翻译 一定要精确哦··
1.offerer and offeree 2. Make sb. a firm offer for sth.3. The minimum quantity for order 4.The market is firm 5.It is regretful that we cannot entertain your counter offer.6. We confirm having cabled you a firm offer for the following goods, subject to your reply reaching...

1.1928年Walt Disney的Mickey Mouse第一次出现在一部Steamboat Willy的卡通里。2.从1820年开始,把工人带进工厂然后监督他们工作就成为了常规。3。她尽了她最大的努力从一起抢劫的指控中证明她的丈夫是无罪的 4、不要匆匆忙忙的做你的作业 5.她认识到妄图通过中间人与这些人达成共识是不可能的。6....

1.Ill news comes apace. [谚]好事不出门, 坏事传千里。2.Among the blind the one-eyed man is king. 山中无老虎,猴子称大王(锉子里头拔将军)3.Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it.船到桥头自然直。4.The early bird catches the worm. 早期的鸟儿有虫吃。5.A word spoken ...

1、A the gold 指代金牌之类的,是特指,后面应该是a second chance(不是change吧?)是说有了“一个”新的机会 2、A 这里water是动词,浇水 forget to do是忘了去做某事,forget doing 是忘记做过某事 need doing = need to be done 3、B 祈使句的反义疑问句一律用will you 4、B 强调...

you need cold,please close!(想要凉快,先请关窗)when you open,will be silence!(窗户打开,空调安静)因为关掉了 hear a "beat",you can leave!(哔的一声,可以离开)关空调时的声音

If the further deposit is requested, then its paying will be the advanced condition of our continual being the agent attorney in you company.请注意,这些款项只是定金,向我们支付的律师费和杂费总额可能超过或者少于向我们支付的定金。Please pay attention, this issues is only the deposit, ...

1You are back here.I thought(think)you were still in the teachers'office.2你必须尽可能更多的说英语 you must speak English as much as you can.3这火多旺啊!How big the fire is!4我路过警察局时看见了莉莉Passing by the police station,i saw Lili.5don't worry.I will wake(wake...

21.说汉语的人的数量要大于说英语的人的数量。-> The number of those speaking Chinese is more than that of speaking English.22.下雨时,我乘坐出租车。-> I take taxi when it is raining.23.你住的离学校有多远\/ -> How far do you live from the school?24.羊靠青草维持生命。-> ...

1. 我多么想再见到你。How strong I want to see you again!2. 你能告诉我你在等谁吗?Can you tell me who you are waiting for?3. --- 我们都不知道他是做什么的。We do not know what he is.--- 他们说他是医生。They said that he is a doctor.4. Alice想知道她外婆是否喜欢...

香格里拉县15279615058: 高分求一份最地道的30秒英语自我介绍 急用 给100分 要求水平大约在高中左右 较难词汇不要太多 -
邱家清浊:[答案] 大段自我介绍--第一印象是最重要的!(1) Hello/Good morning /Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.先生们,女士们,你们好/早上好/晚上好.I am Stone Lee.I come from Beijing,我是李斯通.我来自北京,and I am curren...

香格里拉县15279615058: 很急!~英语高手进、高分求一篇自我介绍 -
邱家清浊: 哈...说喜欢写作还不写呢,看来也是懒蛋~ ^-^Hello everyone, I'm glad to be here and introduce myself to you. My name is (你的名字), or you can just call me...

香格里拉县15279615058: 高分求一篇英语的自我介绍 一分半钟左右的!!!!救急 -
邱家清浊: 看看我的,刚给你写的,原创.自认为还不错.你自己再修改一下.注意到时候语速一定要慢,因为那样才声情并茂.要元音饱满,适当停顿.加以表情.ok?祝你成功.When I was young,I like watching TV and listening to the broadcast radio,...

香格里拉县15279615058: 高分求英语达人翻译一篇自我介绍~~~急!!(悬赏无上限) -
邱家清浊: Good morning everyone, thank you for the this interview opportunity. first of all, I would like to introduce myself. my name is sweetnight, i was graduate from XX university in Art Education major. I was in the preparation for postgraduate entrance exam...

香格里拉县15279615058: 急!汉译英一段自我介绍!英语能手请进
邱家清浊: The teacher is good, I am coming from Shaanxi province Liquan county is such-and-such, my hobby is to read a book, like Chinese

香格里拉县15279615058: 英语高手请进,英语面试自我介绍 -
邱家清浊: I was born in Nanjing and I graduted from xxx university. My major is Japanese. I am very interested in international trade. I am a fast learner and I'm confident that I can learn and grow rapidly in the company. I believe I am be qualified to this position before long.

香格里拉县15279615058: 急急急急急急~~~~英文自我介绍,高手来 -
邱家清浊: Hello,my name is ... I am 15 years old.I was born on November 20t...

香格里拉县15279615058: 急求1分钟英文自我介绍? -
邱家清浊: 个人情况: 女 21岁 长沙人 长沙南方大学毕业 专业:物流管理 爱好:阅读 I am very happy to have the chance to introdce myself. My name is Mary, 21 years old. And I am from Changsha, a beatiful city. I graduated from South University...

香格里拉县15279615058: 急需英语高手写份口语英文自我介绍. -
邱家清浊: 口语复试材料(英文自我介绍) 一、 第一句话(first word)见到考官的第一句话,很关键,不用说的很复杂.可以是一个简单句,但一定要铿锵有力.展示出自信和实力.千万不要来一句“sorry, my English is poor”.常见的开头有:1. Good ...

香格里拉县15279615058: 英语高手请进.(自我介绍英语作文) -
邱家清浊: My name is Yuwei Chen. I am twelve years old and study in Hong'an Number Two Middle School. I want to be a fashion designer later. My father is a civil servant with a strong figure. My mum is an office lady. She is slender and very pretty.

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