外来语对英语的影响 50分献上,回答的好再追50-100

作者&投稿:徵邹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Last month an English speech compitition was held in our school.It began at the seventh class in the afternoon.I took part in this English speech,because I'm very interested in it.While I was making speech ,my classmates rose from their seats and applauded for me.Finally ,I did'nt win the speech compitition.Certanly,I felt terrible,but I would never give up my passion in English . I will try my best to improve my english ,perhaps I will win the next champion in English speech.




Foreign language influences in English
While many words enter English as slang, not all do. Some words are adopted from other languages; some are mixtures of existing words (portmanteau words), and some are new coinages made of roots from dead languages: e.g. thanitopsis. No matter the origin, though, words seldom, if ever, are immediately accepted into the English language. Here is a list of the most common foreign language influences in English, where other languages have influenced or contributed words to English.

French words for the meat of an animal, noble words (this comes from the influence of the Norman language), words referring to food - e.g. au gratin. Nearly 30% of English words (in an 80,000 word dictionary) may be of French origin.
German: Main article: List of German expressions in English. Some words relating to the World War I and the World War II, e.g. blitz. And some food terms, such as wurst, hamburger and frankfurter. Also: wanderlust, schadenfreude, zeitgeist, kaputt, kindergarten, autobahn, rucksack.
Scandinavian languages such as Old Norse - words such as sky and troll or, more recently, geysir.
Dutch - words relating to sailing, e.g. skipper, keel etc., and civil engineering, such as dam, polder.
Latin words, technical or biological names, medical terminology, legal terminology. See also: Latin influence in English
Greek words - medical terminology (like for instance phobias and ologies)
Spanish - words relating to Spanish culture - for example paella, siesta, plaza, salsa, etc.
Italian - words relating to music, piano, fortissimo. Or Italian culture, such as piazza, pizza, gondola, balcony, fascism. The English word umbrella comes from Italian ombrello.
Arabic - Islamic religious terms such as jihad and hadith. Also some scientific vocabulary borrowed through Iberian Romance languages in the Middle Ages (alcohol, algebra, azimuth, nadir).
Nahuatl - tomato, coyote, chocolate.
Afrikaans - apartheid, trek.
Russian - words relating to the Cold War and the aftermath (perestroika, glasnost), and also words relating to Russian culture, such as Cossack or Babushka.
Indian - words relating to culture, originating from the colonial era. Many of these words are of Persian origin rather than Hindi because Persian was the official language of the Mughal courts. e.g.: pyjamas, bungalow, verandah, jungle, curry, shampoo, khaki.
Lists of English words of international origin
These are lists of words in the English language which are known as "loanwords" or "borrowings," which are derived from other languages:

List of English words of Australian Aboriginal origin
List of English words of African origin
List of English words of Afrikaans origin
List of English words of Arabic origin
List of English words of Chinese origin
List of English words of Czech origin
List of English words of Dutch origin
List of English words of Etruscan origin
List of English words of Finnish origin
List of English words of French origin
German loan words
List of German expressions in English (a small German-English dictionary)
English words of Greek origin (a discussion rather than a list)
List of Greek words with English derivatives
List of English words of Hawaiian origin
List of English words of Hebrew origin
List of English words of Hungarian origin
List of English words of Indian origin
List of English words of Sanskrit origin
List of English words of Tamil origin
List of English words of Hindi origin
List of English words of Urdu origin
List of English words of Telugu origin
List of English words of Indonesian origin, including from Javanese, Malay (Sumatran) Sundanese, Papuan (Irian Jaya), Balinese, Dayak and other local languages in Indonesia
List of English words of Irish origin
List of English words of Italian origin
List of English words of Japanese origin
List of English words of Korean origin
List of Latin words with English derivatives
List of English words of Malay origin
List of English words of Maori origin
List of English words from indigenous languages of the Americas
List of English words of Norwegian origin
List of English words of Old Norse origin (often coming from Vikings from Denmark or Norway, but at the time there was little distinction between the Old Norse dialects spoken in the three Scandinavian countries.)
List of English words of Persian origin
List of English words of Polish origin
List of English words of Portuguese origin
List of English words of Romanian origin
List of English words of Russian origin
List of English words of Serbo-Croatian origin
List of English words of Slovak origin
List of English words of Scots origin
List of English words of Scottish Gaelic origin
List of English words of Spanish origin
List of English words of Swedish origin
List of English words of Tagalog origin
List of English words of Turkic origin
List of English words of Ukrainian origin
List of English words of Welsh origin
List of English words of Yiddish origin
How French Has Influenced English
The English language has been shaped by a number of other languages over the centuries, and many English speakers know that Latin and German were two of the most important. What many people don't realize is how much the French language has influenced English.

Without going into too much detail, I want to give a little bit of background about the other languages which shaped English. It was born out of the dialects of three German tribes (Angles, Jutes, and Saxons) who settled in Britain in about 450 A.D. This group of dialects forms what linguists refer to as Anglo-Saxon, and at some point this language developed into what we know as Old English. This Germanic base was influenced in varying degrees by Celtic, Latin, and Scandinavian (Old Norse) - the languages spoken by invading armies.

Bill Bryson calls the Norman conquest of 1066 the "final cataclysm [which] awaited the English language." (1) When William the Conqueror became king of England, French took over as the language of the court, administration, and culture - and stayed there for 300 years. Meanwhile, English was "demoted" to everyday, unprestigious uses. These two languages existed side by side in England with no noticeable difficulties; in fact, since English was essentially ignored by grammarians during this time, it took advantage of its lowly status to become a grammatically simpler language and, after only 70 or 80 years existing side-by-side with French, Old English segued into Middle English.


During the Norman occupation, about 10,000 French words were adopted into English, some three-fourths of which are still in use today. This French vocabulary is found in every domain, from government and law to art and literature - learn some. More than a third of all English words are derived directly or indirectly from French, and it's estimated that English speakers who have never studied French already know 15,000 French words. (2)


English pronunciation owes a lot to French as well. Whereas Old English had the unvoiced fricative sounds , , (as in thin), and (shin), French influence helped to distinguish their voiced counterparts , , (the), and (mirage), and also contributed the diphthong (boy). (3)
(What is voiced/unvoiced/fricative?)


Another rare but interesting remnant of French influence is in the word order of expressions like secretary general and surgeon general, where English has retained the noun + adjective word order typical in French, rather than the usual adjective + noun used in English.

Learn More

If you are interested in French and/or English linguistics and would like to learn more about their reciprocal relationship, please visit the links below and the further reading resources listed on the right.



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司马斧降克: 外来语的影响对英语拼写影响较大的三种语言是希腊语(多数词汇通过拉丁语间接进入英 语)、拉丁语(英语80%的词汇直接或间接来源于拉丁语)和法语.

来安县13613047668: 学习日语会不会影响英语水平? -
司马斧降克: 两种语言不会互相影响的情况:(1)一门很强另一门很弱(就像母语就绝不会被影响,是因为它根深蒂固了);(2)两门都很强.两种语言最受影响的情况:两门的水平都处于差不多的水平时.此时如果很专于其中一门,另一门的部分能力会...

来安县13613047668: 日语对英语的影响 -
司马斧降克: 我觉得会的.首先这是会影响到你的发音,但这是在你日语学到一定程度时才会出现的问题,一般初学者不会.在学日语的过程中会接触很多外来语,很多就是来自英语的,当你的日语学到一定程度,再看英语的时候,有些日语里的常用外来语的读音就会在你的大脑中占主导地位,那时你的个别发音就会变得有点奇怪,但不会很严重的.另外,更严重的是在学日语的过程中,日语会把你学过的英语从你的大脑中挤出去.时间长了,你就会发现只要一想到外语,你的第一反应就是日语.以上都是本人亲身经验,我现在在读研,日语专业的.

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司马斧降克:[答案] 只要学过英美概况就应该没有问题.英国是没有土生土长的土著人的,所以在11世纪以前主要都是外来民族入侵时带来它们的语言.其他的我就不说了,说说对语言有影响的.罗马人带来了26个拉丁字母,以及一些单词,英语中医学方...

来安县13613047668: 在英语中,什么叫做外来词? -
司马斧降克: 外来语是外来语言文化被国有语言文化改造后的结果.它的产生不仅是单纯的语言现象,也是一种社会和文化现象.它反映了某种社会或文化交流形式.使用不同语言,生活于不同文化圈内的不同民族在进行经济文化交流时,不可避免地在不同程度上借用外来词,并潜移默化于外来文化.

来安县13613047668: 哪几种外来语对古英语产生影响?
司马斧降克: 对古英语影响比较大的是以丹麦语为首的北欧诸语,英语和丹麦语这两种语言中相似的词汇很多

来安县13613047668: 英语的由来? -
司马斧降克: 英语,作为当今世界事实上的国际社交语言,它取得的成功是史无前例的.从使用它的人口来说,以英语为母语的人数仅次于汉语而居世界第二位,大约有四亿多人.然而以英语作为第二语言、或者在一定程度上使用英语的人数,要远比这多得...

来安县13613047668: 英语外来词对汉语的影响 -
司马斧降克: 可以帮助丰富汉语的词汇量,也可以加紧国际的轨道.比如咖啡,本来在汉语中是不存在的,因为把咖啡引进来了,为了给既有事物起名,就采用音译法,coffee成了咖啡.此类例子有很多.

来安县13613047668: 论英语对现代汉语的影响 -
司马斧降克: 词汇上体现最明显啊.帝国主义时代的英国入侵,中国人从实用角度开始学习英语,英语语言的一些词语逐渐渗入到汉民族的语言中来,特别是新文化运动以后,提倡白话文,为外来语进入汉语言,在汉语言中生根发芽提供了外界土壤.如我们熟知的啤酒( beer)、咖啡(coffee)、巧克力(chocolate)、沙发(sofa)、扑克 (poker)、爵士(jazz)、安琪儿 (angel) 、吉普车(jeep)、引擎(engine)罗曼蒂克(romantic)、沙龙(salon)、歇斯底里( hysteria)、幽默( humor)、 逻辑 (logic)、模特( model ) 等等.

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