勇士观后感 英文

作者&投稿:豆卢桂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


“我是一面镜子,我的面孔,能照出我是如何忠实于父母,无论是外表还是内心,与他们是多么相似。”   “我告诉你们,最好不要抓着我,你们抓着我是控制不了我的。”   “你让他跳,你看他敢吗,他每次说完这句话,我就想我要是再回家我就是孙子!”   “亲,你有多久没有叫我妈妈了?”   4月19日晚,央视纪录片《镜子》首播,这部纪录片让问题少年说出心声:父母更需要改造。   这是一个关于心灵回家的故事。   纪录片只有三集,一共90分钟,央视社会与法频道花了10年策划、两年摄制。内容很简单:三个家庭因孩子辍学而陷入困境,父母们无奈将孩子送入一所特殊学校接受“改造”,却意外地让自己接受了一次触及灵魂的启蒙教育。   父母对孩子满满的爱有时却造成了满满的伤害,这究竟是为什么?“问题孩子”的背后往往有一个问题家庭教育模式的存在。   影片以代际情感问题为切入点,通过客观冷静地真实纪录,呈现三个家庭的社会学样本,以情感教育缺失这一新视角,重新审视当今时代中国家庭面临的亲子关系、亲密关系等情感问题。孩子是家庭的一面镜子,而家庭更是社会的一面镜子。纪录片在充分呈现社会生态复杂性的基础上,给观众提供了充分的思考空间,让心灵回家!让爱不再变成伤害。   孩子是家庭的镜子   每个孩子都有各自的“问题”,有辍学的,有早恋的,有网瘾的,但有一个共同点,就是在家庭教育模式上都存在问题。   当孩子出现迷失的行为,例如不想学习、情绪不稳定、有抵触性情绪时,他反映的很可能是父母间夫妻关系的失衡或模糊。   当孩子出现注意力分散、依赖、易结交坏朋友时,他所反映的往往是父母双重标准、夫妻关系分裂、在家中缺乏归属感。   当母亲的位置缺席时,孩子容易空虚忧郁、焦虑紧张、较优柔寡断,也比较容易发生人际关系问题,难以表达自己,也难与人连接。   当父亲的位置缺席时,儿子很容易发生成瘾行为,例如沉迷于电玩、抽烟、喝酒、吸毒;女儿则很容易发生早熟、暴食或厌食症、对成年男子有兴趣、期待有人保护。   当父母一方或双方想离开家或死去时,孩子在潜意识里会接收到这个信息,并以逃家、重病、发生意外危险等方式反映,严重者甚至会死亡,因为他们小小的心灵里幻想着:“我代替你走,这样你就可以留下来”或是“我会跟着你一起走,这样我们就永远不会分开”。   改变孩子,父母就要改变自己   一位妈妈跟我谈起她的小女儿。小姑娘已经上小学了,平时听老师和同学反应孩子很聪明,大家还是很喜欢她的。但是最近一次春游中,妈妈发现孩子总是“教训”同学,而且有些刻薄,尤其对班里比她成绩差的学生表现出蔑视。   春游中,老师表扬一位同学:“某某今天表现很好,一直帮助同学,还帮家长拿东西。”   女儿就说:“什么呀!我也会,有什么好表扬的!”孩子表现出生气而且否认了同学的做法,还不承认自己没有做到。   女儿这样的表现,让妈妈非常担心。   我由于对妈妈比较了解,就说:“要知道孩子为什么这样,看看自己平时的言行举止,你平时对孩子是不是要求严格?你对老公的歇斯底里是不是造成了家庭氛围的紧张?”   妈妈喟然而叹,说最近由于大女儿学习问题以及自己的工作有点脾气不好,确实对小女儿严厉了些,也经常训斥老公。   无论这是我们平时所说的“模仿学习”还是心理学对应的“镜子效应”,孩子的言行常常可以反映出父母的言行。这位妈妈有所醒悟改变了自己待人刻薄和爱教训别人的毛病,还跟孩子进行了沟通,经常跟孩子聊聊学校、学习的事,渐渐地小女儿也发生了变化。   父母作为孩子的第一任,也是终身的老师。家长的改变也使得孩子发生了变化,教育就在无形中产生了效果。   欣赏孩子内在的纯真。   作为家长,我们并不是一定要在所有方面懂得比孩子多,也不是要永远正确,其实我们需要学习谦卑,对人生、对生活,对孩子,我们可以做一个学习者,在自我的成长中带动孩子的发展。和孩子做朋友,尊重孩子对事物、对世界的理解和思考、想象与表达。

Feedback for the film warriors this morning see the movie "brave", I think although to mixed martial arts as the theme, but more is affection and humanity, the film warriors feedback. Tommy and Brandon are brothers, was born in the unfortunate family. Father is a good boxer coach, but have the habit of drinking, often play their mother, mother and Tommy fled to the town, Brandon is love to choose to leave, and that the father will continue to train him. But the reality is very disappointed. Tommy and his mother went to the field after living quite bitter, mother finally died away, Tommy went to the Iraqi army. Brandon became a physics teacher, and have a very happy family. Brandon needed money to repay the mortgage, was already cornered. In order to take care of Tommy's widow and son's close ally, also very need money. At that time the Spartan wrestling match bonus is $5 million, is undoubtedly very attractive, the two brothers because of different reasons have participated in the competition and feedback the film warriors feedback. " At the beginning of the game there are 16 people, are world class players weight. I have always felt that Brandon is not strong enough, but to see him and is more powerful than his hand when fighting when she caught a glimpse of others did not play back the force, with my whole heart have attempted to, but he always in the most crucial time resorted to his own move, think of a way to grip the other leg until the other party to throw in the towel. Tommy, on the contrary, he is the strength, always the fastest speed to each other. Before the game the two brothers had seen side, Tommy had left him hate brother and mother, father used to hate everything done for mother. Finally a duel of the two brothers, younger brother took the hate for his brother start very special, brother basically in the beating of the state, into the second round began to turn for the better, brother with his accustomed to hurt my brother 's shoulder some trick and constantly to brother apology, advised brother to give up the game, when he said "I love you", the younger brother to surrender, the rancor of the brothers two years has been eliminated. The two brothers are not to cliff does not draw rein warrior, is what makes them so touching, I believe is at the moment, we have entered the their inner world, see their respective injured soul, still clinging to the station where the soul. At that moment, although the screen and not give what flashback memories, but our brains but constantly flashed the memory of their suffering. Tommy forgive father is also very touching, father consciousness to own the mistakes of the past, had been abstinent for more than three years, want to make up two once the damage to the brothers, but no matter what you do are not forgive them, by trainer contact and competition of the whole process, the two brothers finally forgave him. At the end of the music will also be pushed to the climax of the story, the warriors will not be any difficult to yield, only in love and affection in front of surrender. The film is far better than I describe the wonderful, absolutely worth a look!
[电影勇士观后感]今天早上看了电影《勇士》,我觉得虽然是以综合格斗为题材的,但更多的是亲情与人性,电影勇士观后感。汤米和布兰登是亲兄弟,却出生在不幸的家庭。父亲是个优秀的拳击手教练,却有酗酒的恶习,经常打他们的母亲,母亲和汤米逃到外地,布兰登却为了爱情选择留下,并且认为父亲会继续训练他,但现实却很失望。汤米和母亲去了外地后生活得相当苦,最后母亲病死他乡,汤米也去了伊拉克参军。布兰登成为了一名物理老师,并且有一个很幸福的家庭。  布兰登需要钱偿还房贷,当时已是走投无路。汤米为了照顾最亲密战友的遗孀和儿子,也非常需要钱。当时斯巴达格斗赛的奖金是500万美金,无疑是非常诱人的,兄弟两因为不同的原因都参加了比赛,观后感《电影勇士观后感》。比赛刚开始有16个人,都是世界级的重量选手。我一直觉得布兰登不够强大,但看到他和比他强大很多的手候格斗时,看到她被别人打没有反击之力,我的整个心都揪起来了,但他总会在最关键的时候使出他特有的一招,用腿想办法夹住对方,直到对方认输。汤米刚好相反,他是力量型的,总是最快的速度达到对方。  比赛之前兄弟两曾见过一面,汤米恨哥哥当初抛下他和母亲,也恨父亲曾经对母亲所做的一切。最后一场是兄弟两人的决斗,弟弟带着对哥哥的恨意下手特别很,哥哥基本上处于挨打的状态,到第二回合开始有转机,哥哥用他惯有的一招弄伤了弟弟的肩膀,并且不断地对弟弟道歉,劝弟弟放弃比赛,当他说出“I love you”的时候,弟弟投降了,兄弟两人多年的积怨也消除了。两兄弟都是不到悬崖不勒马的勇士,是什么让他们如此感人,我相信,是在那一刻,我们都走进了他们的内心世界,看到了他们各自受伤的灵魂,却依旧执着的站在那里的灵魂。在那一刻,虽然荧幕并没有给出什么闪回的记忆,可是,我们脑中却不断闪现着他们各自苦难的记忆。  汤米原谅父亲的过程也很感人,父亲意识到了自己当年的错误,已经戒酒三年多,想弥补对兄弟两曾经的伤害,却不管怎么做都得不到他们的原谅,通过训练师的接触和比赛的整个过程,兄弟两最后都原谅了父亲。  结尾的音乐也将剧情推到了高潮,勇士不会被任何困难屈服,只会在爱和亲情面前投降。影片远比我描述的精彩,绝对值得一看!

咸阳市15828941825: 勇士观后感 英文 -
歧券司莫: Feedback for the film warriors this morning see the movie "brave", I think although to mixed martial arts as the theme, but more is affection and humanity, the film warriors feedback. Tommy and Brandon are brothers, was born in the unfortunate ...

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