
作者&投稿:唱岩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文,上个假期去了哪里。怎么去的。去做什么。心情如何。答对了的话,会加分哦 要带上汉语~

Last weekend.i went to the Haikou park and I went to there by bus.I think there are so beautiful. many people in there do excises and play game and so on.I were very happy and I will go there in the next weekend!

Last weekend, i went to Chimelong Water Park with my parents. There were so many things to play with. Such as Tiny Horn, Hawaii Watertown for Kids, Aquashow, etc. We all fully enjoyed ourselves, and unwilling to leave at the end. On that day, I was so happy. I hpoe that I can have another chance to come back again in the futre.

Last weekend.i went to the Haikou park and I went to there by bus.I think there are so beautiful. many people in there do excises and play game and so on.I were very happy and I will go there in the next weekend!



我陡然提高声调,声色俱厉地喝道:“大胆!好一个‘什么也没干’!身为学生,上课时间就应认真听讲,认真做笔记,用心开动脑筋,用心举手发言……你却什么也不干!你自己说说议该当何罪”小万懵了,一下子,张口结舌,低头不语。 我乘胜追击:“该不该站”小万心悦诚服,连称:“该,该。” 语文日记作文 篇4 怎样在语...

实用的说说心里话作文9篇 随着线上的、虚拟的社交的迅猛发展,越来越多人钟情于发布说说,用以记录每天的生活,写作和思考。什么样的说说才具有感染力呢?以下是我整理的说说心里话作文9篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 说说心里话作文 篇1 亲爱的爸爸,您身为一校之长,在我心中很伟大,但您有两个缺点——抽烟和喝酒...

说说心里话作文 篇5 时间过的可真快呀!转眼间就要升路中学了,心里也不免有一大堆的`心里话想对林老师,和同学说的吧!当然我也不例外我也有一大堆话要对林老师说可又不敢说(以前不敢说)现在我要把这个心里话通通到出来。打开自己心上的一个心结,我想对林老师说:“林老师您一直在对我们...

向你说说悄悄话作文6篇 随着微信、微博、QQ等社交网络平台的快速发展,越来越多人喜欢发表说说,用以展现自己对生活的热爱。什么样的说说才受网友欢迎呢?以下是我收集整理的向你说说悄悄话作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 向你说说悄悄话作文1 你,这一天最后的一道风景,映红了河、山、树,给沉寂...

说说自己作文 篇5 “儿子,这不是你落下的课本吗?” 就在我拎起书包刚要出门的时候,妈妈向我喊道。回头一看,果然书桌上的语文书忘了收拾。唉,我怎么就改不掉丢三落四的毛病呢! 除了这个丢三落四的毛病外,我还有一个不良的嗜好,就是嘴还特别馋。看到什么都想来一口,以至于体重从初一时的40公斤,一下蹿到现...

初一语文作文3 我喜欢的语文活动是猜字谜。 我们身边有趣的事有很多,丰富多彩,就像春天的花儿那么多。现在,我就选一朵最大最美的花儿,给你说说吧! 一次语文课,刘老师走进教室,对我们说:“今天这节课,我们一起来玩一个游戏,叫做猜字谜。这是我们课本上有的内容 ” 接下来,我们开始了猜字谜活动。“一日不出门...

让学生有自信可以写出好文章,从而转变态度,爱上作文。 二、分析心理,找出病因 作文要经历一个心理过程,那么,我们就应该对学生的作文心理尽心分析,抓住突破...也可以充分利用课前三分钟时间进行演讲,培养口头作文能力,引导学生将“说”和“写”联系起来,这样说说写写,写写说说,不仅提高口语表达能力,通过说话还可以...

语文,你给我带来了无穷的快乐,我已经深深地爱上了你。 初三语文作文 篇4 曾经神向往过小说中的生活,也为之而努力过,可现实却无情的击碎了我的梦想!高考...记得小学毕业时,我选报了两所学校——实验中学和外国语学校。而它们恰巧安排在同一天考试,一个上午,一个下午。妈妈要参加监考,所以我打算自己单枪匹马去...

我陡然提高声调,声色俱厉地喝道:“大胆!好一个‘什么也没干’!身为学生,上课时间就应认真听讲,认真做笔记,用心开动脑筋,用心举手发言……你却什么也不干!你自己说说议该当何罪”小万懵了,一下子,张口结舌,低头不语。 我乘胜追击:“该不该站”小万心悦诚服,连称:“该,该。” 语文日记作文 篇2 “师者,...

老师您就像春蚕,为学生吐出最后一根丝。老师您就像蜡烛,为学生流下最后一滴泪。老师,我要真诚地歌颂您,“您辛苦了!谢谢您!” 2. 作文:——,我想和你说说心里话 妈妈,我有一肚子的话想对你说,可是每次说到嘴边又咽了下去。 今天,我就借写作文的机会,请您听听女儿的心声吧! 记得有一天,您从街上买来一个...

大石桥市18822137601: 英语作文:说说你上个假期去了哪里 -
卢胡施沛: I loved shopping very much, so I go out to the shopping mall with my mother yesterday. There were so many goods and I was definately shock by them. I seeked for a hat for a graduates' party which would be held in my mother's university ...

大石桥市18822137601: 英语作文:说说你上个假期去了哪里?怎么样去,去做什么?心情如何,不少于5句话.( -
卢胡施沛: Last weekend.i went to the Haikou park and I went to there by bus.I think there are so beautiful. many people in there do excises and play game and so on.I were very happy and I will go there in the next weekend!

大石桥市18822137601: 假期去哪了的英语作文, -
卢胡施沛:[答案] I went to Hainan with my family this vacation.I think Hainai is a beautiful city.I have a great time!First,I went to the beach.I ... 这个假期,我和家里人一起去海南.我觉得海南是一个很美丽的城市,我真的玩的很开心!首先,我去了沙滩.我打了沙滩排球,然...

大石桥市18822137601: 用英语介绍自己假期去了哪里的作文.有没有 -
卢胡施沛: During this summer holiday, me and my family went to Hong Kong. We took a plane there and our uncle waited us at the airport. There were lots of interesting places in Hong Kong. My favourite place was Ocean Park and man, it was humungous (...

大石桥市18822137601: 六年级英语作文(过去式的形式):去年假期,你去哪里游玩了?请你把它写成书信的形式告诉你的笔友拜托了去年假期,你去哪里游玩了?请你把它写成书... -
卢胡施沛:[答案] I had a happy weekend last week.On Saturday morning,I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes.In the afternoon,I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine,my parents' and my brother's.On Sunday,I played football in the park.Then I went to ...

大石桥市18822137601: 怎样写一篇英语作文,题目是我上个寒假去了哪里 -
卢胡施沛: My winter last holiday is very dull. I stay at home for most of time. Sometimes I visit my friends . Sometimes we go shopping.One day, we go to the KFC. We have hamburgers, chicken coke and French fries. We have sore throats. We go home and ...

大石桥市18822137601: 英语作文:我的假期 包括以下内容: 1.你假期去了哪里? 2.和谁一起去? 3.去那里做了什么?4.对你的假期感觉怎么样?快点!!!明天就要交了!!! -
卢胡施沛:[答案] l have a interesting holiday.in holiday my parents and l are going to beijing .l love beijing ,because there are a lot of place is very good ,Swe are going to the Palace Museum,it is very beatuful we are take a photo and we bought some things.we have a ...

大石桥市18822137601: 六年级英语作文(过去式的形式):去年假期,你去哪里游玩了?请你把它写成书信的形式告诉你的笔友拜托了 -
卢胡施沛: I had a happy weekend last week. On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents' and my brother's. On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I ...

大石桥市18822137601: 去年暑假你去了哪里度假呢?请以my summer vacation为题,写一篇短文,80词左右 .去年暑假你去了哪里度假呢?请以my summer vacation为题,写一篇... -
卢胡施沛:[答案] My summer vacation Last summer,I went to the Great Wall with my parents.we took the bus there.there were many people there.and I saw some foreigners,so I talked with them in English.we were very Happy.they said:"Chinese people are great and the ...

大石桥市18822137601: 英语作文去过哪里旅行 -
卢胡施沛: last holiday i was happy.i went to beijing.i went there with my parents.we went by plane.beijing is really beautiful and big.i ate good food.i visited the geat wall.it's too long!i climbed a mountain with my parents.i was excited,too!where did you go on ...

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