
作者&投稿:枕些 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Unit 5
1.我发现集邮是有用的。(find ath+adj)
I find collecting stemps useful.
2.这个周末将会有一部电影上演。(be on)
A movie will be on this weekend.
3.昨天晚上汤姆确实唱得很好。(all right)
Tom's singing last night was all right.
4.在我们的生活中我们经常会遇到很多不同的人。(in our life)
In our life we often meet with different people.
5.请保持课室干净。(keep sth+adj)
Please keep the classroom clean.
6.进办公室前你应该敲门。(knock on)
You should knock on the door before entering the office.
7.老师要求我们在操场上绕圈跑。(run in rings)
The teacher asked us to run in rings on the playground.
8.在整个班上,玛丽最擅长跳舞。(in the whole of)
Mary has the best command of dancing in the wohle of the class.
9.这个老人完全聋了。他什么也听不见。(stone deaf)
This old man is stone deaf and he can hear nothing.
10.我妈妈总是在购物前列一个购物清单。(make a lisr of shopping)
My mother always makes a list of shopping before she goes to shop.
11.我爷爷坐在沙发上睡着了。(go to sleep)
My grandpa went to sleep, sitting on the sofa.
12.大风吹走了我的帽子。(blow away)
The strong wind blows away my hat.
13.好几天过去了,他还没有回来。(many a day)
He has not came back home after many a day.
14.我希望我在数学竞赛中获奖。(win a prize)
I want to win a prize in the maths contest.
15.往后退,车过来了。(keep back)
Keep back. The cai is coming.
16.你应该马上去上课。(right now)
You should go to class right now.
17.妈妈对我的成绩很满意。(be pleased with)
Mom is pleased with my scores.
Don not waste too much time on watching TVs.
19.我们应该独自完成作业。(on own’s own)
We should finish homework on our own.
20.有一群围着那个迷路的小孩,人家都想帮他。(a crowd of)
A child is surrounded by a crowd of people. They all want to help him.
21. 在比赛中你不能犯规。(break the rules)
You cannot break the rules during the competitons.
22. 那是谁的书?(whose)
Whose book is that?
23. 我们在休息时。他还在工作。(at work)
He is at work while we are taking a rest.
24. 我急不及待的想去看那部电影。(can’t wait doing)
I can't wait seeing that film.
25. 我们不要对老人大声呼叫。(shout at)
We should not shout at the old.

1. 当你离开房间的时候,记得要关灯。(turn off)
Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room.
2. 昨晚直到十点我妈妈才回家。(not…until)
My mother didn't come back home until ten o'clock.
3. 记得不要浪费和污染水。(remember not to do)
Remember not to waste or pollute the water.
4. 我们每天早起刷牙洗脸。(brush one’s teeth)
We get up early everyday brushing our teeth and washing our face.
5. 开始我不知道你在伦敦。(in the first place)
I didn't know that you were in London in the first place.
6. 如果明天不下雨。我将去野餐。(if)
I will go to a picnic if it doesn't rain tomorrow.
7. 老师让那个学生站在外面。(leave sb doing)
The teacher leave that student standing outside.
8. 事实上,现在空气污染很严重。(in fact)
In fact, air pollution is now very serious.
9. 信不信由你,他能搬起那块大石头。(believe it or not)
Believe it or not, he can lift up that big rock.
10. 你能帮我把这个瓶子装满水吗?(fill up)
Can you do me a favour to fill up this bottle?
11. 你应该每天至少喝八杯水。(at least)
You should drink at least eight cups of water everyday.
12. 我喜欢在睡觉前冲凉。(have a shower)
I'd like to have a shower before going to bed.
13. 农民把水泵到田里浇灌庄稼。(pump…into)
Farmers pump water into the field to water the crops.
14. 他激动得说不出话来。(too…to…)
He was too excited to say anything.
15. 一所学校有许多班级组成。(is made up of)
A school is made up of mamy classes.
16. 人们应该节约水而不是浪费水。(instead of)
People shoule save water instead of wasting water.
17. 你的房间一团糟,收拾一下吧。(in a mess)
You room is in a mess. Tidy it.
18. 在非洲,很多小孩死于疾病。(die of)
In the Afica, many children die of diseases.
19. 请把地上的废纸捡起来,保持课室干净。(pick up)
Please pick up the waste paper to keep the classroom clean.
20. 这些故事很有趣,我对他们很感兴趣。(interesting,interested)
These storys are interesting. I'm interested in them.
21. 太多的噪音使人发狂。(drive sb crazy)
Too much noises can drive a man crazy.
22. 天气太冷了,水会变成冰的。(turn into)
It's too cold. The water will turn into ice.
23. 他在汤里加了一些盐。(add…to…)
He adds some salt to the soup.
24. 昨天我们做了一个实验。(do an experiment)
We did an experiment yesterday.
25. 消防员经常用水来扑灭火。(put out)
Firemen often use water to put out fire.





What kind of noodles would you like?

What size bowl of noodles would you like?

We have some beef noodles for breakfast.

Those are three women teachers.

Could you order the dish now?

I'd like a medium bowl of porridge.

The number of the candles is the age of that man.

If he blows out all the candles at a time, his wish will come true.

It's more and more popular to eat the birthday cake.

Would you like to travel around the world with me?

1、My aunt has some ( sheep ) on her farm.
2、Can you see those ( apple trees ) on the hill?
3、In our school there are twenty ( women teachers )
4、Some ( women ) are looking after these ( babies ).
5、The officer orders the soldier(士兵) ( to put ) down the gun at once.
6、I would like ( to go ) swimming with you.
7、Everyone ( loves ) orange .They are sweet and juicy.
8、I go ( fishing ) with my uncle and catch a few ( fishes ) today.


  1. What kind of noodles do you like?

  2. What size bowl of noodles do you like?

  3. We usually have some beef noodles for breakfast.

  4. Those are three women teachers.

  5. Could I take your order now?

  6. I would like a medium bowl of noodles.

  7. The number of the candles is that guy's age.

  8. If he blows out all the candles at a time, his wish will come true.

  9. It becomes more and more popular to eat cake when at our bithday.

  10. Would you want to travel around the world with me ?


  1. sheep(单复数同行)

  2. apple trees

  3. women teachers

  4. women   babies

  5. to put

  6. to go 

  7. loves

  8. fishing   fish(单复数同行)

希望我的回答对你有所帮助,谢谢!有什么不会的还可以hi我 ~~


  • 一、翻译句子。

  • What kind of noodles would you like?

  • What size bowl of noodles would you like?

  • We have some beef noodles for breakfast

  • Those are three women teacher

  • Could you order the dish now?

  • I'd like a medium bowl of porridge.

  • The number of the candles is the age of that man.

  • It's more and more popular to eat the birthday cake.

  • Would you like to travel around the world with me

  • 三、有所给词的适当形式填空。

  • My aunt  has some ( sheep ) on her farm.

  • Can you see those ( apple trees ) on the hill?

  • In our school there are twenty ( women teachers )

  • Some ( women ) are looking after these ( babies ).

  • The officer orders the soldier(士兵) ( to put ) down the gun at once.

  • I would like ( to go ) swimming with you.

  • Everyone ( loves ) orange .They are sweet and juicy.

  • I go  ( fishing ) with my uncle and catch a few ( fishes ) today.

What kind of noodles would you like? 2, what size bowl of noodles would you like? 3, we usually eat some beef noodles for breakfast. 4, that's three female teachers. 5, can I please order now? 6, I want a medium bowl of porridge. 7, the number of candles is the man's age. 8, if he blows out all the candles, the wish will come true. 9, birthday cake is becoming more and more popular.

16-20:sixteenth、seventeenth、eighteenth、nineteenth、twentieth 21-25:twenty-first、twenty-second、twenty-third、twenty-fourth、twenty-fifth 26-30:twenty-sixth、twenty-seventh、twenty-eighth、twenty-ninth、thirtieth 这些是基数词,在数学上的理解是可以比较大小的数字。英语中的基数词是用于描述...

官方英语翻译:Unified National Graduate Entrance Examination 全国硕士研究生统一招生考试,简称“考研”。是指教育主管部门和招生机构为选拔研究生而组织的相关考试的总称,由国家考试主管部门和招生单位组织的初试和复试组成。思想政治理论、外国语、大学数学等公共科目由全国统一命题,专业课主要由各招生单位...

1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty- two 23 twenty- three 24 twenty- four 25 twenty- five 26 ...

1、as soon as: [conj.] (连词)一 ... 就 例句:(1)I'll write you as soon as I get there.我一到那儿,就给你写信。(2)Let us start as soon as he comes.等他一来我们就动身。(3)I gave the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke.我一看见冒烟,就发出了警报。2、...

leash.主人打开抽屉拿出牵狗用的皮带时,狗兴奋地叫了起来。She was a master of the English language 她是英文高手。Jackson remained calm and always master of his passions 杰克逊镇定自若,始终克制着情绪 Duff soon mastered the skills of radio production 达夫很快掌握了广播节目制作的技能。

“一···就··· ”用英语怎么翻译
1、as soon as: [conj.] (连词)一 ... 就 例句:In that case, you can have it as soon as you get there.这样的话,您一到达就可以领取您的皮箱了。Dense, as people, not to be grace as soon as crowed.密集吧,和人一样,一拥挤就谈不上优雅了。2、immediately: [conj....

……中的一员的英文:one member of ...一、member of 英 [ˈmembə ɔv] 美 [ˈmɛmbɚ ʌv]隶属于 二、one 英 [wʌn] 美 [wʌn]num.一个;(数字)一;(基数)一,第一 1、The singer went ballistic after one member...

一起走 英语翻译
一起走的英文:went together together 读法 英 [tə'geðə] 美 [tə'ɡɛðɚ]1、作副词的意思是: 一起;同时;相互;连续地;总共 2、作形容词的意思是:新潮的;情绪稳定的,做事有效率的 短语:1、all together 一起,一道;同时 2、go ...

英语一至十二月分别为:一月January;二月February;三月March;四月April;五月 May;六月June;七月July;八月August;九月September;十月October;十一月November;十二月December。一、January 英 [ˈdʒænjuəri] 美 [ˈdʒænjueri]n.一月;[人名] ...


南岸区17836565561: 初一英语翻译 -
别丹绪络: a family photo of mine two family photos of his the name of my dog there brothers two sisters five friends

南岸区17836565561: 初一英语 翻译 急急 -
别丹绪络: May I have a look at your bag ?have a look 和 take a look 都可以,但look后一定接介词 at .初一英语一般用have a look .

南岸区17836565561: 初一英语翻译 -
别丹绪络: 1:随便吃 help yourself to...2:.....怎么样...what about ...3:行了ok,4:请等一下 wait a moment .5:我想要一杯苹果汁 i would like a cup of apple juice6:购物 shopping 7:购物单 shopping lis...

南岸区17836565561: 初一英语 翻译 -
别丹绪络: 1. It is said that the story is not true. 2. Very few people can live to 100 years old. 3. Yesterday, in math class, the teacher told us not to stop to look at the window

南岸区17836565561: 初一英语单词翻译
别丹绪络: 买礼物buy presents 给家里打电话call home 用手机通话talk on the mobile phone 此时at the moment 等车wait for the bus 走在长城上walk on the Great Wall 非常感谢Thank you very much 不同的事情different things 去看歌剧go to a concert 看芭雷watch a ballet 喝上一杯have a drink 开始上课begin a lesson 赶火车catch a train 什么事what happens? 开车上班drive to work 打太级do Taijiquan

南岸区17836565561: 初一英语的翻译
别丹绪络: 我在课余时间打篮球.翻译:I play basketball after class.我想,好好休息一下:I want te have a good rest.

南岸区17836565561: 初一英语翻译
别丹绪络: Daniel is 24 years old and he works in a factory.(1) He is very hardworking,and be the first to come and last to leave.(2) He is very helpful and everybody likes him.(3) He is brave ,last week,he helped the police to catch a robber.(4) He is glad to help others.(5)

南岸区17836565561: 初一英语翻译
别丹绪络: 两幅太阳镜 two sunglasses 征求他们有关时尚的看法ask them about fashion 请出示您的身份证please show me your ID card 学生当中的一些some of the students 校园杂志 school magazine 在11点以前by 11 o'clock 不准讲话 Don't talk. take my dog for a walk带我的狗去散步 on school nights在学校上课的晚上 have fun 玩的开心

南岸区17836565561: 初一英语翻译
别丹绪络: 1.What about taking a walk? 2.special offers;bargains 3.What would with

南岸区17836565561: 初一英语翻译
别丹绪络: Some of them are watching animals , some are taking photos , others are chatting. 就是这样 ……

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