
作者&投稿:栋沾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





Dear Santa:

I want a Webkinz, please. I want it to be a seal, please. I will try my best to leave a cookie or a snack next to the tree. I was good, I gave up my fun party for my friend BaoBao. I gave up the party because my friend expected me to go to her recital. I hope I will have a good time at the recital.

Dear Santa Claus,

Christmas is around the corner, and i'am so excited to welcome you to the arrival. For last several years, i required so many toys from you, and you gave me all that i want. I am so grateful for you about this. I don't want toys any more. Sincerely i want you to bring my families good health for the new year. As you know, the world they are going back is the world of a "flu"; and my parents are mostly work outside, so
give me a magic present to protect my families. Can you promise me? eager to get it on Christmas Eve! Best wishes to you as well.
Dear Christmas father:
I am Yuxin. I’m a Chinese girl.And I am ten years old. I miss you very much.
It will Christmas! I am very happy today . Merry Christmas!
And I want say ‘ thank you’ to you. Because you gave me some toys last year and a book the year before last . Thank you very much!
I usually work very hard and do my home work hard, too. My friends and I are very well. We do exercises every morning.
It was snow in China. It was very wonderful and very good. I like it very much.
I want a pencilcase or some pens this year. I want to be a good student .
Thanks, Christmas father. Bye-bye!
Dear Christmas father:
I am Yuxin. I’m a Chinese girl.And I am ten years old. I miss you very much.
It will Christmas! I am very happy today . Merry Christmas!
And I want say ‘ thank you’ to you. Because you gave me some toys last year and a book the year before last . Thank you very much!
I usually work very hard and do my home work hard, too. My friends and I are very well. We do exercises every morning.
It was snow in China. It was very wonderful and very good. I like it very much.
I want a pencilcase or some pens this year. I want to be a good student .
Thanks, Christmas father. Bye-bye!
谢谢你,圣诞老人。再见! 可参考

Letters to Santa 给圣诞老人的信 There are millions of people all over the world, who are dreaming of a visit to Santa. Many make their dream come true, and take a trip to the Polar Circle. Even if you never get to visit Santa, you can always write him and tell him abou...

关于christmas card的英语作文50字
pictures and gifts sent by children, and sit down for a moment in Santa's sturdy rocking chair. In the background you can hear lovely Christmas carols. 给圣诞老人的信 全世界有不计其数的人都

每年,孩子都会写信给圣诞老人,告诉他自己最想收到的礼品。传统上,孩子只要在信封上写上“Father Christmas,North Pole”(圣诞老人,北极)这样的地址,就行了。然后,把信扔到壁炉后面,一阵风刮过来,信就飞到圣诞老人手中了。现在,英国孩子可以把写给圣诞老人的信寄到如下地址:Santa\/Father Chris...

步骤1:撰写信件 步骤2:准备信封 购买标准的航空信封,并按照国际格式填写信封。圣诞老人的芬兰地址如下:Santa Claus Santa Claus Post Office SF-96930 Rovaniemi Finland 步骤3:贴上邮票并寄信 前往邮局购买邮票并邮寄信件。通常20克以内的信件邮资约为6元人民币。注意事项:1. 信件内容尽量使用英文书...

2、去邮局购买正规航空信封,按照国际标准格式书写信封。芬兰圣克劳斯圣诞老人的地址如下:TO:santa claus Santa Claus,Post Office SF 96930 Rovaniemi Finland (芬兰)3、贴上邮票去邮局寄信\/去邮局买邮票邮寄。一般不超重的话,20克以内是6元钱邮资。需要注意的事项:一、信件内容最好使用英文,当然能...


很多国家设有圣诞节邮局,写信给圣诞老人,会有工作人员负责给你回信,不过由于邮件很多,收到回信通常是过了很久的事情了。要注意的么,寄到国外的信地址格式要按国外地址格式写,附上自己的地址,还有贴够邮票。世界各地的圣诞节邮局列表 奥地利 Postamt Christkindl Christkindlweg 6 A-4411 Christ...

你好,我是圣诞老人的英文为Hello, I am father christmas。Father Christmas英[ˈfɑːðə(r)ˈkrɪsməs]美[ˈfɑːðərˈkrɪsməs]n.圣诞老人;[例句]We get grandfather up as father christmas。我们把爷爷...


3、在美国著名的漫威漫画《Strange Tales》中有圣诞老人这个超级英雄,和X教授万磁王一样,他是变种人。超能力有:长寿、安全通过任何烟囱、瞬间移动到世界各地(送礼物神技)、把自己变成任何物体、产生积雪,以及分辨小孩子是否淘气。拥有这种安全通过任何烟囱的绝技,当然会借用烟囱送礼物啦!溯源 11世纪末...

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