
作者&投稿:粱店 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The United Kingdom of and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a sovereign state in Europe.
Lying off the north-western coast of the European mainland, the country includes the island of Great Britain (a term also applied loosely to refer to the whole country), the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands.
Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another state: the Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border, the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea in the east and the English Channel in the south.
The Irish Sea lies between Great Britain and Ireland. The UK has an area of 243,610 square kilometres (94,060 sq mi), making it the 78th-largest sovereign state in the world and the 11th-largest in Europe.

1、要想学好英语首先就要煅炼好自己的听力。环境 很重要,在平时选择多听,多看,比如多看些英语电影,多听些英语听力,提高听力。
5、学好英语还要注意多写,多写需要有扎实的语法功底,两者相铺相成。平时要坚持用英语写日记,文章、散文,将英语深深滴融入自己 的生活之中,运用自如才是最高境界。

United Kingdom, referred to as the United Kingdom (English: United Kingdom) or Britain (English: Britain), commonly known as the United Kingdom, is the island of Great Britain, England, Scotland and Wales, as well as the northeastern part of the island of Ireland and Northern Ireland, a series of affiliated islands composed of an island nation in Western Europe. Chinese in the "English" word, that is, from "England", while their international code for GB.
United Kingdom is located in the northwest of continental Europe, the British Isles, was the North Sea, the English Channel, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean surrounded. In addition to British, but also includes fourteen overseas territories
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,简称联合王国(英文:United Kingdom)或不列颠(英文:Britain),通称英国,是由大不列颠岛上的英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士,以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰以及一系列附属岛屿共同组成的一个西欧岛国。中文里的“英国”一词,即由“英格兰”而来,其国际代码为GB。

England (England), a Translation, "the English." United Kingdom (UK) the main part of the territory, on the habits of the word generally refers to the United Kingdom of England. England in the south-west of Great Britain, Scotland, south Wales east, including Isle of Wight, tin Islands and the coast of the island, an area of about 130,000 square kilometers. Britain is the largest, most populous and most economically developed part of a. With the history of Scotland to Hadrian's Wall for the sector. England name from the "Anglo - Saxon" (Anglo-Saxon) of the abbreviated, is the Virgin and the Celtics came to this place after the German nation. 4,684.5 million population (1983), the focus of the British population of 83 percent. The average population density of 359 people per square kilometer, the world's one of the most densely populated areas. The urban population accounting for 80 percent. Pennines longitudinal northern and central, with an average altitude of 200 metres, on both sides of a mountain of coal and iron resources. Not for the ups and downs of the southeastern plains. Warm and humid climate. Major rivers are the Thames, Serbian and the Trent River, and so on. Britain is the main industrial and agricultural areas. Important coal mining industry, steel, machinery, oil refining, chemical, textile, medicine, etc.. Pennines mountains on both sides of the coalfield near the old industrial areas, in and around London for the new industrial zone, oil refining and petrochemical biased towards the coastal ports. Important agricultural and livestock products are wheat, barley, sugar beet, potatoes, vegetables and cattle, pigs, and so on. South East England as the main farming areas. The important port cities and London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds, Southampton and Plymouth, and so on.
中文:英格兰(England),一译“英吉利”。大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(英国)领土的主要部分,因此习惯上英格兰一词也泛指英国。英格兰位于大不列颠岛的西南方,苏格兰以南,威尔士以东,还包括怀特岛、锡利群岛和沿岸各小岛,面积约13万平方公里。是英国面积最大,人口最多,经济最发达的一个部分。历史上跟苏格兰以哈德良长城为界。 英格兰这个名字源自“盎格鲁-撒克逊”(Anglo-Saxon)的简写,他们是继维京人和凯尔特人之后来到这个地方的日耳曼民族。人口4,684.5万(1983),集中了英国本土人口的83%。人口平均密度达每平方公里359人,为世界人口最稠密区之一。城市人口占80%。奔宁山脉纵贯北部和中部,平均海拔200-500米,山地两侧有煤、铁资源。东南部为起伏不大的平原。气候温暖湿润。主要河流有泰晤士、塞文和特伦特河等。是英国主要的工业、农业区。重要工业有采煤、钢铁、机械、炼油、化工、纺织、医药等。奔宁山两侧煤田附近为旧工业区,伦敦及其周围为新工业区,炼油和石油化工偏重在沿海港口。重要农畜产品有小麦、大麦、甜菜、马铃薯、蔬菜和牛、猪等。英格兰东南部为主要耕作区。重要的大城市和良港有伦敦、 伯明翰、利物浦、曼彻斯特、设菲尔德、利兹、南安普敦和普利茅斯等。



语文难 ,数学难 ,英格累死马球烦

我想要一个简单而好听的女性英文名 那就vicky 微琪(含义:娇美顽皮的女孩) tina 蒂娜(活力充沛的女孩) sara 萨拉(希伯来语公主的意思) rena 瑞娜(漂亮娇小的女生) miya 米娅(来自日语,神殿) ivy 艾微(长春藤,机智外向) hebe 赫柏(春天之神) demi 戴米(聪明美丽受欢迎的女孩) amy 艾米(被深爱的...





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固始县15010577688: 英文简单介绍一下英格兰,要附带汉语翻译 -
祁质百令: England (England), a Translation, "the English." United Kingdom (UK) the main part of the territory, on the habits of the word generally refers to the United Kingdom of England. England in the south-west of Great Britain, Scotland, south Wales ...

固始县15010577688: 英格兰的英文简介 -
祁质百令: England

固始县15010577688: 如何用英语介绍英国,要中文,最好是从饮食、建筑、风情来说.不用太长. 我很急呀,各位哥哥姐姐帮帮忙! -
祁质百令: When we mention summer, those words hot sun-burnt. sweat will come out of our mind.But don't summer means harvest in China. June is a busy month in northern China, farmers are busy with the reaping the riped wheat. They are excited for the ...

固始县15010577688: 用3 - 6句英语介绍英格兰?大概介绍一下英格兰的风土人情.是英语课上要口述的,所以要简便一些.我星期下个星期三就要用, -
祁质百令:[答案] England is a country with both modern style and historical culture.It is a counrty with many tourist attractions such as the Big Ben in London.It is also the birthplace of Sherlock Holmes.Moreover,it ...

固始县15010577688: 用英文介绍英国(150字左右),随便一个方面 -
祁质百令: There is no doubt that the Great Britain which used to be the most strong country in the world is still playing a very important role which is not only about politics but also economy in the whole world.As a small-land country,it is really a miracle for ...

固始县15010577688: 用英语介绍英国 五到六句话 -
祁质百令: United Kingdom locates in the west of Europe,it was strongest empire in 18th,by now,it is still one of strongest capitalistic countries in the world. 英国位于2113欧洲西部,曾经是18世纪最强5261大的国家,如今仍4102然是世界最发达的资本主1653义国家之一.

固始县15010577688: england什么意思中文翻译 -
祁质百令: England的中文意思是英格兰,作为国家的意思名词使用. England 英 ['ɪŋɡlənd] 美 [ˈɪŋɡlənd] n.英格兰;英国 短语: 1、New England 新英格兰 ; 新英格兰地区 ; 新英伦 ; 美国新英格兰地区 2、Natural England 自然的英格兰 ; 自然...

固始县15010577688: 有关英国国家的介绍(要英文版本的)
祁质百令: England ranks as one of the most influential and far-reaching centres of cultural ... It is the place of origin of both the English language and the Church of England, and was the ...

固始县15010577688: 英文介绍英国 -
祁质百令: England is a country to the northwest of Continental Europe and is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its inhabitants account for more than 85% of the total population of the...

固始县15010577688: 用英语介绍英国的文章 -
祁质百令: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (usually shortened to the United Kingdom, the UK, or Britain[1]) is a country[2] and sovereign state that is situated in we...

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