
作者&投稿:景贴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1,honorificabilitudinitatibus 这个字是由27个字母组成的。出现在大文豪莎士比亚的剧本「空爱一场」Love'sLabou r'sLost里,意思是「不胜光荣」。 2.antidisestablishmentarianism 这个字是由28个字母组成的。根据范克和华格若尔斯编的「英语新标准辞」里面的解释 ,这个字的意思是「反对教会与国家分开学说」。它曾被英国首相格来斯顿WilliamEw artGladstone,1809-1898引述过一次。 3.floccinaucinihilipipification 这个字是由29个字母组成的。「牛津英文辞典」里就有这个字,意思是「把某事的价值 加以抹杀的行为或习惯」。 4.supercalifragilisticexpiadocious 这个字是由34个字母组成的。出现在一部名叫MaryPoppins的电影里,意思是「好」。 5.hepaticocholecystostcholecystntenterostomy 这个字是由40个字母组成的。出现在高德编的「医学辞典」里,为一个外科术语,亦即 在胆囊与胆管之间或肠子与胆囊之间接人工管子的手术。 6.pneumonoultramicyoscpicailicovolcanoconiosis 这个字是由45个字母组成的。出现在韦氏辞典第八版的版本中意思是「吸入硅酸盐细末 或石英岩灰而形成的肺尘埃沉着病」。矿工特别容易得这种病。 7.AntipericatametaanaparcircumvolutiorectumgustpoopsoftheCoprofied 这个字是由50个字母组成的。有个图书馆的书架上,陈列着法国作家拉伯雷着的「葛甘 塔和潘特古」故事系列。其中有一本,书名就是这个长长的英文字。 8.osseocaynisanguineoviscericartilagininervomedullary 这个字是由51个字母组成的。它是人体构造一术语,曾出现在英国作家皮考克ThomasL ovePeacock,1785-1866那本名叫HeadlongHall的小说中。 9.aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolie 这个字是由52个字母组成的。它是英国医学作者爱德华.史特罗哲DrEdwardStrother, 1675-1737创造的字,专用来形容英格兰格洛斯特夏布瑞斯陀这个地方的矿泉水成分。 10.bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronnt uonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk 这个字是由100个字母组成的。就出现在爱尔兰作家乔埃斯JamesJoyce,1882-1942作品 FinnegansWake的扉页,象征,代表亚当和夏娃的堕落。 11.lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhy potrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikos syphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleio lagoiosiraiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon 这个字是由182个字母组成的。它是从希腊字英译过来的英文字,源出自希腊喜剧作家亚 里斯多芬尼斯Aristophanes,448-385的剧本TheEcclesiazusae中。它是指由剩余的菜和 牛肉函煮而成的辣味食物。 12. 1913个字母,“色氨酸合成酶A蛋白质”(一种含有267种氨基酸酶)的化学名: Methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalanylalan ylglutaminylleucyllysylglutamylarginyllysylglutamylglycylalanylphen ylalanylvalylprolyphenylalanYlvalythreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolyl glycylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylsErylleucyllysylisoleucylaspartylth reonylleucylIsoleucylglutamylalanylglycylalanylasparthlalanylleucylg lutamylleucylglycylisoleucylprolylphenylalanylseRylaspartylprolylleu cylalanylaspartylglycylpRolylthreOnylisoleucylglutaminylasPfraginyla lanylthreonylleucylarfinylalanylphenylalanylalanylalanylglycylvalyth reonylprolylalanylglutaminylcysteinylphenylalanylglutamylmethionylle ucylalanylleuOylisoleucylarginylglutaminyllysyhistidylprolylthreonyl isoleucylprolylisoleucylglycylleucylmethionyltyrosylalanylasparaginyl leucylvalylphenylalanylasparaginyllysyglycylisoleucylaspartylglutamyl phenylalanylthrosylalanylglutaminylcysteinylglutamyllysylvalylglycylv alylaspartylserylvalylleucylvalylalnylaspartylvalylprolylvalylglUtami nylglutamylserylalanylprolylphenylalanylarginylglutaminylalanylalanyl leucylarginylhistidylasparaginyvalylalanylprolylisoleucylprolylisoleu cylphenylalanylisoleucylphenylalanylisoleucylcysteinylprolylprolylasp artylalanylaspartylaspartylaspartylleucylleucylarginylglutaminylisole ucylalanylseryltyrosylglycylarginylglycyltyrosylthreonyltyrOsylleucyl leucylserylarginylalanylglycylvalylthreonylglycylalanylglutamYlaspara inylarginylalanylalanylleucylprolylleucylasparaginylhistidylleucylVal ylalanyllysylleucyllysylglutamyltyrosylasparaginylalanylalanylprolylp rolylleucylglutaminylglgycylphenylalanylglycylisoleucylserylalanylpro lylaspartylglutaminylvalyllysylalanylalanylisoleucylaspartylalanylgly cylalanylalanylglycylalanylisoleucylserylglycylserylalanylisoleucylva lyllysylisoIeucylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylHistidylasparaginyliSoleu cylglutamylprolylglutamyllysylmethionylleucylalanylalanylleucyllysylv alylphenylalanylcalylglutaminylprolylmethionlysylalanylalanylthreonyl arginylserine


fuck me ass ,harder ,baby(gan我的屁眼,用力,宝贝)come on ,sugar(来吧,甜心)tast it ,you will like it im cunming(我去了)lick my member,he needs you(舔舔我弟弟,它需要你)

A:Hi!Tom,wonld youlike to go shopping with me?B:Oh.I’m sorry. I've got a lof of homgwork.A:Come on. you cando it later.B:But l have to piay football with my friends.A:Don't worry.We'll be come soon.C:Hello,what are you doing here?A:I want to go ...

Memory is a very interesting thing. We love to have fond memories and dread having bad memories.However, it is often the bad memories which lingers at the back of our mind, causing us emotional pain.Memories are important especially to one's path towards maturity. Without ...

Nurse: Good morning, sir. Are you a relative of Joey Lee? Relative of patient: Yes, that will be me. Is he okay? Nurse: He suffered a mild heart attack. But now his conditions are stable. You won't have to worry about any serious problems. Relative of patient: Oh, God...

一篇关于“good at”的英文对话3——4分钟
A:hi,B,nice to meet you!B:Hi,A,nice to meet you,too!A:you looks so sad.what's wrong with you?B:you know, English examnation is coming,but my english is very poor.i don't know what can i do to promote it.I'm very worried about it.A:oh,don't worry about it!

In recent years,at the background of globalization,Chinese and Western cultural occurred interweaves the collision.As the frequency between the Chinese and Western intercultural activity day by day,cases of the cultural conflict had been happened repeatedly because of differences on concept ...

Eve: Hi Alice, how is everything?Alice: Not so good, I just argued with my good friend.Eve: Oh it can't be that bad.Alice: We had a big fight and I don't know what to do now.Eve: There are many things to do if you want to make up with her.Alice: What would...

A: Good morning, doctor.B: Good morning. What's wrong with you?A: I don't feel vey well. I coughed last night and my nose is running.B: Have you taken your temperature?A: Yes, I took it this morning. I have got a little fever.B: How long have you been like that...

As we transition from middle school to high school, many of us begin to feel increasingly anxious about our studies. However, I believe that maintaining a positive mindset is even more crucial than academic achievement. Here are some suggestions on how to relax and keep your ...

-It is cold today,isn't it?-Yes,it's freezing cold.-You are going home,aren't you ?-No,I will go to school first.

芦山县19631449072: 翻译:我很紧张总是害怕和同学用英语对话 -
仝瑞清肺: 我很紧张总是害怕和同学用英语对话. 1. I was always scared and nervous students speak English. 2. I am very nervous and always afraid to talk to my classmates in English. 采纳

芦山县19631449072: 暮光之城中的经典对话,要英文的 -
仝瑞清肺: Isabella Swan:"You've got to give me some answers. " Edward Cullen:"I'd rather hear your theories. " Isabella Swan:"I have considered radioactive spiders and kryptonite. " Edward Cullen:"That's all superhero stuff, right? What if I'm not the ...

芦山县19631449072: 害怕用英语怎么说 -
仝瑞清肺: 一般情况下,I's scared,比如去医院你害怕或者看恐怖片啊的时候你害怕, fear是恐惧的意思,一般对话当中很少用到,如果你要表达惊吓,可以用I'm frightened

芦山县19631449072: 一篇英文对话.你的搭档害怕在上课前讲话? -
仝瑞清肺: A:hi B.it's nice to see you here.B: yeah,where did you go?A: oh,I went to the supermarket with my teacher.

芦山县19631449072: 跪求经典英文名著中的对话!!!(不要独白!时间大约1分钟左右) -
仝瑞清肺: 阿甘正传》 Stupid is stupid as does.(傻人有傻福.) If there's anything you need, I won't be far away... (要你轻轻的呼唤我,我就在你身边.... ) Jenny:Why're you so good to me?(为什么你对我那么好?) Forrest:You're my girl.(你是我的女...

芦山县19631449072: 求:药店英语对话 -
仝瑞清肺: Patient:Nurse, I'm not feeling well today. 病人:护士,我今天感觉不舒服. Nurse:Where don't you feel well? 护士:您哪儿不好? P:I have a pain in my abdomen. 病人:我肚子疼. N:How long have you had it? 护士:疼多长时间了? P:It started ...

芦山县19631449072: “人在恐惧的时候还能勇敢吗?”“人惟有恐惧的时候方能勇敢.” -
仝瑞清肺: 这是《A Song of Ice and Fire》第一卷A game of throne第一章BRAN里面的一段Bran和他父亲之间的对话.原文是:Bran thought about it. “Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?”“That is the only time a man can be brave,” his father told him.望采纳.

芦山县19631449072: 能否写一篇关于晚上去看电影的英语对话? -
仝瑞清肺:[答案] 对话 Shawn:I loved that new movie.Did you? Laura:No way!I was so scared.I jumped out of my skin during half of it. Shawn:You are such a chicken. Laura:I am not.It was seriously the scariest movie I've ever seen. Shawn:But it was a love story ! 尚伟:我...

芦山县19631449072: 害怕的英语翻译 害怕用英语怎么说 -
仝瑞清肺: 害怕 [词典] fear; be afraid; be scared; be afraid for sth.; [例句]她不再害怕他们会误解她了. She no longer feared that they should misunderstand her. 不明白你都会百度问问题,不到百度直接搜一下

芦山县19631449072: 关于a favorite keepsake 的一篇三个人的英语对话.考验大家的时候到了. -
仝瑞清肺: 场景----在大学宿舍 丹玩电脑游戏,他的笔记本电脑汤米正在睡觉麦克回来后从早晨慢跑M:嗨... ,丹,什么是U做 D:?我玩战争工艺 M:.?哪里是汤米 D:! Shiiiii M:?什么怎么回事? D:不要你看见他还在睡觉 M:?我的天啊,我...

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