
作者&投稿:束钩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


姆在试麦克风 :“1 ,2 ,

2 ,1”。罗尼和莎朗并排着坐在前排。杰夫





851 内景  拳击俱乐部  更衣室  白天


阵沉默。厕所里传出流水声 ,法加什走出

Gwen: Senior high school student
Rita: Mom / Customer A
Fanny: Waitress
Ivy: Gwen’s friend
David: Father / Customer B
Willie: Boss

Father and Mother are at home. Gwen just gets home.
Gwen: I’m home, Mom, Dad.
Mom: How’s your day, Gwen?
Gwen: Not bad. I’m tired of taking buses to school every day.
Father: Why?
Gwen: The bus is so crowded every morning.
Mom: I don’t understand. What’s your point?
Gwen: I want to buy a motorcycle - a Harley.
Father: What!! Harley! Are you insane?
Mom: (to father) Calm down. (to Gwen) I understand your situation. I would agree if you want to buy a
normal motorcycle, but Harley! Forget it.
Gwen: But I want it so much. I’ve always wanted one.
Father: OK. I can contribute some for the motorcycle, but you have to pay the rest yourself.
Mom: I agree with your dad.
Gwen: Oh! Yes! Are you sure? But I don’t have any money to pay for it!
Father: You can use your New Years’ Red Envelope money or find a part-time job.
Gwen: Hey, it sounds like a great idea to get a part-time job.
Mom: You have to keep your eyes open when you look for a part-time job.
Gwen: Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.
Father: I can give you some advice and experience. When I was a teenager, I used to work as a porter. It was
very tough, but I learned how to be responsible and how to use time. So will you. (change of tone) I
remember I almost lost my life one day.
Gwen: Thanks, Dad. I think I can handle it. I’ll be careful.

Gwen: Ivy, I want to find a part-time job. Are you interested in getting one for yourself, too?
Ivy: It sounds great! I can search on the Internet for job opportunities.
Gwen: Then I can look at the ads in the newspaper.
(After 2 to 3 minutes)
Gwen: Look! Here’s something interesting. It looks good.
Ivy: Let me see... let’s make a phone call to see what the job is about.
(Phone rings. Gwen and Ivy are calling the “I Need You” Company.)
Boss: This is “I Need You” company! May I help you?
Ivy: I need a part-time job, and I saw your ads in the newspaper, so …
Boss: I see! Could you come to our company this Wednesday afternoon?
Ivy: What?
Boss: Oh! We’d like to interview you personally.
Ivy: Is it alright if my friend comes along?
Boss: No problem. You and your friend can come together.
Ivy: Thank you. Bye.
Boss: You’re welcome. See you! (hangs up.)
Gwen: What did he say?
Ivy: He said we can have interviews this Wednesday afternoon.
Gwen: Great! Let’s do it. We can meet there.
Ivy: I’m a little bit nervous.
Gwen: It’ll be fine. Don’t worry是6人的,你可以删减,希望采纳

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党柔络欣: Gwen: Senior high school student Rita: Mom / Customer A Fanny: Waitress Ivy: Gwen's friend David: Father / Customer B Willie: Boss -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCENE I Father and Mother are at home. Gwen just ...

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