
作者&投稿:殷勤复 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一句,kind of口语词汇“有点儿”。have to skip不得不越过,the one after Mars火星后面那个
for now现在。全句楼上已经翻译了。
第二句,of 短语作定语修饰the largest,而what became many objects是介词of的宾语,从句作宾语,是个宾语从句.这句楼上也已经翻译了。

he is like中,like是介词,解释“像”,而he likes中,like是动词,解释“喜欢”。动词有三单,后要加s。“像”不用加s。











  【括号部分进行了大幅度的修改,没有主语的句子多数改为被动态,个别处把 this paper 用作主语】

  Open caisson foundation is a type of underground structure (sunk by the means of drop shaft) and deepfoundation. It consists of a cutting edge, (shaft wall), partition wall, (well hole), groove, (a group of discharge jets and an exploring tube), (bottom closing concrete), (and top cover). (A shaft shaped structure is firstly made into on the surface of the earth), and then (surrounded and protected by the shaft wall, the open caisson is made sinking little by little under the action of its dead weight) (by the soil’s being continuously dug out of the well) and (after it arrives at the preconcerted design elevation, the bottom can be closed and the inside structure can be built).


  First of all, (in this paper, an overview of the project is introduced) and the local hydro hydrogeology is analyzed).


  Secondly, (a construction scheme is worked out on the local environment and its construction technology is introduced; also it is necessary to analyze) the quality defects in construction of an open caisson and how to control the occurrence of common quality defects.


  Thirdly, (the construction technology of caisson preparatory is elaborated; and how to sink and the dos and don’ts of sinking are also paid attention to in detail).


  Finally, (the paper tastes the technology and the experiences of open caisson foundation in the practical application andanalyzes the economic benefit.)

Firstly, on the surface of the earth,made into a shaft shaped structure, and then from the well digging in the borehole wall under continuous, so that the caisson gradually sinking under its own weight, the intended design elevation, and then carried back to build the internal structure . Widely used in basic bridges, chimneys, cooling towers. 一看就是有道翻译的,made前边缺主语,widely前边缺,还有很多地方,建议一句一句的用有道翻译,不要整篇的翻译



One day, parents send me to school. Although I was wearing new clothes but I am not very happy, I think that parents sent me to school me in the punishment. There are many trees on the playground, there are many with the boys and girls my age. Bell rang, a lady came ...


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与其说英语语法有问题 不如说中文本身就存在语法问题 所以我把第一句的前四个字 【这些绕道】直接去掉进行了翻译 本人亲翻:随着信息技术的高速发展以及互联网技术的快速普及,With the fast developing and coverage of IT and Internet technology,越来越多的企业转型电子商务,more and more traditional ...


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但是,我们一直在进行保留性的沟通,我也明白他的本意绝不仅于此。 而久之,我就惯于对所有的人都保留判断,这个习惯也引起了很多人好奇,而这也使我成为许多老兵们的受害者(因我有所保留,老兵们感兴趣,找我聊天。) 印象中是the greateat gasbby 中的原文。自己翻译的,希望能帮到你。 在我年轻...

渝中区15324334844: 我自己翻译的汉译英,帮忙润色一下可以加一些词,或减一些词,谢谢
塔洋醒脾: As Fig.1 showed ,the interface microstructure of sample S1, S2 and S3, while the defect outlines of the interface microstructure were shown in Fig. 2. In Fig.2a (the ...

渝中区15324334844: 找一个英语母语的人把论文润色一下通常怎么说 -
塔洋醒脾: You can find someone who is an Enlish- speaker to further polish the essay.

渝中区15324334844: 英语翻译老师发给我们1张纸,上面说...,我对此十分感兴趣,因为我不擅长美术,甚至连最简单的画都画不好.一开始,老师让我们看纸上的3幅图片,我想我... -
塔洋醒脾:[答案] The teacher gave each of us a piece of a paper, which said: " I'm very intersted in it. But I'm not good at art, and I'm not able to paint the simplest painting. " At first, the teacher let us look at the three pictures on the paper. I think I belong to the first kind. ...

渝中区15324334844: 求日语翻译润色呀!大神帮我润色一下汉语翻译.尤其是不通顺的地方,谢谢啦!!! -
塔洋醒脾: (原来如此啊,竟然之前一点都不知道.) (另外,并不是很在意那个冷藏库,才发现,原来这样啊,是吗,那个不方便啊,是吗) (虽然如此,还是有点在意) (从自身来说,冷藏库什么的,虽然某种意义上说,并不是冰冷的纯机械,但,现在最想很想买有诗情画意的东西) (虽然想说“喜欢的就买”,但是又不能说“买冷藏库很浪费”,如果手头富余的话还行.买了冷藏库后,还可以买衣服和戒指) (可刚刚瞟了一眼,看到哪个价签都标着10几万日元呢,好家伙!) (我觉得,站在我妻子的角度来说,戒指和衣服这样的很显示气质的东西是非买不可的)

渝中区15324334844: 我的老师说它很难,但我认为它很难!英语翻译! -
塔洋醒脾:[答案] My teacher said that it is very useful, but I think it is very difficult !

渝中区15324334844: “老师给我一些建议” 怎么说比较尊敬 -
塔洋醒脾: 如果用老师的语气说,可以说给你一些建议.如果是学生的语气说,应该说是老师教导我.

渝中区15324334844: 英语翻译①我跟你说,从各方面考虑,当教师不失为一个好主意.事实上,我认为这个主意好极了.②我不大喜欢你像刚才那样用讽刺的口气说话.你好像老是... -
塔洋醒脾:[答案] 1 actually if you think about it ,being a teacher Is not a bad idea,in fact I think its excellent 2 I dont like the sarcastic tone you just did Its like you always drop a hint that im a total loser3 M...

渝中区15324334844: “谁烧了阿房宫”这句话是什么意思? -
塔洋醒脾: 某日上课时 老师问小明:「王小明,你知不知道阿房宫是谁烧的.」 小明:「老师,......不是我烧的.」 放学之后,老师打电话到小明家 铃铃铃 老师:「王先生,今天上课的时候,我问小明,阿房宫是谁烧的,小明竟然跟我说,不是他烧的....

渝中区15324334844: 我英语作文错误特别多,老师每次都说让我自己先改,但是我自己看不出来啊 -
塔洋醒脾: 那么你写作文的时候最好隔行写,那么你能有足够的空间给你修改和增添词汇.其实写英语作文除了要语法通,还要把词汇用到位,特别是过度词,因...

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