我想问一下 永远知道感恩 翻译成英文 可不可以是 forever grateful 有没有病语?

作者&投稿:陀菲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
I will be forever grateful for your love.帮翻译一下?~


An ungrateful man is like a hog under a tree eating acorns, but never looking up to see where they come from. ------- Timothy Dexter

One ungrateful person, does an injury to all needy people. ------- Publilius Syrus

It is no tragedy to do ungrateful people favors, but it is unbearable to be indebted to a scoundrel. ------- Francois de La Rochefoucauld

A grateful person is rich in contentment. An ungrateful person suffers in the poverty of endless discontentment ------- David Bednar


forever grateful只能说是一个语句的片段,只有放在特定的语境下才能体现其含义。
I am so grateful to you. 我真的很感激你。
She was grateful to Jeorge for what he had done. 她感谢乔治做的一切。

I will be grateful to my parents forever. 我永远对我的父母亲感恩。
也可以写成:I am everlastingly grateful to my parents. 意思一样.

永远感恩:forever grateful
永远知道感恩:Always know Thanksgiving

贵定县19551691099: 我想问一下 永远知道感恩 翻译成英文 可不可以是 forever grateful 有没有病语? -
邗蓉复方: 永远感恩:forever grateful 永远知道感恩:Always know Thanksgiving

贵定县19551691099: "感恩的心"用英语怎么说 -
邗蓉复方: Grateful heart1、是你让我拥有了感恩的心!Is that you let me have a grateful heart! 2、上帝有两个住处,一个在天上,并在一个温顺和感恩的心等.God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. 3、拥有一颗感...

贵定县19551691099: 请问一下用一句名言说一个人不知道感恩翻译成英语帮帮忙 -
邗蓉复方: An ungrateful man is like a hog under a tree eating acorns, but never looking up to see where they come from. ------- Timothy Dexter 不懂感恩的人就像是一只在树下吃橡子的猪,但从来不抬头看到雨们来自何处.One ungrateful person, does an ...

贵定县19551691099: “感恩老师,感恩学校”,翻译英语 -
邗蓉复方: Thanksgiving是形容词,不是动词.感恩老师,感恩学校 可以翻译为 thanks to my teacher, and my beloved school

贵定县19551691099: 关于感恩的英语句子怎么写? -
邗蓉复方: 1. The remotest corners of the globe have to do, only Shien infinite period. Thank you, teacher!天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期.感谢您,老师! 2. Thanksgiving just won't be the same without you.没有你,感恩节就不会一样了. 3. From all of ...

贵定县19551691099: 教师节了想写一些感谢老师的话并把其翻译成英语 -
邗蓉复方: 老师,您辛苦了!您让我知道“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart” ! 翻译:The teacher, you have worked hard! You let me know “Nothing is impossible to a willing heart” !桃李满天下,恩情似海深,祝老师身体健康! 翻译:Have, love...

贵定县19551691099: 请帮我把这句话翻译成英文,感谢. -
邗蓉复方: it is said that the secret love is deep, so I feel that I'm a very deep man(woman)or: it is said that the secret love is deep, so I might be a very deep man(woman)

贵定县19551691099: 想问下"感恩的心"译成英文是怎样?
邗蓉复方:感恩的心 : Gratitude | Indebted heart | Meshell

贵定县19551691099: 请大神们帮我翻译一下,翻译成英文的: 感谢地球 它哺育了我们 哺育了世界万物 永远感恩它 -
邗蓉复方: chuckles and I know if it was just thinking of going to a party for my business i.

贵定县19551691099: 《感恩的心》作文 ,求翻译成英文作文 -
邗蓉复方: Grateful heart, there is a song goes like this: gratitude, thank you and I...... if everyone knows how to appreciate others, so the world will be full of love. There is a story. There was a young man was very poor, one day, he didn't have a cent, he can't buy ...

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