
作者&投稿:策复 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Empty spaces fill me up with holes
Distant faces with no place left to go
Without you within me I can’t find no rest
Where I’m going is anybody’s guess

I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you
I’m awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete
但没有你,我的生命再也不完整 残缺的爱

Voices tell me I should carry on
But I am swimming in an ocean all alone
Baby, my baby
It’s written on your face
You still wonder if we made a big mistake
I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you
I’m awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete
但没有你,我的生命再也不完整 残缺的爱
I don’t mean to drag it on
but I can’t seem to let you go
I don’t wanna make you face this world alone
I wanna let you go (alone)

I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you
I’m awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete

Summary : exposition of Chinese traditional use of graphic elements such as posters, graphic design and design of video packaging and how traditional Chinese graphic design and modern graphic design in particular combination of problems. Traditional graphic design into a modern, can be said to be a trend, as well as the current focus on the design sector one of the topics. Keywords : traditional graphic elements; Posters; Television packaging; Mood
回答者:cedric555 - 江湖新秀 五级 4-28 13:52

回答者:sun912 - 江湖少侠 六级 4-28 14:02

Elaborated the Chinese tradition graph element to utilize pictorialposter design and the film and television packing and so on how duringin plane design and specially is the plane design unifies the Chinesetradition graph and the modern design and so on the question. Meltsinto the traditional graph to the modern design during, may say is onekind of tendency, also is now one of design key research topics. Key word:
回答者:pc31415926 - 同进士出身 七级 4-28 14:03

回答者:shunzhi6 - 秀才 二级 4-28 15:02

exposition of Chinese traditional use of graphic elements such as posters, graphic design and design of video packaging and how traditional Chinese graphic design and modern graphic design in particular combination of problems. Traditional graphic design into a modern, can be said to be a trend, as well as the current focus on the design sector one of the topics. Keywords : traditional graphic elements; Posters; Television packaging; Mood
Elaborated the Chinese tradition graph element to utilize pictorialposter design and the film and television packing and so on how duringin plane design and specially is the plane design unifies the Chinesetradition graph and the modern design and so on the question. Meltsinto the traditional graph to the modern design during, may say is onekind of tendency, also is now one of design key research topics. Key word:
回答者:sicheng007 - 秀才 三级 4-28 16:45

skjfh sfgb aksdj aknsb kdfgb kasjb dfkajbsd f
回答者:jiangdubieke - 初学弟子 一级 4-28 16:49








This disquisition discourse upon the Chinese traditional figure elements which is used in planar design, and design of video packaging
and how traditional Chinese graphic design and modern graphic design in particular combination iproblems. Traditional graphic design into a modern, can be said to be a trend, as well as the current focus on the design sector one of the topics.

Keywords : traditional figure elements; planar design; Television packaging; Mood

http://www.google.cn/language_tools?hl=zh-CN ; http://www.iciba.com/.翻译后在稍微修改一下就好了! 我班以前都用这个做毕业设计论文的!很管用!
回答者:janpinloveli - 助理 二级 4-28 17:12

Discussing the Chinese traditional sketch chemical element makes use of the flat surface design etc. recruits to stick the painting designs in and the showbiz packs to moderate how to combine together the Chinese traditional sketch and modern design especially flat surface design wait the problem.Melt the traditional sketch into to modern design, could be a kind of trend, also design nowadays one of the investigative lesson in point in boundaries.
Key phrase:
Traditional sketch chemical element;Recruit to stick the painting;Showbiz packing;Artistic conception


This disquisition discourse upon the Chinese traditional figure elements which is used in planar design, and design of video packaging
and how traditional Chinese graphic design and modern graphic design in particular combination iproblems. Traditional graphic design into a modern, can be said to be a trend, as well as the current focus on the design sector one of the topics.

Keywords : traditional figure elements; planar design; Television packaging; Mood



My grandmother thought I had done such a good job that the promoted me to selling cosmetics. I developed the ability to look customers directly in the eye. Even though I was just a kid, women would ask me such things as “ What color do you think I should wear?” I took a real interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup ideas. I ended my selling a record amount of cosmetics.


1.我的家乡是大连,是个临海的城市。全市总面积12573平方公里,人口600万。是一个旅游城市。大连盛产水果和海鲜,出口到很多国家。My hometown is a coastal city of dalian. The total 12573 600 million square kilometers and a population. A tourist city. Dalian is rich in fruits and seafood...

I went on a trip to Hainan with my family on New Year's Day.We went there by plane.After we got off the plane, we went to the beach to see the beautiful sand and swim there.There were other people there too.Some people were surfing and some people were diving in the ...

嗨!汤姆,近来可好 Hi, Tom. How are you doing?:嗯,我很好,比尔 Eh, I am doing great, Bill.:我听说你去参加面试了?I heard that you went to an interview?:是的,昨天我参加了一家公司的面试。Yep, I took an interview in a company yesterday.:我猜你通过了面试。I guess t...


今天,我们来种树。首先,找一块适合种树的土地,在这块土地上用铲子挖一个洞,将树种下去,然后,用土把它埋好,最后给这棵树浇点水。树种好了~Let's do some tree planting today.Firstly, we find a suitable piece of land. Secondly, we use a shovel to dig a hole in the ground and...

A:你好吗?How are you doing?B:我很好。I'm doing good.A:我能问你一个问题吗?Can I ask you a question?B:当然。Sure.A:你认为的幸福生活是什么样的?What is happy life in your mind?B:在我看来,幸福生活就是健康自由的生活。没有太多的烦恼,自由地做我喜欢的工作,我会感到...

我真的有很用心的观察你们每个人,也从你们身上看到了很多很美好的地方。I have carefully observed and studied every one of you and I have found a lot of beautiful things on you.让我非常欣赏。不管是我们班作为一个团体拿到了健美操大赛的冠军还会是很多同学参加了校内外的各种比赛并取得了好...

1.On Going a Journey 论旅游、再去旅行 2.One of the pleasantest things in the world is going a journe 一个世界上最开心的事莫过于将一段旅程。3但我喜欢独自旅行。我能享受到社会中的一个房间。4..但出门外的,自然是与我为伴。5.我然后独处不寂寞。6.“他的研究领域,自然是...

你感冒了么? You had a cold Mody?你应该去看医生。 You should see a doctor。要多休息,多喝水.停止工作,不要太累了。More rest, drink plenty of water. Stop working, not too tired of the。希望你早日康复。 I hope you a speedy recovery。

我在学校有很多朋友.我们彼此相处的都很好.I have many friends in the school. We all get on well with one another.但是有一天.我的一个朋友丢了一百块钱.他认为是我拿了他的钱.而且他还把这件事告诉了其他朋友\/于是他们对我不再像过去那样友好了.我现在对此感到很苦恼.but one day, my ...

定襄县17152886406: 翻译一段话.. -
矣享妇乐: 不是字面翻译,按意思翻译的 我是剑的灵魂. 钢铁是我的身体,火焰是我的血液. 我已经创造了1000多把刀. 我不知道什么是死亡. 也不知道什么生命. 我顶住了疼痛,创造了武器. 然而,这些双手将不能举起任何东西. 因此,我祈祷,世界上会有无数的刀!!这个是字面的 我是我的剑的骨头. 钢铁是我的身体,火焰是我的血液. 我已经了创造了1000多个刀刃. 未知死亡. 也不知道的生命. 顶住疼痛,创造了许多武器. 然而,这些双手将永远不会举起任何东西. 因此,我祈祷,无限的刀任工程.

定襄县17152886406: 翻译一段话
矣享妇乐: We have received your faxed invoice and B/L.But we don't know whether you have sent the cargo,because we have not got any arrival information of the cargo,and we can't check the cargo by your faxed packing list written by hand. Please send us the original packing list for customs broker.

定襄县17152886406: 翻译一段话!
矣享妇乐: I'm sorry! I love you!!!!! Maybe I can't give you happiness!!!!! But I can give you a full heart!!!!! I am willing to sacrifice everything to me for your happy, happy, happy

定襄县17152886406: 翻译一段话 -
矣享妇乐: 3.Viewing from the angle of business credit relationship between all enterprises,commercial credit trends are also deteriorating.Commercial credit is the direct credit between enterprises wh...

定襄县17152886406: 英语翻译一段话
矣享妇乐: Tom usually 6:30 at home to eat breakfast. Before he likes to eat fast food, he now breakfast drink milk, eat bread and eggs. 12 noon him in school for lunch. He ate a bowl of rice, some meat and vegetables. Sometimes, he ate fish. At night, he and his family eat dinner together. Now he has more healthy than before.

定襄县17152886406: 用英语翻译一段话
矣享妇乐: My greatest ambition Is to be a stylist, Good luck to me.

定襄县17152886406: 翻译一段话!
矣享妇乐: 欢迎来参加伦敦的短途旅行.我们现在站在广场的中间,在国际美术馆的对面,(这是)一个有很多出名的画的博物馆.沿着红色的街道走然后转左,你可以看到国会议院和大本钟.在对面你可以看到伦敦眼.那是一个旅客看清伦敦大部分景观的地方.顺便说一下,看伦敦的最佳方式是坐船.在塔桥下船后,伦敦塔就在旁边.带上一本导游册,希望你们玩得开心.

定襄县17152886406: 翻译一段话.

定襄县17152886406: 求翻译一段话 -
矣享妇乐: Jane eyre this novel published in 1847, at that time was precisely the Britain class struggle very incisive age, rolled up like a mat the entire Britain's famous chartist movement to d...

定襄县17152886406: 帮我翻译一段话..紧急啊!!!! -
矣享妇乐: Although Ballack left the team, Desler was troubled by his injury, and the bad situation of Bayen, I still support Bayen at all times. Every time, when I watch the football game at home, I am also excited. In despite that I live far from you, but I can still feel ...

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