跪求翻译 要人工的 汉译英

作者&投稿:豆送 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

上官网看英文版吧 不过英文版的内容更新不够及时 只有一篇4月10号的 应该讲的是同一个话题 但是内容不一样 你可以看一下
PS:楼上明显机器。。。看官网至少可以知道中国电建叫The Power Construction Corporation of China (POWERCHINA)= =

Despite Pakistan's political parties politics is different, but are friendly towards China.(尽管巴基斯坦各个政党政见不同,但都主张对华友好) This just shows the china-pakistan friendship is the essence of the two countries friendship between two nations, not just the friendship between the two political groups. (这恰恰说明了中巴友谊的本质是两个国家两个民族之间的友谊,而不仅仅是两个政治团体之间的友谊。)

I would like to ask you, the headmaster, to use your impact to drive the relationship between teachers and students in a good way/ direction.


I sincerely request you, the schoolmaster, to secure a promising and hamonious teacher-students relationship by your influence.

As a influential president,I request u to make relationship between teachers and students towards to the good direction.

I asked the headmaster you use your influence to make the relationship between teachers and students as moving in the right direction.


南长区13672849964: 有没有人工翻译的 中译英 -
邸是奥丽: Please note my new address.英文没那么啰嗦,顺便你那个诸卿是古代君上对众多臣下的称呼.

南长区13672849964: 哪个中英文翻译网站最好,要人工翻译的 -
邸是奥丽: 中英文的翻译网站有很多,但全人工的不多我给您推荐一个,365翻译,是人工翻译的,在线平台可以实时监控,速度很快因为是电子平台的成本低,他们价格也便宜,

南长区13672849964: 求个实力人工翻译,汉译英..一经采纳,报酬丰厚!有实力者接.... -
邸是奥丽: 我们手机都是正轨腾讯客户端的基础上开发的功能,完全符合中国法律,同时手机可以切换运行36个微信号,相当于免费请了36个业务员在帮你做推广,一个微信号5000人.现在就是一个粉丝经济的时代,谁拥有的粉丝多谁就拥有钱!We ...

南长区13672849964: 中译英,需要人工翻译~~谢谢 -
邸是奥丽: I would like to go to Provence,because it's a beautiful place.Provence lies to Mediterranean Sea,in the south of France.The people is very friendly there.And the sky is clean and blue.I like the lavender,the purple flowers have good smell. But the weather changes very fast in there,it is too bad.

南长区13672849964: 求中译英,要求人工翻译
邸是奥丽: 1·遭遇孤独 experience loneliness 2·真正的友谊 ture friendship 3·与某人交流 communicate with 4·同甘共苦 to share joys and sorrows 5·参加一些活动participate in some activities假如你能邀请他参加一些像游泳、球赛等活动,那会是个好主意.It is a good idea if you can invite him to atten some activities such as swimming,a ball match and so on.

南长区13672849964: 汉译英,求人工翻译要翻译的句子:乘坐伊丽莎白二号漂洋过海本身就是一种旅行.最后一句:伊丽莎白二号是欧洲一道亮丽的风景线. -
邸是奥丽:[答案] Sailing on Elizabeth #2 across the sea is a journey itself.Elizabeth #2意思是伊丽莎白二号 第二句:You will be able to see more and do more on Elizabeth #2 than in most European towns. 楼上语法错误了,...

南长区13672849964: 请英语高手高手翻一下面的句子,谢谢!要人工翻译汉译英 1.你从什么时候开始学的汉语,多长时间了? 2.汉语老师都教你什么了? 3.你每天都上汉语课吗?... -
邸是奥丽:[答案] When have you started learning Chinese, and how long have you been learning it? What has your Chinese teacher taught you? Do you have Chinese lessons every day? How long do you think it will take you to master your Chinese? Are you interested in ...

南长区13672849964: 求人工汉译英一句话“这个月23号是中国的新年,也是一年之中最重要的节日” -
邸是奥丽:[答案] the 23rd of the month is Chinese New Year,which is the most important festival every year. 对比楼上的朋友,23号是23rd,不是23th Chinese New Year前面不用加the of the year是特指这一年,而春节年年都是最重要的,所以我用every year

南长区13672849964: 求人工汉译英…...
邸是奥丽: met you in hundreds of thousands of people not early, not late then caught you up

南长区13672849964: 求翻译一段话汉翻英,要人工翻译急呀!谢谢大家
邸是奥丽: and water are harmful to our health (polluted hamfulLeeison ,翻译表述不唯一, 原创翻译,满意就采纳吧.

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