给你朋友xiaomei写一封信,教学习的最佳方法给她提一些建议。 英语

作者&投稿:佛骨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How To Learn English Well A lot of people like English. As the society advances, it is very important for us to learn English well. In fact, It is not very difficult to learn English well. First, we must find a good method to learn English. I believe in determination and hard work. As the saying goes “Nothing In The World Is Difficult If You Put Your Heart Into It” Believe in yourself, and have confidence in yourself. As a student, in classes we should listen to the teacher attentively and make notes carefully. Be active in answering the teacher’s question and asking some questions , After classes, we should do our homework first, and be careful with the homework. Then we can preview the contents of tomorrow. In my spare time, I often listen to English programs in the radio or watch programs on TV. It’s an efficient way to improve my ability of listening comprehension. I also love to read English novels or magazines. It’s a good way to build up my vocabulary. My favorite English magazine is English Pictorial. It’s very helpful for us middle school students. It widens my scope of knowledge. In addition, I practice speaking English with my teacher and my classmates every day. I also persist in keeping a diary in English .Sometimes, I think that it’s a bit difficult for me to learn English well, but I never give up. I just work hard on it. My dear friends, if you want to learn English well, just choose a good method and then try your best with your hard work and determination. Maybe some people don’t like English , thus we must cultivate the interest of English. Interest is the best teacher. We are sure to have a good result with great interest. Let’s learn English 译文:一个很多人都喜欢英语。随著社会的进步,这是很重要的是我们要学好英语。事实上,这并不是很难学好英语。 首先,我们必须找到一个好的方法学习英语。我相信决心和努力。常言道:“在世界上的任何困难,如果你把你的心进入 IT”相信自己,对自己有信心。作为一名学生,在课堂上我们应该认真听老师和仔细做笔记。是活跃在回答老师的问题,并提出一些问题,班后,我们首先应该做的功课,并小心的功课。然后我们就可以预览的内容明天。 在我的业余时间,我经常听英语节目在电台或收看电视节目。这是一种有效的方式来提高我的听力理解能力。我也喜欢阅读英文小说或杂志。这是一个很好的方法来建立我的词汇量。我最喜欢的英文杂志是英语画刊。这是非常有利於我们中学生。它扩大了我的知识范围。此外,我练习说英语,我的老师和我的同学每天。我还坚持写日记英语。有时候,我觉得这是一个对我来说有点困难学习英语,但我从来没有放弃。我只是努力上。 我亲爱的朋友,如果你想学好英语,只要选择一个好的方法,然后尽你最好与你的辛勤努力和决心。 也许有些人不喜欢英语,所以我们必须培养英语的兴趣。兴趣是最好的老师。我们相信有一个好的结果以极大的兴趣。让我们来学习英语


Firtstly, interest and perseverance. English learning is a long and arduous process, and only the interest can make you adhere to learn. For a beginner, at least half-hour for studying is necessary and, the moring and evening is the best time to learn.

Secondly, reading original English articles and listening to English materials which correspond to the English proficiency, which is the best way to learn the authentic English and can help you to think in English way.
Thirdly, brave enough to speak English. The English of many Chinese is “Dumb English” because they can listen, read and write all but speak. Many of them do not speak English on account of face. Mistakes make them embarrassed.
Last but not the least, practice. Practice makes perfect. Adhering to practice listening, speaking, reading and writing to cultivate a good sense of the phrase which makes English learning to achieve a multiplier effect.
To sum up, if one wants to learn English well, he or she should be interested in learning English and beremorselessand brave.

First, the election for the right to learn th e correct way to study hard or even if it may not be successful.

Second, as much as possible of the study , to remember words.

Third, as much as possible to listen to th e tape, correct pronunciation.

Fourth, the best dictionary and the full u se of the Internet, there is a problem the y can go to ask. I believe that your propo sal and his efforts, he made great progre ss ~. ~

About study and how to study
If you want to improve your study ,you should have a high efficiency,then,i will gave you some advice。
If you want to have it,you should how to treat the study,play and rest。i think We shouldn‘t play all day like a bad boy,we can't study all day just like a bookworm,to be honest,it's so boring for many people to study,so we can't always study,wewillbemad,we must have a rest and play for fun,on the other hand,rest is good for our health,we shouln't ignore it,believe me,just do it,you will be successful。i used to studying in this way。
To sum up,just do with me。

English is important in the world. So most people speak English as a second language, and English is used around the world for computers, and it is used in science, too.

I have been learning English for five years, and I really love it, but learn English have a lot of difficulty. If you want to improve your English, you should take lots of grammar notes in every class, and watch movies, listen to pop songs. If you find pronunciation is difficult, you should make up conversations. If you also think native speakers talk too quickly, you should speak English with your friend in class. Try your best to learn English, you will make progress!

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