
作者&投稿:畅戴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

二手的 我估计你以后算上修理钱 都能买一手的了
单反就像自己的眼睛一样 没人喜欢二手的
真正的摄影爱好者不在乎装备 有人用苹果四袋 出片一样精彩
拿起你的卡片吧 看看摄影的书籍 光影色点线面+你的灵感和后期ps

重复听。。 知道了。。

"Los的 one and only下载_百度知道"

Los - One and Only

You can by me one and only,
I can be your one,
Come on lets take it slowly,
I show you how it's done.

I ain't never seen your type before,
How'd you end up with a guy like that,
Spread your wings and i'll make you SoaR,
Take my hand girl and don't look back.

The new climate disaster movie "The Day After Tomorrow" looks to be great entertainment. With wildly cool computer-generated tornadoes, mega-hurricane storm surge, and blinding blizzards, this movie is sure to fire the imagination of a public that is constantly beseiged with new worries about global warming and impending climate disaster.

How will "The Day After Tomorrow" affect the public's perception of the reality of climate change? Did past climate change occur, as the movie trailer implies, with a single super-storm that ushered in a new ice age? Is mankind's tinkering with the climate leading to a new and unpredictable weather event that will change the course of human history?

There is increasing evidence that past climate changes could have been abrupt -- changing over maybe 10-50 years. But this is a far cry from what is depicted in "The Day After Tomorrow". Our gradual introduction of more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere will likely double the pre-industrial levels of this trace gas in the next 100 years. But the expected slow warming trend that results is unlikely to lead to rapid climate change.

Nevertheless, abrupt climate change is suddenly popular again. A recent, widely publicized research study has suggested that the ocean's "thermohaline" circulation that keeps the Earth's north polar region warmed by the flow of tropical water northward could suddenly shut down. This could conceivably lead to rapid climate change in Great Britain and western Europe, where a mini-ice age could develop in as little as tens of years. Indeed, this is the premise in "The Day After Tomorrow", where a wise old scientist (with a British accent, of course, lending credibility) announces that such a climate shift is indeed happening.

Unfortunately, scientists too frequently let fertile imaginations take over when hard facts are lacking. Other modelling efforts do not indicate a future shutdown of the ocean's thermohaline circulation, and some even strengthen it. The climate system is extremely complex, with many poorly-understood feedbacks. Because of this complexity, computerized climate models likely do not contain all of the negative feedbacks that try to restore the climate system to a balanced state. While abrupt climate change (as in "The Day After Tomorrow") is a possible result of global warming, the risk at this point is much more imaginary than real.

At the time of this writing (two months before "The Day After Tomorrow" opens), it seems likely the movie will lead to a new round of global warming hysteria. Our technological ability to create realistic computer-generated scenes of environmental catastrophe lends a certain realism to a movie. While "The Day After Tomorrow" will raise awareness of the global warming issue, it is unlikely to lead to the public having balanced and informed views on the subject.

While global warming is indeed real, it's magnitude is very uncertain. Some part of the 1 deg. F warming over the last century is likely the result of mankind's production of greenhouse gases from fossil fuel use, while some is the result of coming out of the "Little Ice Age" of centuries past. The amount of future warming is also very uncertain. Climate models currently do not contain certain feedbacks that could limit the amount of warming in the next century, and so these models could be overestimating the amount of future warming. It is also important to remember that climate is always changing, and humans have always had to adapt to climate change.

What can we do about the problem? It is widely acknowledged that the "Kyoto Protocol" treaty to limit the production of greenhouse gases is too weak to have a measureable effect on global temperatures in the next 50 years. The changes necessary to forestall most of the future warming are so massive, they will require new and abundant sources of energy that don't rely on petroleum or coal.

Some people believe that legislative action is necessary to force industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Of course, to the extent that this costs money, the consumer and the investor will bear the cost. Other people believe that new energy technologies will come as a natural result of economic market forces, without the need for legislative action. In this view, as fossil fuels gradually become more expensive in the coming decades, new technologies will be developed to meet the need. While solar and wind energy sound attractive, their energy intensity is relatively low,and their cost is still relatively high. While they can contribute somewhat to our energy needs, large areas of land would have to be covered with solar collectors or wind turbines in order to generate substantial energy. Unless most countries decide that nuclear power is acceptable (like France has), we will be needing a new energy technology.

But in the meantime, enjoy "The Day After Tomorrow" for what it is -- science fiction entertainment -- not a climate forecast.


主演演员:罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 达科塔·范宁 Dakota Fanning 法米克·詹森 Famke Janssen 伊丽莎白·苏 Elisabeth Shue 迪兰·巴克 Dylan Baker 罗伯特·约翰 Robert John 出品:20世纪福克斯 20th Century Fox 发行日期:2005年1月28日 获奖情况:金预告奖(Golden Trailer Awards)提名 MTV电影奖...

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200分 最近闲的无聊 请电影达人介绍几部电影



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安新县18058061305: 求达人介绍电影,要求请看描述
谏瞿依克: 我也不爱看爱情片~ <<异能>>超能力的 <<魔鬼契约>> <<心灵传输者>> <<黑夜传说>>吸血鬼和狼人的~力推~ <<X战警>> <<预见未来>>用预见的超能力破案的~ <<巫山历险记>>外星人的~有超能力~~那对孩子很可爱~ <<全民超人>>蛮帅的~虽然说到爱情~但不是重头戏~ <<超人高校>>~这个看得早了~不太记得了~只记得全校都是异能者还斗了起来~ 太老的片子就不发了~

安新县18058061305: 求电影达人介绍有深度有含意的电影 -
谏瞿依克: 《魔戒》,配乐和画面都很美;《当幸福来敲门》;《海上钢琴师》;《我的名字叫可汗》; 《换子疑云》;《僵尸新娘》;《死亡诗社》;《仙境之桥》;《铁拳男人》;《后窗惊魂》.先推荐这么多,希望有你喜欢的.O(∩_∩)O~

安新县18058061305: 电影达人请进:介绍纯爱电影.
谏瞿依克: 雏菊…分手信…记住我…给茱丽叶的信…天使之城…情书…花与爱丽丝…都是非常好看的纯爱类电影,尤其是分手信和天使之城,相当感人,个人感觉尼古拉斯凯奇在天使中的表演太经典了.

安新县18058061305: 求一部美国悬疑电影的名字!电影达人请进! -
谏瞿依克: 罗伯特.德尼罗和达科塔·范宁的 《捉迷藏》http://baike.baidu.com/view/46141.htm 导演: 约翰·波尔森 John Polson 编剧: 阿里·斯洛斯伯格 Ari Schlossberg ....(written by) 主演演员:罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 达科塔·范宁 Dakota ...

安新县18058061305: 跪求一个电影名字.、..电影达人进来下帮帮我!! -
谏瞿依克: 电影《恩赐妙手:班·卡森医师》Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story剧情简介本·卡森,是一个天才的神经外科医生,从贫民升任为约翰·霍普金斯医院的少儿神经外科负责人.他接受各种挑战,以挽救孩子的生活.本片讲述了他的谦虚和诚实的故事,同时也是一个鼓舞人心的爱情故事……

安新县18058061305: 求一位电影达人介绍几部电影
谏瞿依克: 生化危机: 简介剧情: 伞公司进行生化研究,结果由于间谍造成病毒泄露,地下实验室的人都成了丧尸.然后伞公司的病毒取样小组造成病毒泄露到地表.然后扩散到全球. 主角是成功生化实验体,有超能力.伞公司想研究她,她想报复伞公司. 她打败了舔食者,追踪者,XX博士,并且找到自己的N多复制体,要去找到伞公司的日本总部.然后就待续了.

安新县18058061305: 200分 最近闲的无聊 请电影达人介绍几部电影 -
谏瞿依克: 第五元素 机械公敌 异形大战铁血战士 世界末日 木乃伊系列 恶灵骑士 地狱男爵 地狱神探 都是经典的电影而且都比较科幻

安新县18058061305: 请电影达人介绍好电影.
谏瞿依克: 我不是电影达人、不过还是推荐几部、我都看过、《当幸福来敲门》、《爱情维修站》、《一不留神》(这个没考完、但是挺逗的、我想里面的人物强生会让你感觉到人生哲理)、还有就是《非诚勿扰二》了、就想起这么多了、希望对楼主有帮助.

安新县18058061305: 求一部电影的名字 美国片,应该好几年了,讲述一个小男孩自己在家巧. -
谏瞿依克: 求一部电影的名字 美国片,应该好几年了,讲述一个小男孩自己在家巧... 小鬼当家3 求一部电影的名字!好几年钱的电影 美国片 最后一个人 The...

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