
作者&投稿:正瑗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have a good frieng Nick .He has a nice family.His father is a teacher. He teaches students math.He goes to work by car . He is tall and very kind.Nick often does sport on the morning with his dad.His mother is a nurse.She works in First hospital.She goes to work by bus.Nick and me are in the same class.We are play together.Nick has three cousinry.There are Mike,John and Amy.Nick also has a aunt and a uncle.There are both a accountant.But they wortks in different bank.They gose to work by subway.

My favorite petd are cat,because the cats are really cute.I need'nt to walk with them.Then,I like glodfish and bears,glodfish is so beautiful, bears are as cute as cats.
I make a survey,the survey shows that 48% people like cats,26% people like bears,others like glodfish.
what about you?

As we aii know, we live on foot. But wasting food is still happening around us.How many times I have seen that the waste of food. You may not realize himself in the waste, you might think that this little waste nothing, perhaps you still think that our country vast territory and abundant resources. But the fact is: our country has a population of more than 1250000000, the annual net growth is 12000000; the per capita arable land area of 1.2 acres, is 1 / 4 of the world average; the area of cultivated land is an annual rate of about 300000 Mu recursive; 40% national city population consumes food rely on imports. From the 19811995 years, a total of 81000000 acres of arable land is reduced, thus reducing the grain production of 50000000000 pounds. And now this reduce speed. Occupation of farmland, sand, soil degradation, desertification and other phenomena in encroached on the land. The reality is not optimistic!! Saves the grain, is our bounden duty of every citizen, not that your life is good, you can afford to waste waste. Waste is a shameful act. So long as has the frugal consciousness, actually very simple to do: eat how much to eat much, don't throw the leftovers; in the restaurant to order to right amount, and should not be put on the dog, chaotic spot gas. Remember: save grain begin from me.

As we aii know, we live on foot


ALL,,,,,FOOD! 你天天吃自己的腿啊!

推荐于2017-12-15 10:33:50 最佳答案 天未降大任于我,为何还要苦我心志、劳我筋骨、使我自己都想要空乏我身,寻求解脱啦?! 回想前段时间的状态,就俩字——痛苦!若要用仨字来形容,那就是——忒痛苦!为了所谓的“铁饭碗”,就要看书、看书、再看书,做题、做题、再做题,考试、考试、再考试。又要工作,又要...

虽然我离题了!但打字不容易啊!请提问者给最佳答案 青春是用意志的血滴和拼搏的汗水酿成的琼浆——历久弥香;青春是用不凋的希望和不灭的向往编织的彩虹——绚丽辉煌;青春是用永恒的执著和顽强的韧劲筑起的一道铜墙铁壁——固若金汤。信念是巍巍大厦的栋梁,没有它,就只是一堆散乱的砖瓦;信念是...

啊哈,灵机一动       我最喜欢的一本书是马丁·伽德纳的一本著作:《啊哈,灵机一动》。它讲的是有关于数学思维的书,但这本书问题的答案都来自于人的灵感。      灵感,是一种思维的创造性飞跃,其中外在表现有...

Today is a nice sunday , I feel very happy , because i 'll with my friend to visit the zoo .when we use halfhour to find one's way to the zoo . Because it's Sunday, so a lot of tourist in the zoo . we walk a round the zoo ,we not find any animal is ...



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求初三语文作文 《最佳答案》 600字
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