
作者&投稿:党寿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

您好, 可以参考以下翻译:

Look at the title and the picture of the reading passage and predict what it is about.



1,Kids always been so happy every time I took them to go on a picnic.
2,He get up immediately when the alarm clock rings.
3,The Prince couldn't help himself to fell in love with the Princess when he saw her for the first time.
4,Call me when you come to Changsha next time.

Every time I take the children to go for a picnic,they are always very happy.
He got up as soon as the alarm clock rang.

The prince fell in love with the princess the first sight he saw her.
Please contact with me next time coming to Changsha.

Every time I took the children to go on a picnic, they are always in high spirits.
The alarm clock rang, he just got up.
Prince princess at first sight, you swoon fell in love with her
Next time you come to changsha, please contact me

翻译如下:Zip: It's Saturdays now.Zoom,I'm always very busy.(今天星期六了,Zoom,我总是很忙。)Zoom :Why?(为什么?)Zip:Let me see.From Monday to Wednesday,I usually collect nuts inthe afternoon.(让我想想。从星期一到星期三,我通常在下午收集坚果。)Zoom:What else?(还有别的...

翻译:I am very busy at noon --- 望楼主采纳!

Are you really that busy? 加强生气的语气用that

1、be worth doing 值得做……2、be busy doing 忙着做……3、be good\/bad for 有利于\/有害于……4、too … to do 太……而不能做……5、It takes sb. some time to do sth.花某人……时间做某事 6、sb. spend some time doing sth.某人花……时间做某事 7、It is+adj.+for sb...

1、Why are you laughing ?2、Forgive me.3、I'm dead.4、I want to sleeping.5、Have you had a holiday 6、Be carefully.7、Look at me.8、Climbing 9、Globosity 10、East West South North...spring, summer, autumn winter 11、1月 January 2月 February 3月 March 4月 April 5...

5 class teacher's sense of humor to relax the atmosphere down 6 do not bother her that he had just given birth last night, were sleeping 7 Most of the evidence destroyed. Therefore, it is impossible to prove that the drug is harmful 8 Cloud is floating in the sky in large...

英语句子翻译 1、目前我很忙,咱们下周找时间再讨论吧 2、三月初新学期...
1. I‘m busy right away,we can make it next week to talk about it.2. In early March,new term is approaching.3. Two visitors reached at the same time.4. Once these counties declared war to each other while now they make peace.5. You can come and go whenever you want....

跪求英语大神帮我用中文句子翻译成英文句子。 “或许你真的很忙,甚至...
或许你真的很忙,甚至连回我一条短信的时间都没有Maybe you are really busy, even I have no time for a message

the better result you'll get.人们认为,工作越努力,得到的结果将越好.I am deeply grateful for the advice you gave me.我对你给我的建议深表谢意.The old man lived in a lonely house alone.这个老人独自孤独地住在一间房子里.Wednesday is our busiest day.星期三是我们最忙碌的一天....

1、您好:Hello!2、感谢您在百忙之中回复我的邮件,我从新更新了一下订单。您帮忙计算一下总价,然后告诉我。Thank you for your busy schedule in reply to my email, I updated the order. Please help me calculate the total price and let me know.3、如果无误,我就给您打款了,请您在...

重庆市18962417450: 找英语翻译高手,帮忙翻译下句子! 1.希望我们学校的所有学生都能考上大学(be expected to)2.如果你能充分利用时间,你的学习很快会好起来(make ... -
朝伏盖瑞:[答案] 1. All the students in our school are expected to be able to go to university. 2. If you make use of your time, your study will improve soon. 3. Just as I was very worried, a child came up and showed me the way to the station. 4. British English and American ...

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重庆市18962417450: 帮忙翻译英文句子
朝伏盖瑞: 他不想在他儿子刚死不久,就让自己女儿出嫁 He won't let his daughter married ,just after his died.

重庆市18962417450: 帮忙翻译下句子 用英语 -
朝伏盖瑞: Strong and love is the most beautiful side of human nature, they like a pair of lovers, never be separated. Although the relentless natural disasters, there is human love, because love, we are strong; because of love, we work together to tide over the crisis.

重庆市18962417450: 英语高手帮忙翻译下句子.1、他用他的第一个月工资给他妈妈买了一件毛衣 2、卫兵命令我们立即离开 -
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重庆市18962417450: 帮忙翻译下英语句子 -
朝伏盖瑞: 1.美国人通常使助动词"do"和"have"连用2.宝莱坞每年产出电影数量是好莱坞的两倍3.导演和作家在编故事的同时拍电影.

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朝伏盖瑞: 1、it is the most important thing that caring about others for making friends.2、keep on it then your oral English will be improved.3、I was determined to help those poor children.

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