关于如何正确使用电脑 写一篇关80字左右的英语作文

作者&投稿:倪凌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

篇一:电脑 Computer
Computer is a very useful machine. Some of them are big, but some of them are very small .Many people like playing computer. Computer has many functions, so that people can do a lot of things by computer, like watching movies, listening to the music or playing games. It can make our lives very colorful and convenient. Various people can make good use of computer. Children can use computer to learn and play games. Parents can use computers to work. I think computer is a kind of wonderful and interesting machine, so I like computer very much.
篇二:On computers 关于电脑
Dear Editor,I’m writing to tell you how us use computers in our daily lives.Most of us use computers to search for more information about the interesting problems on the textbooks, about Iraqi wars and about Oscar. Some of us use computers to do some drawings, to make up interesting flashes. And some of us use them to play games. If we are tired and want to take a short rest, playing games for a while is OK. But it’s forbidden that we spend hours and hours on the games. There is also someone using computers to talk with people in the Internet and even falling in love with him or her. The Internet is not a real world and we can’t tell lies from truths. So falling in love with somebody on the Internet is not safe and is bad for our study. We should keep ourselves out of it.That’s all I know.Good luck!Yours truly,Li Hua
亲爱的编辑,我写信告诉你如何使用我们在我们的日常生活lives.Most电脑 我们使用计算机来寻找更多关于教科书中的有趣的问题和伊拉克战争有关的信息 关于奥斯卡奖。我们有些人用电脑做一些图纸,以弥补有趣的闪烁。而我们一些使用它们发挥 游戏。如果我们累了,想利用短暂休息,打了一段时间的确定游戏。但它是被禁止的,我们花 几个小时的游戏。也有使用电脑的人倾诉,在互联网的人,甚至下降 爱上了他或她。互联网并不是一个真正的世界,我们不能分辨真理所在。所以,爱上了别人 在互联网上并不安全,是我们学习不好。我们要保持清醒走出it.That氏首先我know.Good运气!你 确实,李华 。
I love computers. Love to what extent, I saw a computer, just like a sweet drink, as is pleased to want to jump up. I am not like other people happy is to love playing computer games, I love to paint on your computer.
I remember just started painting on the computer, the mouse does not always listen to my disposal, I make it point to the document, it refers to another document or on a roll or several far. Especially in the painting, the mouse不听使唤, from graphics to painting especially difficult, from the painting I want much. I repeated practice in the paper how to make the mouse and pen painting painting painting on paper, the work pays off, and now, I have already use the mouse to draw a beautiful painting of the painting.
Dealing with regular and computer, the most headache is encountered in a computer virus. However, I now have to deal with them, and often kill antivirus antivirus software on it. What if you have a better way, tell me as soon as possible.

Fear not that life shall come to an end,but rather fear it shall never have a beginning . John Henry CardinalNewman.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Helen Keller
The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible
I love you once.I love twice.I love moer than beans and rice.一见倾心,再见倾情,我爱你此生不渝。《绝望主妇》Susan在Mike葬礼上的悼念词。另译:我爱你就像老鼠爱大米。
She shoud love me for me,not just because I love her.她应该因为爱而爱我,而不是因为我爱她,她才爱我。
Probably having coffee in some corner of the world with some loser..You know how it is?很可能在世界的那个角落和某个傻子一起喝咖啡,你明白吗?
I'm the girl you've been in love with for seven years,and that night you were the one who saved my life,and all those other things.It was...it was always you,you always thought I'm too good for you,like I'm someprincess who can't love you,I'm just a girl,Abhay,Who's always looked love in the wrong places,When actually,true love was always in front of me,Ijust couldn't see it...'cause that's just me...I'm stupid like that.I'm just a girl,Abhay,but with you I feel like a princess.So please just come out,because you're not the loser..I am. 我就是那个你暗恋了七年的女孩,那晚是你救了我一命,还有其他的事,都是。。。都是因为有你在。你一直觉得你配不上我,好像我是公主,不会看上你,我只是一个一直在寻找真爱却总是找错的女孩,阿沛,事实上当真爱就在我眼前的时候,我却没有发现...我就是那么的。。那么的傻。我只是个女孩,阿沛,但和你在一起,我觉得自己就像是个公主,所以请你出现吧,你并不是傻子,我是。

自己写的。As known to all ,computers play an important role in our daily life now .But teenagers are always addicted to computer games, which makes them sink to a lower position. It dawns on me that we should use computer correctly. We can search useful information that we need from Internet. In addition, we can read some inspiring stories to enrich our knowledge. Furthermore, we can play games properly to lighten heavy burden of schoolwork.
In general, these correct ways to use computer have a positive effect on our study and life.
众所周知,现在电脑我们日常生活中起着重要的作用。但是青少年一直沉迷于电脑游戏中,这使我们成绩下滑。这使我明白我们应该正确使用电脑。我们能从网上寻找我们所需要的信息。此外,我们能阅读一些鼓舞人心的故事来丰富我们的知识。再者,我们可以适当得玩游戏来减轻沉重的学习负担。 总得来说,这些正确使用电脑的方式对我们的学习和生活有着积极的影响。


问题八:小学生如何文明上网 我认为平时上课的时候,就要对学生进行正确的引导,让学生知道,学习使用计算机不是为了玩游戏,虽然有很多的游戏是可以开发智力,提高协调能力,有利于学生的成长,但是还有大部分的游戏是暴力的、血腥的不适合小学生的。计算机是作为一种学习的工具的,而不是单纯的为了游戏的。我们利用计算机可以...

专业电脑清洁剂——正确 专业电脑清洁剂采用活性剂及泡沫式的方式清洁电脑。专家建议每2周清洁电脑一次。 用安美弛生物型电脑键盘清洁水。 清洁剂买回来了,如何正确地为键盘“洗脸”呢?电脑清洁公司人员介绍说,键盘的日常清理,只需将适量清洁剂喷在键盘上,用棉球或干净棉布将键盘正面和按键侧面擦拭干净即可。每隔...

如何保养和维护好一台电脑,最大限度地延长电脑的使用寿命,这是我们非常关心和经常面临的问题。在这篇文章中,我们向你介绍最基本的的电脑维护方法和应该注意的事项,让你的电脑常常保持在比较稳定的状态,就像新的一样。一、环境 环境对电脑寿命影响是不可忽视的。电脑理想的工作温度应在10℃-35℃,...

二是注意工作环境 电脑室内光线要适宜,不可过亮或过暗,避免光线直接照射在荧光屏上而产生干扰光线,工作室要保持通风干爽,能使那些有害气体尽快排出,尽量用非击打式打印机减少噪音。三是注意正确的操作姿势 应将电脑屏幕中心位置安装在与操作者胸部同一水平线上,最好使用可以调节高低的椅子。坐着时应有足够的空间伸...

这取决于您的需求和使用环境。 - PWM模式:适用于需要精确控制风扇转速的情况,例如超频或需要保持低噪音水平的应用。PWM模式可以根据需要调整风扇转速,从而提供更好的温度控制和噪音水平。 - DC模式:适用于需要简单控制风扇转速的情况,例如普通办公室或家庭使用。DC模式只能提供有限的转速控制,但可以更...





二、电脑基本操作 1、开关机,初学者,最先需要学的是正确的开机和关机,不建议使用休眠功能。2、鼠标的使用,是电脑最最基本的操作,如果不会用鼠标,那就相当于人不会用自己的手。3、键盘的使用,键盘的按键比较多,这里蝈蝈就不一一介绍了,键盘的使用,初学者首先要学会的是如何打字,切换输入法...

大连市18945916552: 关于如何正确使用电脑 写一篇关80字左右的英语作文 -
扈东十五:[答案] 自己写的.As known to all ,computers play an important role in our daily life now .But teenagers are always addicted to computer games, which makes them sink to a lower position. It dawns on me that we...

大连市18945916552: 写一篇关于电脑的文章,字数80左右.
扈东十五: 电脑由硬件和软件组成的,电脑可以让我们心情舒畅,,那就是玩电脑游戏 但是太沉迷游戏 就是电脑的坏处了,至于如何用,你什么地方用到电脑,电脑就有什么用咯,只是不要干坏事,不要把机器当牛用,就是正确使用!呵呵!!!

大连市18945916552: 用英语写一篇关于电脑的用法的作文(80字左右) -
扈东十五: Computers have become very important in many areas of work and play. There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business. In space, computers help astronauts and pilots control the speed and direction of a spaceship's ...

大连市18945916552: 用英语写一篇关于电脑的用法的作文(80字左右) -
扈东十五: Many students like playing computer games.So do I.But a few people don't know how to use computer.Now,I give you some suggestion.It may help you.First, turn on the computer----there's a yellow button mainframe['meɪnfreɪm 主机),you can ...

大连市18945916552: 求一篇英语作文关于大学生如何正确使用电脑,大概150至200词... -
扈东十五: Some people say that the invention of computers is one of the greatest humankind's inventions. However, other people think that computers make their life more stressful. I agree with those people who think that computers brought many benefits and ...

大连市18945916552: 如何正确使用电脑(作文)400字
扈东十五: 上网好不好? • 这个问题引起了许多人的讨论.其实,上网有利有弊,有好有坏. • 一种观点:上网好.对,上网可以了解、掌握知识,可以开阔人们的眼界,可以和别人交谈…… • 那么有人就说了,上网就是好的.不完全对,网上有些不...

大连市18945916552: 电脑如何正确使用
扈东十五: 1.要正确的开机关机 电脑能够正确的开关,对于使用寿命大大提高.由于电脑在刚加电和断电的瞬间会有较大的电冲击,会给主机发送干扰信号导致主机无法启动或出现异常,因此,在开机时应该先给外部设备加电,然后才给主机加电.但是如...

大连市18945916552: 用英语写一篇关于电脑的用法的作文(80字左右)里面必须有现在进行时,明天我来看啊. 初一水平的 -
扈东十五:[答案] Computers have become very important in many areas of work and play. There is no doubt that computers are very useful in ... For instance, if we work on computers too long, we may get headaches or sore eyes.If we play computer games too much, we ...

大连市18945916552: 关于我是怎样用电脑的英语作文,最多70词 -
扈东十五: As we know,computer has been used very widely.Today,I'll tell you how to use the computer.The most important ,You should have a broadband connection.You can play games online movies and so on.however,sometimes computer is bad for us,so ...

大连市18945916552: 电脑在我们生活中越来越普及,请以 My computer and I 为题写一篇短文,谈谈你如何使用电脑.词数60左右 -
扈东十五: My computer and I I have a computer at my home .I use my computer to do many kinds of things, for example homework. I can also use my computer to surf the Internet. and I use my computer to search for information or use the software Word to do ...

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