
作者&投稿:语堂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The rapid development of SMEs, not only provides a wide range of jobs provides social services, but also stimulates the growth of GNP, which has played a special role on the country's economic development. However, due to various reasons of enterprise itself and the economic system, making SMEs financing difficult problems for a long time. To solve this problem, and promote faster development of SMEs, we need to promptly to correct and perfect the financing system which is a crucial problem.

Corporate bond market is the important part of capital market, it is to improve the corporate finance, the efficient allocation of resources, improve the financial system and guard against financial risks and promoting economic development has a very important role. International mature capital markets, corporate bond occupies very important position, the financing enterprise bond financing order before the stock financing, financing scale is usually 3 to 10 times that of the stock market financing. The capital market in China since the 1980 s to get attention and rapid development. Stock market and bond market scale imbalance, Treasury bonds and corporate bonds in the bond market development imbalance, and the backward development of enterprise bond in long plagued the development of our enterprise bond market. In this article, through looking back the history of the development of enterprise bond market in China and the status quo, in draw lessons from the us-japan enterprise bond market based on experience, combined with our country market defects, can solve the main problems of enterprise bond market, improve the corporate bond market system are proposed.
韩语:기업 채권 시장 은 자본 시장 에서 중요 한 를 개선 에 대한 기업 들 의 자금 조달, 효율적 으로 배치 자원, 건 전한 금융 시스템, 금융 리스 크 에 대비, 경제발전 등 모두 10 명 이 중요 한 역할 을 했 다.국제 자본 시장 에서 성숙 을 회사채 점거 매우 중요 한 지위 를 기업 들 의 자금 조달 때 기업 채권 융자 순서 에 주식 융자 에 앞서 융자 규모 는 보통 주식시장 융자 3-10 배 에 이 른 다.그러나 우리나라 의 자본 시장 은 1980 년대 부터 에야 중시 하 고 빠 른 속 도로 발전 할 것 이다.주식 과 채권 시장 규모 시장 규모 비례 불균형 해소, 채권 시장 에서의 국채 와 기업 채권 발전 불균형 과 기업 채권 발전 심 각 한 침체 등 문 제의 존재 오랫동안 괴 롭 기업 채권 시 장의 발전 했 다.본문 을 통 해 우리 기업 回眸 채권 시장 발 전의 역사 와 현실 을 재발견 하 려 는 미 일 기업 채권 시 장의 경험 을 바탕 으로 결합 우리 시장 허점 이 워 크 아웃 (기업 채권 시장 존재 의 주요 문제, 보완 기업 채권 시장 시스템 에 대해 조언 할 것 이다
法语:Le marché obligataire est le marché des capitaux dans des éléments importants, à améliorer le financement des pme, rationnellement les ressources, le système financier solide, prévenir les risques financiers et de promouvoir le développement économique, etc., jouent un rôle très important. La maturité des marchés de capitaux internationaux, occupent les obligations des entreprises est le financement obligataire des entreprises à accorder un financement aux entreprises à grande échelle le financement de financement par actions, généralement avant de valeurs boursières de 3 à 10 fois plus élevé. Les marchés de capitaux de notre pays depuis les années 80 ne prend effet et l’accent a été mis sur la voie du développement. La taille des marchés boursiers et la taille des marchés obligataires, les déséquilibres sur le marché obligataire d’obligations d’entreprises du trésor et du déséquilibre de développement sur le développement, tels que le retard considérable d’obligations d’entreprises l’existence du problème assaille depuis longtemps le développement des marchés d’obligations d’entreprises. Le HuiMou entreprises par mon pays le développement du marché des obligations, l’état actuel et passé des marchés obligataires de s’inspirer des entreprises entre les etats-unis et le Japon à partir de cette expérience, la présence sur le marché de notre pays, en élaborant des marchés obligataires se pencher sur les principaux problèmes qui existent sur le marché obligataire, l’amélioration du système des recommandations.

In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, SCM applications in everyday life in Britain with more extensive testing at the same time promote the traditional control of fast development. At present the intelligent pump control system research and development of the system has strengths. With computer technology and the development of frequency technology, equipment simple, low investment, high reliability and anti-jamming ability, energy efficient control system will be smart control system pump on the direction.
Based on the current control of the microcontroller smart control system pump on the status quo, making full use of modern new, advanced components and the latest theory and intelligent control algorithms, automatic detection technology and microcontroller technology to combine together to design smart pumps Control system. Intelligent Design pump control system with high reliability, strong anti-interference capability, high energy efficiency.
First introduced in the introduction of this system, the subject background and control system in the development of key components, such as performance.
In the second chapter on intelligent systems pump the water supply system and a working principle. The system components, presented diagram of the system, control schematics, and the hardware in this system the main function of a brief introduction. On the control system's overall hardware structure, and established various parts of the function of the hardware module
In the third chapter, focused on analyzing the software design and development process, a detailed study of the intelligent pump control system control algorithm design ideas and procedures, established a modular design, on the main program modules, keyboard modules, alarm detection module, Pump control module features, developed the main program, pumps pumping control routines such as the work flow.
Finally in chapter IV of the system on the specific hardware and software simulation and debugging, introduced a system used by the debugging tools and testing method.

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【 abstract 】 "cats children's clothing" brand image system design in order to portray has aggregates, popular style fashion environmental protection concept of brand culture brand idea and cat brand image design goal for children, really outstanding children lively, healthy and upward ...

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Title:Brief talk about the parenthood and children's individual development Abstract:Acting as the main raisers of the children and the keymen to promote children's characters and social development,parents make a big difference on children's development.And the parenthood has direct ...

It is well-known that food means a lot to people in China, which can be seen from the old Chinese saying that bread is the staff of life. "Food culture" as the first major culture in China prminently features among all the sub-systems of Chinese national culture. Guizhou, ...

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