
作者&投稿:店雅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

one two six ten cat dog pig big fat are was too cup sky tie tea May Jay Mon day lay fit mom die dad lip cut sex Ben, Eva, Bob, Rob, Len, Alf, Kay, Ian, Joe, Jim, Pat, Sue, Ted, Wyn, Zoe, Amy, Tom, Pam, Fay, Kim ant shy she him hit his her you eye dog pop zig zag wet net cop cap ant bee cat dog egg fly gel him ill jet kit lit man not one pet que raw see ten van win yet zoo are ice ear tea pie fee net sea hey win can air get wet dog sit set hit ray yet zoo lie lay but bit bad sad fan fun who six ten one two for oil ill ant tie cat run ran won can hot hat his him her son rat sit sat dig dag dug mum dad leg arm add all end mix are all and bed bad big but cap cat can cut dog egg fly fee for fan gas his her its red pig pay the pen six low key now new men yet you who was two old win tea cat car bag bat hat sat mad map cap nap sad lad dad ant rat fat big pig fig sit dig box mop not rob mom bob fox ill sir six two too beg bed met bet she,her,his,him,the,one,two,six,ten,get,fat,end,fox,egg,fax,got,hot,hit,hat,job,kid,key,and,aid,old,new,now,zoo,yes,you,cut,cat,but,our,was,eve,all,lot,buy,boy,bed,lay,bad,lie,mum,dad,cow,not,can,nut,why,are,bet,net,sex,pat,man,fun,say,put,von,wet


tea 茶
her 她的
his 他的
its 它的
get 获得
key 关键
hit 打击
jam 挤,塞满
kid 小孩
kit 工具
lie 说谎
tea 茶
you 你,你们
yet 还,然而
zip 拉链
zoo 动物园
big 大的
ear 耳朵
hot 热
fly 飞
map 地图
bag 书包
box 箱子
bit 一点儿
fun 有趣
who 谁
why 为什么
pay 支付
pig 猪
pen 钢笔
cry 哭
die 死亡
eye 眼睛
dad 爸爸
six 六
sex 性
see 看见
run 跑
eat 吃
sky 天空
ice 冰
dog 狗
man 男人
fee 费用
cat 猫

one two six ten cat dog pig
big fat are was too cup sky tie tea May Jay Mon day lay fit mom die dad lip cut sex
Ben, Eva, Bob, Rob, Len, Alf, Kay, Ian, Joe, Jim, Pat, Sue, Ted, Wyn, Zoe, Amy, Tom, Pam, Fay, Kim

ant shy she him hit his her you eye dog pop zig zag wet net cop cap ant bee cat dog egg fly gel him ill jet kit lit man not one pet que raw see ten van win yet zoo are ice ear tea pie fee net sea hey win can air get wet dog sit set hit ray yet zoo lie lay but bit bad sad fan fun who six ten one two for oil ill ant tie cat run ran won can hot hat his him her son rat sit sat dig dag dug mum dad leg arm add all end mix are all and bed bad big but cap cat can cut dog egg fly fee for fan gas his her its red pig pay the pen six low key now new men yet you who was two old win tea cat car bag bat hat sat mad map cap nap sad lad dad ant rat fat big pig fig sit dig box mop not rob mom bob fox ill sir six two too beg bed met bet she,her,his,him,the,one,two,six,ten,get,fat,end,fox,egg,fax,got,hot,hit,hat,job,kid,key,and,aid,old,new,now,zoo,yes,you,cut,cat,but,our,was,eve,all,lot,buy,boy,bed,lay,bad,lie,mum,dad,cow,not,can,nut,why,are,bet,net,sex,pat,man,fun,say,put,von,wet

ant one two six ten cat dog pig
big fat are was too cup sky tie tea May Jay Mon day lay fit mom die dad lip cut sex
Ben, Eva, Bob, Rob, Len, Alf, Kay, Ian, Joe, Jim, Pat, Sue, Ted, Wyn, Zoe, Amy, Tom, Pam, Fay, Kim

ant shy she him hit his her you eye dog pop zig zag wet net cop cap ant bee cat dog egg fly gel him ill jet kit lit man not one pet que raw see ten van win yet zoo are ice ear tea pie fee net sea hey win can air get wet dog sit set hit ray yet zoo lie lay but bit bad sad fan fun who six ten one two for oil ill ant tie cat run ran won can hot hat his him her son rat sit sat dig dag dug mum dad leg arm add all end mix are all and bed bad big but cap cat can cut dog egg fly fee for fan gas his her its red pig pay the pen six low key now new men yet you who was two old win tea cat car bag bat hat sat mad map cap nap sad lad dad ant rat fat big pig fig sit dig box mop not rob mom bob fox ill sir six two too beg bed met bet she,her,his,him,the,one,two,six,ten,get,fat,end,fox,egg,fax,got,hot,hit,hat,job,kid,key,and,aid,old,new,now,zoo,yes,you,cut,cat,but,our,was,eve,all,lot,buy,boy,bed,lay,bad,lie,mum,dad,cow,not,can,nut,why,are,bet,net,sex,pat,man,fun,say,put,von,wet shy she him hit his her you eye dog pop zig zag wet net cop cap ant bee cat dog egg fly gel him ill jet kit lit man not one pet que raw see ten van win yet zoo are ice ear tea pie fee net sea hey win can air get wet dog sit set hit ray yet zoo lie lay but bit bad sad fan fun who six ten one two for oil ill ant tie cat run ran won can hot hat his him her son rat sit sat dig dag dug mum dad leg arm add all end mix are all and bed bad big but cap cat can cut dog egg fly fee for fan gas his her its red pig pay the pen six low key
one two six ten cat dog pig
big fat are was too cup sky tie tea May Jay Mon day lay fit mom die dad lip cut sex
Ben, Eva, Bob, Rob, Len, Alf, Kay, Ian, Joe, Jim, Pat, Sue, Ted, Wyn, Zoe, Amy, Tom, Pam, Fay, Kim
map cap nap sad lad dad ant rat fat big pig fig sit dig box mop not rob mom bob fox ill sir six two too beg bed met bet she,her,his,him,the,one,two,six,ten,get,fat,end,fox,egg,fax,got,hot,hit,hat,job,kid,key,and,aid,old,new,now,zoo,yes,you,cut,cat,but,our,was,eve,all,lot,buy,boy,bed,lay,bad,lie,mum,dad,cow,not,can,nut,why,are,bet,net,sex,pat,man,fun,say,put,von,wet

ant shy she him hit his her you eye dog pop zig zag wet net cop cap ant bee cat dog egg fly gel him ill jet kit lit man not one pet que raw see ten van win yet zoo are ice ear tea pie fee net sea hey win can air get wet dog sit set hit ray yet zoo lie lay but bit bad sad fan fun who six ten one two for oil ill ant tie cat run ran won can hot hat his him her son rat sit sat dig dag dug mum dad leg arm add all end mix are all and bed bad big but cap cat can cut dog egg fly fee for fan gas his her its red pig pay the pen six low key
one two six ten cat dog pig
big fat are was too cup sky tie tea May Jay Mon day lay fit mom die dad lip cut sex
Ben, Eva, Bob, Rob, Len, Alf, Kay, Ian, Joe, Jim, Pat, Sue, Ted, Wyn, Zoe, Amy, Tom, Pam, Fay, Kim
map cap nap sad lad dad ant rat fat big pig fig sit dig box mop not rob mom bob fox ill sir six two too beg bed met bet she,her,his,him,the,one,two,six,ten,get,fat,end,fox,egg,fax,got,hot,hit,hat,job,kid,key,and,aid,old,new,now,zoo,yes,you,cut,cat,but,our,was,eve,all,lot,buy,boy,bed,lay,bad,lie,mum,dad,cow,not,can,nut,why,are,bet,net,sex,pat,man,fun,say,put,von,wet

我是高中生,只能给你提供很少的:are she her his him you say can fun few bit lot let for the one two six ten lie ill ......

You are too bad ... Orz

由三个相同的字组成的汉字 众zhòng、森sen、晶jing、品pin、矗chù 刕lí、灥xún、掱pá 、雥zá、厽lěi 猋biāo、厵yuán、芔huì,hū、瞐mò、骉biāo 淼miǎo、犇bēn、毳cuì、贔bì 、皛xiǎo 畾léi、譶tà、靐bìng、鱻xiān、焱yàn 飝fēi 、劦xié,liè、歮sè、鑫xīn、磊...

中间是o的英语单词英语中有好几百个,在这给你列出15个比较常用的:bog bow box cop cow dog dot fog for fox god hot how job lot not son


女名:1.god 上帝的意思 2.EVA 对大部份人来说,Eva是个优雅美丽的女子,也是个很有主见及直接的人,有人则认为Eva是性感、优雅的谋略者。3.EVE最早使用这个名字的人,据说就是<圣经>中所说的夏娃-亚当之妻。在欧洲,人们有这么一种迷信,即凡是被命名为夏娃的人一定会长命。因此,此名在宗教...

wet:湿的 dry:干的 big 大的 icy: 冰的 hot :热的 red :红色的 符合要求的只能想到wet red

see看见 too 也 app(算么,应用软件的简写。。)bee蜜蜂 ill 生病 dull?doll,well,knee(还是只能abb,前面不能加字母啊?)剩下的暂时想不到了。。


三、eve 名字寓意:慷慨的。生命法语形式的EVE。生命从希伯来文名字חַוָּה(Chawwah),这是从希伯来语חוה(chawah)“呼吸”或相关的词חיה(chayah)“生活”派生。根据旧约的创世记,夏娃和亚当是第一个人类。


abc三个字母的五次单项式 a5 a4b a4c a3b2 a3c2 a3bc a2b3 a2c3 a2bc2 a2b2c ab4 ac4 abc3 ab3c ab2c2 bc4 b2c3 b3c2 b4c b5 c5 一共21种 所以22个这样的单项式中就一定有同类项 ...

旌阳区17685527863: 三个字母的英文单词都有哪些?三个字母的英文单词都有哪些
元些艾鲁: eat 吃、top 顶端、hop 单脚跳、mum妈妈、tea 茶叶、too 太 、fox 狐狸、say 说、ill 病、ter阳台 、run 跑 、 per每一 、row 划船、put 放、 bee 蜜蜂、map地图pen钢笔、rub摩擦、hot 热、his他的、her 她的box盒子、was是、way 道路、就想出这些 补充: 什么,cat猫、dog狗、one一、two二、you你、big大的、red红、man人.

旌阳区17685527863: 3个字母的英文单词有哪些 -
元些艾鲁: tea 茶 her 她的 his 他的 its 它的 get 获得 key 关键 hit 打击 jam 挤,塞满 kid 小孩 kit 工具 lie 说谎 tea 茶 you 你,你们 yet 还,然而 zip 拉链 zoo 动物园 big 大的 ear 耳朵 hot 热 fly 飞 map 地图 bag 书包 box 箱子 bit 一点儿 fun 有趣 who 谁 why 为什么 pay 支付 pig 猪 pen 钢笔 cry 哭 die 死亡 eye 眼睛 dad 爸爸 six 六 sex 性 see 看见 run 跑 eat 吃 sky 天空 ice 冰 dog 狗 man 男人 fee 费用 cat 猫

旌阳区17685527863: 100个只有3个字母以下包括3个字母的单词,还要中文意思. -
元些艾鲁:[答案] big 大的 pig猪 no不,不是 yes是,是的 can会 eat吃 ear耳朵 leg腿 eye眼睛 one一 two二 ten十 six六 fit适合 top顶端 on在上面 in在里面 you你 cat猫 cap鸭舌帽 hat草帽 tie领带 cry哭 boy男孩 man男人 let让 red红色 hot热的 ice冰 pen钢笔 so如此 wet潮...

旌阳区17685527863: 所有由3个字母组成的英语单词 -
元些艾鲁: I MISS YOU 意思是 对不起我错过你了! 不懂追问!~认为满意就采纳我吧!

旌阳区17685527863: 三个字母的英文单词(中间是o的)要11个 -
元些艾鲁:[答案] toy,boy,lot,pop,tom,dog,fog,god,got,hot,job,mom,not,oop,pot,wow,you,zoo

旌阳区17685527863: 三个字母的英文单词 -
元些艾鲁: pet 宠物 sun太阳 fog青蛙希望可以帮助您!还需要其他的帮助吗?没有的话,希望采纳,谢谢!

旌阳区17685527863: 三个字母的英文单词都有哪些例如SAY……把英文单词的翻译也写上. -
元些艾鲁:[答案] tea 茶 yes 是的 two 二 too 也 the 定冠词 (这个) hot 热的 big 大的 one 一 six 六 ten 十 now 现在 new 新的 old 年老的;旧的 pet 宠物 ago 以前 pen 钢笔 ice 冰 you 你 who 谁 use 使用 see 看见 try 尝试 she 她 may 可以 May 五月 our 我们的 key 钥匙 ...

旌阳区17685527863: 请写出三个字母的英文单词
元些艾鲁: one two six ten cat dog pig big fat are was too cup sky tie tea May Jay Mon day lay fit mom die dad lip cut sex Ben, Eva, Bob, Rob, Len, Alf, Kay, Ian, Joe, Jim, Pat, Sue, Ted, Wyn, Zoe, Amy, Tom, Pam, Fay, Kim ant shy she him hit his her you eye ...

旌阳区17685527863: 求一些3个字母的英文单词不大常见的,意思特别一点的,最好有中文,一定要3个字母的. -
元些艾鲁:[答案] awe n.畏惧,敬畏 be struck with awe 肃然敬畏 awesome 令人生畏的bib n.(围在小孩脖子上的)围嘴bid v.出价bog n.沼泽,泥塘boo 呸hay n.干草hub n.中心 a hub of commerce商业中心hop v.单脚跳 hop skip jump 三级跳...

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