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毕业论文里的中文摘要 翻译成英文,要准确,在线等,急,加分!求大神帮忙~

The bottom frame structure design method and example analysis

This article will analyze the reasons for the formation of the bottom frame structure as the current economic condition of China's unique structure, and the advantage of bottom frame structure exists in the actual application process as well as the disadvantages. Combined with the typical engineering damage case of Wenchuan earthquake, a brief analysis of the building damage and collapse, illustrates the rationality of the current "code for seismic design of buildings", summarizes the structure seismic design concept, structure seismic design and engineering quality management and other aspects of the experience and lessons, provide a reference for the design and theory of aseismic building structure improvement.

This paper describes the earthquake damage characteristics of bottom frame structure, discusses the requirements of the relevant concept design and calculation analysis of the seismic design, the structure design, combining with the design practice, using PKPM software to build the bottom frame structure on the design key points of calculation model.

Abstract:This paper analyzes a common promblem on English learning in primary school - the brief period of enthusiasm. The writer hold that the primary school English teaching should integrate the psychological and physical characteristics of children,to stimulate students' interest in learning and keep their zest. This article will discuss its viewpoint from the aspect of emotional teaching, situational teaching and oral communicationin a new perspective and height.Firstly, the paper points out that english teaching should give much attention to the children's emotional problems to stimulate their desire in learning; Then the paper discusses the situational teaching and its application in English Teaching . And This requires relaxing learning atmosphere; finally the paper analyzes the oral English teaching and it application in English teaching, which aims to help the children form a preliminary sense of language, make them happy in communicating and consequently learn how to comunicate . The author believe that the rational use of these three measures will effectively solve the children's brief period of enthusiasm in english leraning.



With the rapid developments in the field of education technology, more and more people began to notice that the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is not the only factor determining one's level of success. It was proven scientifically that the Emotional Quotient (EQ) is vital to a person's success.


Our country's examination-based education system has always being suffering from the superficial doctrine of emphasizing too much on IQ and too little on EQ, which has caused many problems among students. More and more students began to show symptoms of mental weakness, selfishness, apathy and inconfidence. In some extreme cases these symptoms have resulted in suicides and crimes. The EQ situation of our nation's students is in need of immediate attention.


In the 21st Century, the primary goal of our nation's education system is to improve and to encourage the character cultivation of the people. One of the key element of character cultivation is to develop an upward, positive emotion and a perfect personality for the students. According to UNESCO, the three standards for a successful individual of the future are "Learn to cooperate; Learn to learn; Learn to survive", among which "learn to survive" and "learn to cooperate" contains the element of EQ education. Therefore, analyzing the current situation of our country's students and the upcoming demands of the new century, it seems that EQ education is absolutely essential.


This thesis was written based on previous studies, after understanding and analyzing books and reference materials on EQ and EQ education. It discusses the value of EQ and the importance and meaning of EQ education, as well as offering a solution based on our country's current situation and education system.


With the swift development of education science and technology, more and more people realized that IQ is not the only factor to decide the success.It is proved by science that EQ can make an important work to a person’s success.
For a long time, there’s an unilateral educational conception on the pattern of examination-oriented education system in our country which caused many problems among students. More and more students become frail, self-serving, apathy, unself-confidence, and even appear some extreme acts, such as suicide, commit a crime, and so on. The current situation on the students’ EQ in our country is worried.
In the 21st century , the main work of our country’s education is to improve and promote the people’s quality in all-round aspects. An essental aspect of education for all-round development is to cultivate the students to get nice and enterprising sentiment, and figure them to gain perfect personalities. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization proposed that the three standards of the future people is study ability, survive ability and cooperation ability. The survive ability and cooperation ability contain EQ education. Therefore EQ education is to be imperative from the current situation on the EQ of our country’s students and the desire on the peple in the new centry.
This paper is based on the formers’ researches. It elaborated the value of EQ and discussed a significance of the EQ education through reorganize, analyse and reconsider the literature refer to EQ and EQ education, and aimed at the current situation on EQ education in our country to proposed the improvement method and the key to the situation
Key words: EQ, EQ education, quality


Along with the amazing development speed in education science,more and more people contend that IQ is not the only way to success.Science has proved EQ take very crucial role in a person's success.
Ever since a long time, under the exam-oriented education system there really exist "make iq break eq" problem in this partial conception of education, which quotes many issues about students. a host of students display their aspect of frailly, selfish, alienation, unconfident, even for a few groups of students appear some phenomenas about suicide, the crime, extremely behavior.it is worth to worry about our students' eq position.
The 21st century,our country educates' primary mission is to enhance and promote the people quality and full scale development, one of the improtent content in quality educaion is to cultivate our students' goodliness and active emotion to figure out their perfect personality. the UNESCO proposed that in the future talented person's three standards“the academic society will study”, “the academic society survival”, “the academic society cooperation”, “the academic society survival”and “the academic society cooperation”,which all contain the factor about eq.
Therefore combining our country students' present situation and the new century to talented person's request,a request of cultivating EQ education is to be imperative.
This thesis establishs on the pass studies in the predecessor, through to the references about EQ and EQ education to analysis and the resonsideration, elaborated the value which discusses a request and discusses a request aspect and so on education significance, importance contents, and aims at our country to discuss a request the education present situation, proposed the improvement method and the key to deal with.


Along with the education science's and technology's swift development, the humanity realized more and more decides the successful only essential factor to intelligence quotient (IQ). The science proved that discusses a request (EQ) to have the influential role regarding a person's success.
Since long, under our country shopping online's pattern has “the heavy intelligence quotient discusses a request lightly” the one-sided education idea, from this has caused student's many questions. More and more students display frailly, selfish, indifferent, are not self-confident, even had the minority student to present the suicide, the crime and so on violent behavior, our country students has discussed a request the present situation to be worrying.
The 21st century our country educates the primary mission is enhances and promotes the people quality full scale development, an education for all-around development important content is develops the student happy, the positive emotion and molds the student perfect personality. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization proposed that in the future talented person's three standards namely “the academic society will study”, “the academic society survival”, “the academic society cooperation”, “the academic society survival”, “the academic society cooperation” will contain is discussing a request the education content. Therefore unifies our country students to discuss a request the present situation and the new century to talented person's request, discusses a request the education to be imperative.
The present paper establishment studies in the predecessor above the foundation, through to discusses a request and discusses a request the education related literature and the books carries on the reorganization, the analysis and the resonsideration, elaborated the value which discusses a request and discusses a request aspect and so on education significance, importance contents, and aims at our country to discuss a request the education present situation, proposed the improvement method and the key to the situation.

情商教育;EQ education
素质 Quality

Along with the education science's and technology's swift development, the humanity realized more and more decides the successful only essential factor to intelligence quotient (IQ). The science proved that discusses a request (EQ) to have the influential role regarding a person's success. since long, under our country shopping online's pattern has “the heavy intelligence quotient discusses a request lightly” the one-sided education idea, from this has caused student's many questions. More and more students display frailly, selfish, indifferent, are not self-confident, even had the minority student to present the suicide, the crime and so on violent behavior, our country students has discussed a request the present situation to be worrying. the 21st century our country educates the primary mission is enhances and promotes the people quality full scale development, an education for all-around development important content is develops the student happy, the positive emotion and molds the student perfect personality. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization proposed that in the future talented person's three standards namely “the academic society will study”, “the academic society survival”, “the academic society cooperation”, “the academic society survival”, “the academic society cooperation” will contain is discussing a request the education content. Therefore unifies our country students to discuss a request the present situation and the new century to talented person's request, discusses a request the education to be imperative. the present paper establishment above the foundation which the predecessor studies, through to discusses a request and discusses a request the education related literature and the books carries on the reorganization, the analysis and the resonsideration, elaborated the value which discusses a request and discusses a request aspect and so on education significance, importance contents, and aims at our country to discuss a request the education present situation, proposed the improvement method and the key to the situation. key word: Discussing a request; Discusses a request the education; Quality

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