
作者&投稿:汲味 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Mark: This is a photograph of my family.( T )
Amy: Who one is your sister.( F) Which one is your sister
Mark: She is beside me.(F) She is next to me
Amy: She is lovely.What is she doing?(T )
Mark: She is looking at a bird.( T)
Amy: What is your parents doing?(F )What are your parents doing?
Mark: They eating.( F)They are eating
Amy: Is that your brother?( T )
Mark: Yes,that is.(F) Yes,he is.
Amy: What does he doing?( F )What is he doing
Mark: He is jumping.( T )

A: Nice to meet you.( T )
B: Nice to meet you too.(T )
A: You look worried.What's a matter?(F )What's the matter?
B: I got an"C" in the English exam.( F)I got a "C" in the English exam
A: Bad luck!( T)
B: I thick English is too difficult on me.I don't understand why Chinese students have to learn it. (F)
I think English is too difficult for me.I don't understand why Chinese students have to learn it
A: An English is popular in the world.(F ) English is popular in the world
B: You'are right.(F ) You are right
A: It's hard,and it's important.Let me help you.(F) It's hard,but it's important.Let me help you
B: Really?It's very kind of you.(T )
any some and but can
I like eating apples,(but )I don't want any now.
What can you do?I(can )speak German.
—Are there(any )hammers here?
—Yes,there are(some )on the table.
I like eating ice-cream(and )cheese.
terrible like interesting minute want
My father's handwriting is(terrible ).
Jack Chen's film is(interesting ).
Would you(like )some sugar?
Do you(want )any soft-drink?
Can you come here in a( minute)?

1.She was absent yesterday.
2.It was not Sunday the day before yesterday.
3.Was he in London when he was 5 years old?
4.Weren't you lucky last time?
5.He was 15 years old the year before last.
6.They were in the country last week.
7.I was tired last night.
8.Where were they last Friday?
9.There was a car race near our town in 1995.

1.Where were you?
2.When he was absent?
3.What are you going to do for weekend?
4.What is there near your town every year?
5.How many people were there?
6.Who was the winner?
7.What car he was in?

  1. F

    in front of茶壶在你的前面/方
    如果是用in the front of的话,就是在“你的身体的前部”了,称为“你”身体的一部分了



    4.F             knives

     any 后面加可数名词复数


    6.F           swim


    7.F                  把and改为but,表转折


    9.F         some

some  butter是黄油,不可数名词,不能用a而any一般用于否定句中,在此处不合适

   10.F           doesn't like ,助动词+not+动词原形



1.Where are the glasses?

2.Where is Lucy?

3.What can Penny and Tina do?

4.What are the children doing?


一、1.F去掉the 2.T 3.T 4.F把knife改成knives 5.T 6.F把swimming变成swim 7.F把and改为but
8.T 9.T 10.F 把likes改成like
二、1Where are the glasses
2Where is Lucy
3What can Penny and Tina do
4What are the children doing

Is there some water in that bottle?-is there any water in that bottle

I can see some spoons,but I can`t see any knife.-knives

I can` swimming across the river.-  i can swim

I can lift this chair,and I can`t lift that table- and 换成but

She doesn`t likes milk in her coffee - like

  1. where are the glasses?

  2. where is Lucy

  3. What can Penny and Tina do?

  4. What are the children doing?

1、F,in front of     2、T   3. F, some-any    4. F,knife-knives    5. T  6. F, swimming-swim   7.F, and-but  8.T 9.T 10.F, likes-like

  1. Where are the glasses?

  2. Where is Lucy?

  3. What are the children doing?

The teapot is in the front of you.(T )
Can you find the cups in the kitchen?(T )
Is there some water in that bottle?(F )
I can see some spoons,but I can`t see any knife.(T )
Can you paint this bookcase for my daughter?(T )
I can` swimming across the river.(F)
I can lift this chair,and I can`t lift that table.(T )
Do you like bananas?(T)
Do you want any butter?(T )
She doesn`t likes milk in her coffee.(F )

What is in the cup?
Where is.Lucy? WHich room is Lucy in?
What can Tina do? What can Tina wash?
Where are the children running?

Legal representative Legal Representative: Wu Wei Wu Wei, male, 1979, was born on December 8 Yunhe County, Zhejiang, China Town, Stadium Road, Cloud and 29 Resume:Venture in Guangzhou since 1994.In 2004 in Nanjing Institute of Political Science Bachelor of Economics and Management ...

Thanks for your letter on Mar. 18th asking us for the offer of the man-shirts.We are pleased to tell you that the goods you need is available now. We have mailed you the letter enclosed the 3 copies of the No.7645 quotation.If the qualities and prices are suitable for ...

Ken does his work careflly.主语是单数第三人称,所以谓语动词用单数形式 I don't usually have to work on Saturdays. usually在句子中的位置通常是:be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前。It probably costs a lot to stay there. probably在句子中的位置通常是:be动词、助动词、情态...

article1 It is ten to nine o"clock in morning ,and at this time there was something unusual thing happening: my mother fainted. I think she must be too tired. And at that time there was twe people at home ,she and i .I touched her forehead, wasvery hot. I know, mom...

几个英语小问题 各位高手来随便回答下 (用英语)
1.personality (性格)What do you think are the reasons for shyness?害羞的原因有哪些?What are the ways to overcome shyness?克服害羞有哪些方法?2.social problem (社交问题)suppose you are young parents with a 6-year-old boy you have both been offered well paid jobs in a city ...


Thanks and Answers 感谢和回答 A Thank 感谢 Thank you. 谢谢您。Thanks a lot. 多谢。Thank you for your help.谢谢您的帮助。Thank you. It was very kind of you.谢谢,您太好了。I'm very much obliged to you.非常感谢您。I don't know how I can thank you enough. 我不知道...

A: Shall we have a pinic on the weekends?B:Oh, that's a good idea.We can get close to nature.C:I couldn't aree more. I think we should tell John. He's my new friend.D: Ok,we can take much deliouse food with us. At least it can be enough for lunch.A: Ok...


求各位英语高手的姐姐哥哥们给我翻译一下 每天前进一小步 回头已是千里...
one small step forward every day,is thousands of miles back

南木林县15264245032: 请英语高手速答!谢谢了! -
枞福泰利: 一、单项选择.(B)1.I go tp school()foot.A.with B.on C.by(C)2.Jane!Come(),please.A.to there B.to here C.here(A)3.Are you angry()me?A.with B.at C.for(C)4Our refrigerator is filled()food.A.in B.at C.with(A)5.I gave a doll()his daughter.A.to B.at C.in(B)...

南木林县15264245032: 请高手用英语回答 谢谢 -
枞福泰利: We don't have to mop over all over the floor now that we have got vacuum cleaners.We don't have to wash all the clothes by hand now that we have got washing machines.We don't have to wash all the plates and bowls by hand now that we have got dish washers..etc

南木林县15264245032: 请英语大神速答~谢谢啦~谢谢各位啦~连词成句:cars,that,in front of,building,some,there,arebehind,hammers,that,box,there,two,areteapots,are,some,there,the,... -
枞福泰利:[答案] There are some cars in front of that building There are two hammers behind that box There are some teapots in the cupboard There are some newspaper behind the vase There is a loaf of bread in the refrigerator

南木林县15264245032: 请英语高手快速解答~谢谢了!!!!! -
枞福泰利: 为你解答.一、用any或some填空.Do you have (any) glue?I only have (some) small boxes.There are (some) envelopes on the desk.I don't have (any) milk.Is there (any) tobacco in the shop?二、完成下列对话.-----Can I help you?-----Yes,I want ...

南木林县15264245032: 请英语高手帮我翻译一句话,谢谢 -
枞福泰利: Hello, my dear friend: Thank you for watching this program. If you order 10, you need to add 70 dollars post fee per set.

南木林县15264245032: 求各位英语高手帮忙解答一下,谢谢 -
枞福泰利: 1... my smoking here2 ... worth reading3 ... is used to sleeping4 ... cleaning5 ... Getting up early6 ... being punished

南木林县15264245032: 请各位英语高手帮个忙,谢谢1.Did you see him (上公共汽车)?2.Do you have (什么问题要问)?3.ls there anyone (照顾这些孩子).4.He was too ... -
枞福泰利:[答案] 1 up and the bus? 2 any questions to ask? 3 take care of these children? 4 to speak. 5 to attend an important meeting. 6 doesn't allow her child to play. 7 aquarrelling. 8 watering. 9 invented 10 to make others can understand it 11 a good residence 12 ...

南木林县15264245032: 急急请英语高手帮忙翻译一句话,谢谢谢... -
枞福泰利: Today, the sky is very clear and blue, but the sun is too glare.翻译过来就是,今天天空很干净,蔚蓝,但是太阳太刺眼,这样应该更符合你想表达的意思.

南木林县15264245032: 请英语高手.谢谢回答
枞福泰利: A different attitude was adopted by them.这是你只要将后面的不同的态度放在前面,对采取这个态度的人放在后面,看到was adopted这个就是被动的形式,就是be done的形式,我帮你找了不同时态的,你自己慢慢参详咯1: am, are ,is +done 一...

南木林县15264245032: 请各位英语高手翻译一下,多谢了!请把它翻译成英语:我从五岁就开始学钢琴,参加了很多比赛.最近我在全国钢琴比赛中得了第一名,我非常高兴.火速,... -
枞福泰利:[答案] I started to learn playing the piano at the age of five,and then participated in many competitions.Recently I ranked first in the national piano competiton and I am very happy.

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