如图所示,用英语简述一下有关中西表达意见的不同之处。 蓝的为西方,红的为中国。

作者&投稿:邸珠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

首先硕士和研究生有的区别:一个是学位。一个是学历。 研究生是学历。硕士是学位。

There are many differences in communication between China and western countries.For example, foreigners express themselves in direct ways,but we Chinese express ourselves in difficult ways.Our different thinking ways lead to the differences above.


Westerners express their opinions more directly, come to the point, Chinese expression compared to equivocate, more trouble

There are many differences in communication between China and western countries.For example, foreigners express themselves in direct ways,but we Chinese express ourselves in difficult ways.Our different thinking ways lead to the differences above.不知道这么一段话够不够 如果对了 记着 采 纳 哦!~~

Westerners express there ideas strately

Chinese talked too much nonsense,sometimes meant to vividly explain something, and then made a conclusion to their ideas.


,My mother is cooking dinner for us.我的妈妈在为我们做饭。Uncle Wang is putting on his clothes.王叔叔在穿衣服。Mr Zhang is sleeping in his bed.张先生在床上睡觉。David is playing football happily. 大卫在高兴的踢足球。Jim and Tim are playing bascket ball.吉姆和蒂姆在打篮球。

Hello,everybody!my name is Bill.I am thirteen years old.I was born in July 30th.My favorite subjects are Music and Geography.I like playing football and basketball after class.I hope we can become good friends!Thank you.

Turn right at gas station ,turn left after the fist cross ,go straight to the supermarket .The ice-cream store is next to the supermarket .Besides ,on the road to the supermarket ,you will see the library on the left side .很久没有接触了,不知道考察点是啥,是考 左转、右转...

ldquo 如图所示 rdquo 的英文
“如图所示”的英文是“As shown in the figure”。在详细解释之前,我们先来了解一下这个短语的基本含义和用途。“如图所示”是一个常用的中文短语,通常用于引导读者注意一个图表、插图或其他图像,并指出图像中包含的信息或数据。这个短语在科技文章、教材、用户手册等...

根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约 80 词的短文.要求完整叙述图画内容...
Yesterday evening my uncle was invited to dinner by his friends.He was so glad that he drank a lot of beers.【高分句型】As a result he got drunk.(第一幅图)After the meal,his friends tried to persude him not to drive home,but he didn’t listen to them,saying No ...

Itis very late.A student is using computer on a bad although it is very dark.The wall was painted with black round.The computer flash in the dark so that it may be unhealthy for his eyes.The curtains is closed,but there may be a teacher standing outside.I think the student...

There's a report about the weather in our city in April the 16th.According to the picture we can see, today the weather's temperature is between 11 and 15, and it rains.So it is more proper to go out for morning exercises and travel .because of the rain it is not ...


你这图呢?There are sofas and lamps in the Amy‘s room

根据图意及提示用英语写一段话,描述你去公园的路线。要求语句通顺,不少 ...
Leave your home and go strait.Turn right and cross the street.Turn right and walk aross the supermarket.Turn right at the left and walk along on the street.Then you can reach the park.

浑源县15244952559: 中西国家命名的差异用英语介绍
刀试苏顺: 中西国家命名的差异Differences between Chinese and Western countries中西国家命名的差异Differences between Chinese and Western countries

浑源县15244952559: 在各条经线中,本初子午线以西的称为 - -----,用英文字母------表示;在各条纬线中,赤道以南的称为------ -
刀试苏顺: 在各条经线中,本初子午线以西的称为西经,用英文字母W表示;在各条纬线中,赤道以南的称为南纬,用英语字母S表示. 故答案为:西经;W;南纬;S.

浑源县15244952559: 毫米、厘米、分米、米、千米,用英文分别怎么表示? -
刀试苏顺: “毫米、厘米、分米、米、千米”都是常用的长度单位,它们用英文单位标示为: 1、“毫米”用英文字母表示为:mm; 2、“厘米”用英文字母表示为:cm; 3、“分米”用英文字母表示为:dm; 4、“米”用英文字母表示为:m; 5、“千米”用...

浑源县15244952559: 英语中 ,中西是midwestern,而东南是southeastern.表示方位是不是有什么先后顺 -
刀试苏顺: 中的话在前面,其他方向南和北在前面

浑源县15244952559: 遗传工作者在进行遗传病调查时发现了一个先天性垂体性侏儒症的家系(设相关基因为A、a,系谱如图1所示) -
刀试苏顺: (1)根据题意和图示分析可知:女儿患病而父母正常,所以先天性垂体性侏儒症为常染色体隐性遗传病.父母的基因型都是Aa,女儿的基因型为aa,所以推测Ⅱ-3的基因型是AA或Aa. (2)侏儒症是由于儿童时期,垂体分泌的生长激素不足导致的. (3)基因基因片段进行大量扩增的常用方法是聚合酶链式反应,即PCR技术. 根据系谱图和电泳图分析可知:①Ⅱ-2、Ⅱ-7和Ⅱ-10都没有被限制性核酸内切酶BstUⅠ切割,说明该病患者GHRHR基因片段上没有BstUⅠ酶切位点. ②在家系成员中,肯定是致病基因的携带者的有Ⅲ-1、Ⅰ-2、Ⅲ-6. 故答案为:(1)常 隐 AA或Aa (2)生长激素 (3)PCR ①0 ②Ⅲ-1、Ⅰ-2、Ⅲ-6

浑源县15244952559: 一辆小汽车在合宁高速公路上行驶,车上的一位乘客在车到如图所示的A处时,看了一下手表,时间正好是8时整 -
刀试苏顺: 由题知,汽车在A处时,时间是8h;到达B处时,时间是8h48min. 则,小汽车从A处到B处所用的时间:t=8h48min-8h=48min=0.8h,由图可知,从A处到B处的路程:s=120km-40km=80km,则从A处到B处的平均速度:v= s t =80km 0.8h =100km/h. 故答案为:100.

浑源县15244952559: 如何清洗纯棉衣服上的油渍 -
刀试苏顺: 1、保持衣服干燥,不要事先打湿衣服,把手洗洗衣液均匀的涂抹在油渍处,使油渍完全侵润在洗衣液中. 2、不要直接洗,先将浸润了洗衣液的衣服静置5分钟,可以让污渍与洗衣液有充分的反应时间. 3、静置后,可以适当揉搓污渍处,...

浑源县15244952559: 如图所示的电路中,电流表测量 - ------中的电流,电压表测量------两端的电压. -
刀试苏顺: 电流表测量(R1)中的电流,电压表测量(R1)两端的电压.

浑源县15244952559: 如图1实验室中测量时间的工具是 - -----,如图2所示木块的长度为------cm -
刀试苏顺: 所使用的测量时间的工具是秒表; (2)刻度尺的分度值是1mm(1)由图可看出,记录结果要估计到分度值的下一位,起始刻度为2cm,根据铅笔最后到达的刻度可读出其长度为1.82cm; 故答案为:(1)秒表;(2)1

浑源县15244952559: “如下所示”英文怎么说? -
刀试苏顺: 翻译结果 如下所示 英文怎么说 as shown below. how to say in english

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