
作者&投稿:姜水 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Henan Shangqiu victory road 66

Government website is an information era and the government and society between the public an effective carrier, is the administration's foreign service windows, the Government links with the masses of the bridge, linking. To establish a government Web site e-government development is the main trends, and build the website is conducive to information integration, showing the Government's overall image, is conducive to promoting economic development. Therefore, a good image in attracting foreign capital investment, in a urban environment, promote economic development, the site can not be ignored this invisible city's image and tremendous material wealth. Government websites can give full play to local governments and departments of enthusiasm, give full play to the role of all levels of government web sites, portal sites have a stable source of information. Information from local governments and departments to provide direct, to ensure the accuracy and timeliness. Can make available government information resources are effectively developed and used by a real sense of the information sharing. E-government refers to government agencies using the Internet and other computer technology, its management and service functions transferred to the network boost completed on time and realize the value of the exchange swaps, for example, provide information and online services.
This system has the Harbin City Bureau of Agricultural Machinery site management background, text messages, images, information entry, find, to increase, amend, and other functions. Greatly accelerate the work of the quality and efficiency! Operation quick and easy. Easy to use.
The system uses B / S and build three-tier structure, the use of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005, such as software development. Privileges in accordance with administrator privileges, the role of authority, allocation of user rights, improve the competence of flexibility and security.
我给哥们1个自动翻译 以后别浪费分了

No.XXX ,Renmin Road,Puyang City,Henan Province,China

"Agricultural Bureau of Puyang City, Henan Province, China Renmin Road Building"


NongJiJu Building ,Puyang City,Henan Province,China

求英文翻译:你好我明天重新给你邮寄L号码的jersey 和XL号码shorts。请注...
Hello. I will send you a jersey in size L and shorts in size XL. Please be informed.来自【学习宝典】团队 有不明白的地方欢迎追问 如果认可我的回答 请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮 谢谢~

...要给我寄东西 但是我不知道 地址怎么翻译成英文才是正确的。麻烦大家...
厦门市(上李)铁路疗养院 龙虎山路809栋101室 Shangli Railway Nursing Home, Room 101, Building 809, Longhushan Road, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China

冲縄県国头郡恩纳村字谷茶1496番地 社员寮メルフォーレ恩纳207号室 Okinawa prefectural kunigami District Valley tea 1496 times the word onna and Liao, members, room No. 207, Noyes harmed to just enna 邮编:904-0496 Zip code: 904-0496 ...

Japan Tokyo Kitaku higasida haba 2-11-3 sen to u ru man syon Mr.Sakuma Kazuya 我有二个地方拿不准。人名。和东田端。的读法也许不准。你再和别人的对比一下吧。不要邮编应该也没问题。能帮你吗?

Could you mail this to China ( by DHL) ?Could you mail this to China ( by EMS) ?

英文翻译 我希望你尽快将物品寄给我 因为我在下个月6号将要离开英国 如...
I hope you will send me the goods as soon as possible, because I am in the next month to 6, leaving Britain, if can't receive the goods before this, will be very bad.

“赠送”的英文表达包括:1、give as a present 英[ɡiv æz ei ˈprezənt] 美[ɡɪv æz e ˈprɛznt][词典] 赠;送;馈赠;赠送;例句:In 1789, Christina VII of Denmark set all the best craftsmen of the kingdom to work to create...

我们会在我司放假前把样品寄给你,请注意查收 求这句话的英文翻译
We will send you the samples before our company's holiday. Please take care of it. Thanks!

I confirm that this package has been sent via post office with correct stamp.

是“The... Send it to...”吧!望采纳!!!

平利县18393146527: “有了现代邮政便利,你可以往全世界任何地方邮寄东西.”“不要忘了在上学的路上把信寄了.”翻译成英文 -
米彩宁诺:[答案] With modern postal facilities, you can mail anything to anywhere in the world. Don't forget to mail the letter on the way to school.

平利县18393146527: 英语翻译我家地址:辽宁省沈阳市沈河区沈州路99号太和大厦B座14楼要从国外往这邮寄东西,怎么写地址? -
米彩宁诺:[答案] 14th Floor Block B,HeTai Building, No.99 Shenzhou Road, Shenhe District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province

平利县18393146527: 翻译成英文,我是邮寄东西.“中国河南省濮阳市人民路综合楼农机局” -
米彩宁诺: 中国河南省濮阳市人民路综合楼农机局的英文为:Agricultural BureauofPuyang City,Henan Province,ChinaRenmin RoadBuilding

平利县18393146527: 求英语翻译“来北京这几天,买了好多东西,今天去邮局把买的东西都寄... -
米彩宁诺: I bought many things during my stay in Beijing these days. Today, I went to the post office and posted them back home. Tomorrow, we are going to the Great Wall.【译注】(1)原文是一句非常典型的无人称句,在翻译时必须补出主语. (2)关于“邮寄”.post一般用于英国英语,而北美英语通常用mail. (3) 关于将来时.will和be going to虽然都可以用于表示将来,但有区别.前者一般是没有规划过的的将来,而后者是规划过的未来.这里显然应取后者.

平利县18393146527: 邮寄东西,英文地址第一行怎么打? -
米彩宁诺: 你好,一般写地址是这样的格式哈: 广州市番禺区市莲路南浦段2号 ,那就是把你写地址的顺序倒过来——2 Ephraim road nanpu section Guangzhou panyu district city ,就是这样了,别忘了在CHINA的下面写上你所在的地区的邮编.

平利县18393146527: 帮帮忙地址翻译成英文从美国邮寄东西来中国 中国苏州市新区何山路今日家园4栋103室 邮编215000 -
米彩宁诺: Room 103, Block 4, Jinri Jiayuan (或 Jinri Homestead) Heshan Road, New Zone, Huqiu District,Suzhou 215000, Jiangsu Province,P.R.China.

平利县18393146527: “有了现代邮政便利,你可以往全世界任何地方邮寄东西.”“不要忘了在上学的路上把信寄了.”翻译成英文 -
米彩宁诺: With modern postal facilities, you can mail anything to anywhere in the world.Don't forget to mail the letter on the way to school.

平利县18393146527: 从美国邮寄东西回中国帮忙翻译地址 -
米彩宁诺: #4 Quality Supervision , Inspection and Quarantine of Zhijiang County, Huaihua City, Hunan Province, P.R.China (这里写邮编) 中文地址后面也要用英文写P.R.China 往回寄东西是要求你翻译英文的.不过是作为留底用的.以便日后万一收不到信可以查询.信到了中国,邮递员肯定不会照着英文给你找收信人.呵呵.

平利县18393146527: “送他去医院”这句话怎么翻译(过去式)? -
米彩宁诺: 如果是开车送可以用drove

平利县18393146527: 英语翻译有几样东西要寄到国外去,可不知怎么翻译才对,(请别用翻译软件,我需要最正确的):1.贡菊 2.红薯干 3.笋干 -
米彩宁诺:[答案] 那么急又不给分,高手怎么会?我低手来凑个热闹 1.chrysanthemum 2.slices of sweet potato 3.slices of bamboo shoots

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