
作者&投稿:项肥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Abstract from the analysis of the connotation of JIT production start JIT production model describes the relevant activities and to explore the JIT production model of modern logistics in the basic requirements and the application of JIT production model of the modern logistics industry a boost.
关键词JIT生产生产模式现代物流1 JIT生产的内涵 Key words JIT production mode of production of modern logistics 1 JIT production of meaning
JIT生产是日本丰田汽车公司根据自身的特点,逐步创立的一种独特的多品种、小批量、高质量和低消耗制造模式的生产方式。 JIT production is the Toyota Motor Corporation based on their characteristics, and gradually created a unique multi-variety, small batch, high quality and low consumption manufacturing model of production. JIT生产的基本原理来源于超级市场以需定供的管理方式,即供方依据订货传票(看板)的要求,在规定的时间将货品配送到需要的地点。 The basic principle of JIT production comes from the supermarket in order to be set for the management, supply-side basis for ordering summons (Kanban) as requested in the stipulated time delivery of goods to the desired location. 也就是只在“需要的时间,供应所需要品质和数量的产品”,具体地说就是每一个阶段加工或供应产品的品质、数量和时间由下一阶段的需求确定。 That is, only in "the time required to supply the required quality and quantity of products", specifically, at every stage of processing or supply of product quality, quantity and time determined by the needs of the next phase. 因此JIT生产是指在生产组织的各个层面上,采用通用性强、自动化程度高的机器设备,以不断降低成本、无废品和零库存为目标的一种生产方式。 Therefore, JIT production is the means of production organization at all levels, using the versatility, high degree of automation machinery and equipment in order to continuously reduce costs, non-waste and zero inventory as the objective of a production. 简而言之是在面对不断变化的市场,以尽可能低的成本,按照所需的数量,以完美的质量为顾客提供所需的产品和服务,最大程度地满足顾客需求。 In short, in the face of ever-changing market to the lowest possible cost, according to the quantity needed in order to perfect the required quality and to provide customers with products and services to maximize customer satisfaction.
JIT生产的核心是消除一切浪费,其实现途径就是通过实现“零库存”目标。 JIT manufacturing is the core of the elimination of all waste, its implementation means is through the realization of "zero inventory" goal. JIT生产方式的精髓在于:它是一种持续改善的思想体系,其焦点是杜绝一切浪费,它以尽可能低的成本和尽可能高的质量对顾客做出尽可能快的反应,从而提升企业的竞争能力。 The essence of JIT production: it is a continuous improvement ideology, its focus is to eliminate all waste, it is at the lowest possible cost and highest possible quality of the customer to make the fastest possible response, so as to enhance business competitiveness. JIT的实施过程就是对生产过程永无休止的持续改善,通过增加资源利用效率,消除各种浪费,减低企业成本,并提供满足市场需求的优质服务,达到企业增加利润及提升核心竞争力的目的。 JIT implementation process is a never-ending process of production continues to improve, through increased resource utilization efficiency, eliminate all waste, reduce corporate costs and provide quality services to meet the market demand, to increase profits and enhance enterprise core competitiveness of the purpose of .
2 JIT生产模式的相关活动根据JIT生产模式的实施条件和原理,将其相关活动分为五个层面,同时在每个层面下又有不同的具体活动项目(不同企业有所不同),如图1所示。 2 JIT mode of production-related activities under the implementation of JIT production model of the conditions and principles of its related activities are divided into five levels, while at every level have different specific activities under the project (different in different enterprises), shown in Figure 1 below.
2.1 消除浪费 2.1 elimination of waste
JIT生产的出发点是最大限度地降低浪费,进行不断的改善。 JIT production starting point is to minimize waste and continuous improvement. 浪费是指不能创造附加值的所有活动。 Can not create value-added waste refers to all activities. 企业中常见有七种浪费现象:过量生产的浪费、停工待料的浪费、搬运方式的浪费、加工本身的浪费、库存的浪费、动作的浪费和制造废次品的浪费。 There are seven common business waste: excessive production of waste, downtime is expected to be a waste, the waste handling methods, processing its own waste, inventory waste, waste and manufacturing waste movements defective waste.
杜绝浪费的根本途径就是使生产的数量与销售的数量一致。 The fundamental way to eliminate waste is to make the number of production line and sales volume. 如果按传统的加工顺序从前面工序到后面工序地安排生产的话,生产效率越高的工序,如果其节奏与后面工序不适应,则产生的制造过剩的浪费也越多。 If the processing sequence according to the traditional process from the front to the back to arrange the production process, then the higher the efficiency of production processes, if the rhythm and not suited to back process, then the excess waste generated by manufacturing is also more. 所以JIT生产把传统的由前向后的零部件移送方式颠倒过来,改按订货方式由后面工序向前面工序提出订货要求,前面工序只在必要时按必要的数量,提供必要的产品。 Therefore, JIT production to the traditional transfer of parts from front to back manner reversed and replaced by ordering way to the front from behind the process make ordering process requirements, the previous process only when necessary according to the amount necessary to provide the necessary products. 用户需要多少,就供应多少,实现了“零库存”,不会占用流动资金;用户不需要的商品,就不生产,可避免商品积压、过时、变质,也可免去装卸、搬运以及库存等费用。 How many users need, how much the supply to achieve a "zero inventory", do not take liquidity; users do not need the goods, not production, to avoid the backlog of goods, outdated, bad, can also be removed from loading and unloading, handling, and inventory costs.
2.2 生产策略零库存是JIT生产模式的核心之一,只有确保“零缺陷”才能实现JIT生产所追求的零缺点和零库存的目标。 2.2 zero inventory production strategy is the core of one of the JIT production model, only to ensure "zero defect" in order to achieve JIT production pursued the goal of zero defects and zero inventory. JIT生产模式要求供、产、销各环节实现零缺点和零库存,这就要求生产经营各环节相互协调,运行流畅,保证高质量。 JIT production model calls for supply, production, and marketing of all sectors to achieve zero defects and zero inventory, which requires coordination between various sectors of production and operation, run smoothly and ensure high quality. 由于生产过程的各项活动之间都有密切联系,所以某一环节的缺陷将使生产造成混乱,并引起连锁反应,使适时生产系统崩溃,其损失无法估量。 Because of the production process has close links between the activities, it will enable the production of a chain defects cause confusion and cause a chain reaction, so that in-time production system, the collapse of its losses can not be measured. 所以,在企业应实施JIT生产时,即发动全体员工积极参加,从供应商的选择开始,到产品的设计、生产流程的确定、产品的生产、销售,各阶段都要加强质量管理,通过相关人员的自我控制,实现缺陷的实时消灭,从而实现生产经营过程的零缺陷。 Therefore, enterprises should implement JIT production, that is to launch all employees to participate actively in the choice of starting from the supplier, to product design, manufacturing processes determine the production, sale, each phase must strengthen quality control, through the relevant personnel, self-control, to achieve real-time defect elimination in order to achieve zero-defect production and operation process.
2.3 全面质量管理全面质量管理是JIT生产系统的重点。 2.3 Total Quality Management Total quality management is the focus of JIT production systems. 由于实施JIT生产模式会导致企业在制品和产成品存货水平的大幅下降,在这种情况下,大批次品的出现很可能使企业生产停顿,延误产品交货时间,给企业造成不必要的损失。 As a result of JIT production model will lead to products and production enterprises in the dramatic decline in finished goods inventory levels, in this case, the emergence of a large number of defects is likely to halt production and delay product delivery times, causing unnecessary losses to the enterprise .
全面质量管理主要包括建立质量保证体系:在资源方面,重视原材料和外购件的质量保证,慎重选择供应厂商;在设计方面,运用JIT管理体系要求设计的产品具有很强的柔性;在人员上,强调人的工作质量和对产品质量的责任感;在加工过程中,重视质量过程控制。 Total quality management mainly includes the establishment of quality assurance system: in terms of resources, emphasis on raw materials and purchased parts quality assurance, carefully chosen suppliers; in terms of design, the use of JIT management systems to design products that are highly flexible; in personnel on the stressed that people's work quality and sense of responsibility for product quality; in the processing process, the emphasis on quality process control. 只有在全面质量管理的作用下,才能在JIT系统的每个环节上把好质量关,使之尽力做到“零缺陷”,才能实现“零库存”。 Only under the influence of total quality management can be in the JIT system, do a good job on every aspect of quality, so make every effort to achieve "zero defect" in order to achieve "zero inventory."
2.4 员工参与 2.4 Staff involved in
JIT理论认为企业最宝贵的财富不是机器厂房,也不是产品,而是在生产一线的员工。 JIT theory suggests that the most valuable business asset is not a machine factory, nor is the product, but in the production of front-line employees. 员工是企业发展的智慧之源。 Employees are the business development of the source of wisdom. 只有一线员工在其操作中达到了要求,系统才能真正实现其功能;只有每个员工发挥其创造才能,整个系统才能获得真正的动态应变能力和自我改善能力。 Only front-line staff to meet requirements for its operations, the system can truly achieve its functions; only when every employee to utilize their creative talents, the whole system in order to obtain the real dynamic response capabilities and ability to self-improvement. 如果员工对JIT生产并不了解,不积极参与到生产活动,不发挥自己的自主精神,不参与到企业的改善活动中去,生产中的问题就得不到暴露和解决。 If employees do not understand the production of the JIT is not actively participate in productive activities, not to play its independent spirit, not to participate in the activities of the enterprise to improve production in the problems could not be exposed and resolved. JIT生产模式的成功秘诀在于“全员参与”,它的重要特征之一就是改善无止境。 JIT production model's success is "full participation", which is one of the important features to improve the open-ended. 为此,企业对提高员工素质的各方面培训投入了大量精力。 To this end, business-to improve staff training in all aspects of the quality of invested a lot of energy. 团队合作,一岗多能,一人多机都成为一线员工必备的技能。 Teamwork, a post more versatile, one multi-machine have become front-line employees the necessary skills. JIT生产模式正是通过组织的运行和员工的高度能力实现系统的整体柔性。 JIT production mode is through the operation of the organization and staff a high degree of ability to achieve the system's overall flexibility.

producing modes;manufacturing mode;productive pattern;

Abstract from the analysis of the connotation of JIT production start JIT production model describes the relevant activities and to explore the JIT production model of modern logistics in the basic requirements and the application of JIT production model of the modern logistics industry a boost.
关键词JIT生产生产模式现代物流1 JIT生产的内涵 Key words JIT production mode of production of modern logistics 1 JIT production of meaning
JIT生产是日本丰田汽车公司根据自身的特点,逐步创立的一种独特的多品种、小批量、高质量和低消耗制造模式的生产方式。 JIT production is the Toyota Motor Corporation based on their characteristics, and gradually created a unique multi-variety, small batch, high quality and low consumption manufacturing model of production. JIT生产的基本原理来源于超级市场以需定供的管理方式,即供方依据订货传票(看板)的要求,在规定的时间将货品配送到需要的地点。 The basic principle of JIT production comes from the supermarket in order to be set for the management, supply-side basis for ordering summons (Kanban) as requested in the stipulated time delivery of goods to the desired location. 也就是只在“需要的时间,供应所需要品质和数量的产品”,具体地说就是每一个阶段加工或供应产品的品质、数量和时间由下一阶段的需求确定。 That is, only in "the time required to supply the required quality and quantity of products", specifically, at every stage of processing or supply of product quality, quantity and time determined by the needs of the next phase. 因此JIT生产是指在生产组织的各个层面上,采用通用性强、自动化程度高的机器设备,以不断降低成本、无废品和零库存为目标的一种生产方式。 Therefore, JIT production is the means of production organization at all levels, using the versatility, high degree of automation machinery and equipment in order to continuously reduce costs, non-waste and zero inventory as the objective of a production. 简而言之是在面对不断变化的市场,以尽可能低的成本,按照所需的数量,以完美的质量为顾客提供所需的产品和服务,最大程度地满足顾客需求。 In short, in the face of ever-changing market to the lowest possible cost, according to the quantity needed in order to perfect the required quality and to provide customers with products and services to maximize customer satisfaction.
JIT生产的核心是消除一切浪费,其实现途径就是通过实现“零库存”目标。 JIT manufacturing is the core of the elimination of all waste, its implementation means is through the realization of "zero inventory" goal. JIT生产方式的精髓在于:它是一种持续改善的思想体系,其焦点是杜绝一切浪费,它以尽可能低的成本和尽可能高的质量对顾客做出尽可能快的反应,从而提升企业的竞争能力。 The essence of JIT production: it is a continuous improvement ideology, its focus is to eliminate all waste, it is at the lowest possible cost and highest possible quality of the customer to make the fastest possible response, so as to enhance business competitiveness. JIT的实施过程就是对生产过程永无休止的持续改善,通过增加资源利用效率,消除各种浪费,减低企业成本,并提供满足市场需求的优质服务,达到企业增加利润及提升核心竞争力的目的。 JIT implementation process is a never-ending process of production continues to improve, through increased resource utilization efficiency, eliminate all waste, reduce corporate costs and provide quality services to meet the market demand, to increase profits and enhance enterprise core competitiveness of the purpose of .
2 JIT生产模式的相关活动根据JIT生产模式的实施条件和原理,将其相关活动分为五个层面,同时在每个层面下又有不同的具体活动项目(不同企业有所不同),如图1所示。 2 JIT mode of production-related activities under the implementation of JIT production model of the conditions and principles of its related activities are divided into five levels, while at every level have different specific activities under the project (different in different enterprises), shown in Figure 1 below.
2.1 消除浪费 2.1 elimination of waste
JIT生产的出发点是最大限度地降低浪费,进行不断的改善。 JIT production starting point is to minimize waste and continuous improvement. 浪费是指不能创造附加值的所有活动。 Can not create value-added waste refers to all activities. 企业中常见有七种浪费现象:过量生产的浪费、停工待料的浪费、搬运方式的浪费、加工本身的浪费、库存的浪费、动作的浪费和制造废次品的浪费。 There are seven common business waste: excessive production of waste, downtime is expected to be a waste, the waste handling methods, processing its own waste, inventory waste, waste and manufacturing waste movements defective waste.
杜绝浪费的根本途径就是使生产的数量与销售的数量一致。 The fundamental way to eliminate waste is to make the number of production line and sales volume. 如果按传统的加工顺序从前面工序到后面工序地安排生产的话,生产效率越高的工序,如果其节奏与后面工序不适应,则产生的制造过剩的浪费也越多。 If the processing sequence according to the traditional process from the front to the back to arrange the production process, then the higher the efficiency of production processes, if the rhythm and not suited to back process, then the excess waste generated by manufacturing is also more. 所以JIT生产把传统的由前向后的零部件移送方式颠倒过来,改按订货方式由后面工序向前面工序提出订货要求,前面工序只在必要时按必要的数量,提供必要的产品。 Therefore, JIT production to the traditional transfer of parts from front to back manner reversed and replaced by ordering way to the front from behind the process make ordering process requirements, the previous process only when necessary according to the amount necessary to provide the necessary products. 用户需要多少,就供应多少,实现了“零库存”,不会占用流动资金;用户不需要的商品,就不生产,可避免商品积压、过时、变质,也可免去装卸、搬运以及库存等费用。 How many users need, how much the supply to achieve a "zero inventory", do not take liquidity; users do not need the goods, not production, to avoid the backlog of goods, outdated, bad, can also be removed from loading and unloading, handling, and inventory costs.
2.2 生产策略零库存是JIT生产模式的核心之一,只有确保“零缺陷”才能实现JIT生产所追求的零缺点和零库存的目标。 2.2 zero inventory production strategy is the core of one of the JIT production model, only to ensure "zero defect" in order to achieve JIT production pursued the goal of zero defects and zero inventory. JIT生产模式要求供、产、销各环节实现零缺点和零库存,这就要求生产经营各环节相互协调,运行流畅,保证高质量。 JIT production model calls for supply, production, and marketing of all sectors to achieve zero defects and zero inventory, which requires coordination between various sectors of production and operation, run smoothly and ensure high quality. 由于生产过程的各项活动之间都有密切联系,所以某一环节的缺陷将使生产造成混乱,并引起连锁反应,使适时生产系统崩溃,其损失无法估量。 Because of the production process has close links between the activities, it will enable the production of a chain defects cause confusion and cause a chain reaction, so that in-time production system, the collapse of its losses can not be measured. 所以,在企业应实施JIT生产时,即发动全体员工积极参加,从供应商的选择开始,到产品的设计、生产流程的确定、产品的生产、销售,各阶段都要加强质量管理,通过相关人员的自我控制,实现缺陷的实时消灭,从而实现生产经营过程的零缺陷。 Therefore, enterprises should implement JIT production, that is to launch all employees to participate actively in the choice of starting from the supplier, to product design, manufacturing processes determine the production, sale, each phase must strengthen quality control, through the relevant personnel, self-control, to achieve real-time defect elimination in order to achieve zero-defect production and operation process.
2.3 全面质量管理全面质量管理是JIT生产系统的重点。 2.3 Total Quality Management Total quality management is the focus of JIT production systems. 由于实施JIT生产模式会导致企业在制品和产成品存货水平的大幅下降,在这种情况下,大批次品的出现很可能使企业生产停顿,延误产品交货时间,给企业造成不必要的损失。 As a result of JIT production model will lead to products and production enterprises in the dramatic decline in finished goods inventory levels, in this case, the emergence of a large number of defects is likely to halt production and delay product delivery times, causing unnecessary losses to the enterprise .
全面质量管理主要包括建立质量保证体系:在资源方面,重视原材料和外购件的质量保证,慎重选择供应厂商;在设计方面,运用JIT管理体系要求设计的产品具有很强的柔性;在人员上,强调人的工作质量和对产品质量的责任感;在加工过程中,重视质量过程控制。 Total quality management mainly includes the establishment of quality assurance system: in terms of resources, emphasis on raw materials and purchased parts quality assurance, carefully chosen suppliers; in terms of design, the use of JIT management systems to design products that are highly flexible; in personnel on the stressed that people's work quality and sense of responsibility for product quality; in the processing process, the emphasis on quality process control. 只有在全面质量管理的作用下,才能在JIT系统的每个环节上把好质量关,使之尽力做到“零缺陷”,才能实现“零库存”。 Only under the influence of total quality management can be in the JIT system, do a good job on every aspect of quality, so make every effort to achieve "zero defect" in order to achieve "zero inventory."
2.4 员工参与 2.4 Staff involved in
JIT理论认为企业最宝贵的财富不是机器厂房,也不是产品,而是在生产一线的员工。 JIT theory suggests that the most valuable business asset is not a machine factory, nor is the product, but in the production of front-line employees. 员工是企业发展的智慧之源。 Employees are the business development of the source of wisdom. 只有一线员工在其操作中达到了要求,系统才能真正实现其功能;只有每个员工发挥其创造才能,整个系统才能获得真正的动态应变能力和自我改善能力。 Only front-line staff to meet requirements for its operations, the system can truly achieve its functions; only when every employee to utilize their creative talents, the whole system in order to obtain the real dynamic response capabilities and ability to self-improvement. 如果员工对JIT生产并不了解,不积极参与到生产活动,不发挥自己的自主精神,不参与到企业的改善活动中去,生产中的问题就得不到暴露和解决。 If employees do not understand the production of the JIT is not actively participate in productive activities, not to play its independent spirit, not to participate in the activities of the enterprise to improve production in the problems could not be exposed and resolved. JIT生产模式的成功秘诀在于“全员参与”,它的重要特征之一就是改善无止境。 JIT production model's success is "full participation", which is one of the important features to improve the open-ended. 为此,企业对提高员工素质的各方面培训投入了大量精力。 To this end, business-to improve staff training in all aspects of the quality of invested a lot of energy. 团队合作,一岗多能,一人多机都成为一线员工必备的技能。 Teamwork, a post more versatile, one multi-machine have become front-line employees the necessary skills. JIT生产模式正是通过组织的运行和员工的高度能力实现系统的整体柔性。 JIT production mode is through the operation of the organization and staff a high degree of ability to achieve the system's overall flexibility.

= =JIT的····有偿的你需要么

准时化生产方式(Just In Time,JIT)源自20世纪五六十年代的日本,代表了一种革命性的生产管理策略。该方法强调,各生产环节和工序应当仅在需求发生时,按需求量生产所需产品。在JIT哲学中,库存被视为一种负担,是资源的无效占用。这与传统库存管理观念形成鲜明对比,后者认为库存是必要的缓冲手段。JIT...


四、JIT的核心:1. 将供应商视为企业内部仓库,通过紧密合作实现物料的无缝对接,减少物流时间和成本。2. 通过供应商垫资,将资金成本转移至供应商,减轻企业的财务压力。3. 在供应商处进行品检,确保产品质量和生产流程的顺畅,避免不必要的补料和异常情况导致的生产延误。JIT准时化生产通过优化供应商关...


2. 准时生产方式(JIT)是丰田汽车公司在20世纪60年代实行的一种生产方式,后引起其他国家的重视,并逐渐在欧洲和美国的日资企业及当地企业中推行开来。3. JIT生产方式的基本思想是在正确的时间,生产正确数量的零件或产品,即时生产。它将传统生产过程中前道工序向后道工序送货,改为后道工序根据“看板...



准时化生产方式(Just In Time,JIT)是一种产生于日本20世纪五六十年代的生产管理方式。指企业生产系统的各个环节、工序只在需要的时候,按需要的量,生产出所需要的产品。准时制对库存的认识与传统的库存控制方法截然不同,其认为库存是毫无用处的,是对资源的浪费。传统的观念认为,库存可以对运作起到...


1. JIT(准时制生产)是一种革命性的生产管理模式,它通过减少库存和优化生产流程来降低成本,同时提高效率和产品质量。2. JIT的核心在于精确地匹配生产与需求,确保产品在恰好需要的时候以恰好适量的速度被生产出来。这种模式起源于日本,并在全球范围内得到广泛应用。3. 实施JIT生产方式的企业需要先制定...

信丰县15942574776: 谁能帮我翻译一篇英文 -
宥齿知柏: 商业物流中心一体化使全球供应链连接顺畅位于台湾新竹的国立交通大学,中华民国工业技术部,国立清华大学.位于台湾新竹的中华民国RFID技术中心,工业技术研究学会.2006年十月四号收到手稿,经...

信丰县15942574776: 我找了一篇关于JIT采购的外文文献PDF格式不能复制,想请您也给我发一份正版能复制的或翻译好的中文版? -
宥齿知柏: JIT purchasing and performance, an exploratory analysis of buyer and supplier perspectives.pdf (125.02K)发给你了,一般的adobe reader都可以打开和复制里面的文本,翻译的话就不可能有了

信丰县15942574776: 求文献,一篇英文文献作者:Puzanowska - Tarasiewicz H,Grudniewska A,Tarasiewicz M.文章名:An examination of chlorpromazine hydrochloride as indicator... -
宥齿知柏:[答案] An examination of chlorpromazine hydrochloride as indicator and spectrophotometric reagent for the determination of molybdenum(V) 【作 者】H.Puzanowska-Tarasiewicz;A.Grudniewska;M.Tarasiewicz【刊...

信丰县15942574776: 日本丰田管理是如何实行JIT准时生产方式的? -
宥齿知柏: 准时生产方式(Just In Time简称JIT),是日本丰田汽车公司在20世纪60年代实行的一种生产方式,1973年以后,这种方式对丰田公司渡过第一次能源危机起到了突出的作用,后引起其它国家生产企业的重视,并逐渐在欧洲和美国的日资企业及...

信丰县15942574776: 什么是6s管理?八大浪费是什么? -
宥齿知柏: 6S管理是一种管理模式,6S即:整理(SEIRI)、整顿(SEITON)、清扫(SEISO)、清洁(SEIKETSU)、素养(SHITSUKE)、安全(SECURITY) 八大浪费:不良、修理的浪费,过分加工的浪费,动作的浪费,搬运的浪费,库存的浪费...

信丰县15942574776: 精益生产管理资料 -
宥齿知柏: 精益生产(Lean Production,简称LP)是美国麻省理工学院数位国际汽车计划组织(IMVP)的专家对日本丰田准时化生产JIT(Just In Time)生产方式的赞誉称呼.精,即少而精,不投入多余的生产要素,只是在适当的时间生产必要数量的市场急...

信丰县15942574776: JIT生产模式的内容是什么? -
宥齿知柏: 保持物质流和信息流在生产中的同步,实现以恰当数量的物料,在恰当的时候进入恰当的地方,生产出恰当质量的产品.这种方法可以减少库存,缩短工时,降低成本,提高生产效率.准时化生产JIT是二战以后最重要的生产方式之一.由于它起...

信丰县15942574776: 什么是企业的精益化管理 -
宥齿知柏: 精益管理源自于精益生产(lean production),是衍生自丰田生产方式的一种管理哲学.精益管理由最初的在生产系统的管理实践成功,已经逐步延伸到企业的各项管理业务,也由最初的具体业务管理方法,上升为战略管理理念. 精益管理要求...

信丰县15942574776: 跪求一篇关于生产性服务业的外文文献及其翻译,要有参考文献的 谢谢 -
宥齿知柏: The United States in 1975 and Browning singman economists in the classification of the service industry, the first production of the service sector (Producer Services) concept. Producer services is defined as the process of maintaining continuity of...

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