
作者&投稿:查雪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

—By Ann
When the Wind Stops is a story. The story is about new beginnings, seasons changing and the weather.
In the story, a young boy asks his mother, "Why does the day end?"
She says, "The day doesn’t end. It begins somewhere else."
"Where does the wind go when it stops?"he asks. "Where does the rain go when it is over?"
"Wind and rain ..."she says. "Nothing ends. It begins in another place or a different way."

1. seasons changing 季节变换
2. somewhere else 别的什么地方
3. different adj. 不同的
词数:33 处理时间:2'02''
Question:Does the day end in the mother’s opinion?
D. No, it never ends. It begins somewhere else.

问:在阳台用"in"还是"on"[J 2007-5-17]
答:in[Fine 2007-5-18]
答:in 表示 在…内;在…中;在…里面. There is a pencil in the box. 匣子里有一枝铅笔。 He was standing in the room. 他站在房间里。

To Judy 给朱迪的信


Dear Judy,
How is the weather in Florida? I ask this question because it is snowing here in Oregon.
Yesterday, it felt so good, but now it is cold, cloudy and windy.
I saw the weather report. Florida is warm. People there still are swimming in their backyard pools and going surfing! Is it true? You are so lucky!



哦 还有一件事 我现在学的ABC天卞英语的导师说过 其实要学好英语是很容易的 一定具有恰当的研习空间和练习口语对象 老师水平是关键,口语纯正很重要,持续天天口语沟通,1v1个性化学习才能够有更.好.的学习成效!学习后还要回放复习课堂录音档 把所学知识融会贯通。如果真的没有人可以指导 就到旺旺或沪江获取课外教材阅读 多说、多练、多问、多听、多读,迅速的语感就加强起来 整体效果肯定会达成目标的

kitchen pond primary parther character were second Amercan unfriendly scientists CACABBABAB A:is A:was B:somewhere C:on B:to travel (were not)(was like)(was she was)(where they weren't)(Adams was very naught at school last year) (one day)(was born)(lots of)(go back)(looking forward to) FABDC ACBACBBACC ACBBC (fans) (He was born on3rd october ,1984 in sichuan province)( what was name) (they think she is very friendly to others)(许多人正期待着更多的新星) 作文没 DEABC were was was are was are was were were is


时代英语报 2015学年度6年级第28期报纸答案

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