
作者&投稿:薄命 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My hometown is a beautiful city in central China, renowned for its rich culture, stunning scenery, and friendly people. The city center is lively with markets, shops, and local cuisine, while ancient temples and gardens reflect its history.

Welcome to my hometown! Shanghai is my hometown. It is a modern and busy town. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. You can see big trees and nice flowers. There are many restaura...

写一篇 my home town 的英语短文,85词左右,适当发挥:
My Hometown My hometown is a beautiful village. People here are rich,happy and friendly .There is a river near my hometoen which is rich in fish and rice.On one side of the river, you can see many cows in the fields. and wheat grows well. The sunshines brightly throu...

Meishan city, my hometown.This is a very beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since the...

My Hometown Hello,everyone!My name is Yang Ao.Let me introduce my hometown.My hometown is Lingbao,Henan Province.I have lived here for twelve years.It is very beautiful and it has long history.There are many tourism buildings and delicious food. The city is small,but the pe...

My hometown is Shaoyang .Although it is just a *** all city in Hunan province ,I love my hometown .One of the reason is that it is also the hometown of Wei Yuan and Cai'e .We all know Wei Yuan is a famous ideologist(思想家) and Cai'e is an exceptional general(将军...

Welcome to my hometown! Fujian is my hometown. It is a modern and busy province. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. You can see green hills, big trees and nice flowers. There ...

I'm living a poor countryside, but now my countryside change alot. Ten years ago there is a very poor place ,people are there have nothing things ,they are no TV or radio ,people are here no rice to eat ,no fresh water to drink, some times they are still hungry, some...

说明泰山有巨大的魅力。I love my hometown, the mountains and the sea of my hometown. I often think of it. I hope students can go to my hometown for vacation!我爱我的家乡,家乡的山,家乡的海,让我时常想起,希望同学们假期到我的家乡去玩吧!

My hometown is much more beutiful than the past. There are much more trees and flowers along the road. The road is cleaner and wider now. There are more population now. The buildings are higher and higher but we used to live in the houses. There are more and bigger shops ...

are very friendly,i love my hometown very much ,I hope you can e and have a look my hometown我很荣幸向大家介绍我的家乡,我来自山西离石,离石除了产煤,还有很好吃的红糖糕.你想尝尝吗?这里的人都很友好,我希望你能来看看我的家乡.差不多了吧,你要给点让写的东西呀,都不怎么了解 ...

准格尔旗15542389396: 我的家乡 英语作文 100字左右 -
春轻气血: Welcome to my hometown! Shanghai is my hometown. It is a modern and busy town. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. You can see big trees and nice ...

准格尔旗15542389396: 我的家乡英语作文50字带翻译 -
春轻气血:[答案] My hometown is Xiamen.I was born there twelve years ago.Now I live in Fuzhou,the capital of Fujian Province.Xiamen is a ... but you don't have to worry.And every path has its own beautiful scenery.I love my beautiful hometown. 我的家乡是厦门,十二年...

准格尔旗15542389396: 急求作文<家乡的风情> 我浙江的~! 急!!!
春轻气血: 西湖,因位于省会杭州城西而得名,三面环山,东临城区.面积5. 6平方公里,环湖一周15公里.自唐朝(公元七世纪)以来,西湖就以它独具魅力的自然风光闻名于世, 现为我国著名的十大风景名胜之一. 西湖山水,风景如画.三潭印月,湖心亭和阮公墩3个人工小岛 , 鼎立湖心,是湖中浏览胜地.环湖有林木苍翠的吴山,凤凰山,玉皇山等风景区,在群山之中深藏有烟霞洞,石屋洞,紫云洞等奇异的洞景和虎跑,龙井,玉泉等名泉,峰奇石秀,林泉幽美.沿湖还有曲院风荷,花港公园,柳浪闻莺等各具特色的园林,以及灵隐寺,岳庙,六和塔,飞来峰等名胜古迹.人们赞颂" 天下西湖三十六,其中最好是杭州".

准格尔旗15542389396: 英语作文 我的家乡带翻译 60 - 80词汇量 -
春轻气血:[答案] My home is a small town,where the scenery beautiful,tree-yin. Spring,the branches out of the verdant branches,grass lazily ... My hometown really beautiful,I love my hometown! 我的家乡是一个小镇,那里风景优美,绿树成阴. 春天,树枝抽出了嫩绿的枝...

准格尔旗15542389396: 我的家乡英语作文200词 宁波地段
春轻气血: My Home Town我的家乡 My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown ...

准格尔旗15542389396: 我的家乡 英语作文 -
春轻气血: My hometownThese years, my hometown has taken place great changes. It isn't what it used to be.Many forests have been cut down without planting any young trees, that is to say, beautiful hills have been changed into a deserted land. Due to the ...

准格尔旗15542389396: 以My hometown为题的英语作文,我的家乡在浙江温州 -
春轻气血: My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was ...

准格尔旗15542389396: 我的家乡英文写一篇我的家乡的英文作文,我的家乡是河南的.中午12点以前要出来,下午就没用了, -
春轻气血:[答案] My hometown is in Henan Province which is located in eastern central China,on the plain between the Yellow and Huaihe rivers.It has distinctive four seasons,spring,summer,autumn and winter.It is very hot in summer and cold in winter.There are lots of ...

准格尔旗15542389396: My Hometown 杭州 英语作文 80个字左右! -
春轻气血:[答案] I live in Hangzhou.It is a beautigul city.It's my hometown.Every year it attracts large number of tourists come here all over the world.We have Xihu here and many places of interest.I think you will l...

准格尔旗15542389396: 英语作文My hometown我家在嘉兴,主要写写景色之类的就行了 -
春轻气血:[答案] 没去过嘉兴 只能根据资料写一些 Jiaxing has abundant culture relics and tourism interests. There are beautiful tide, lakes and rivers. To the south of city, there are the revolutionary saint place of South Lake and other places like Xitang-living ancient town ...

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