
作者&投稿:督马 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Along with the economic globalization and the degree of financial liberalization, the deepening of the market demand is gradually increasing and control relaxing under the premise of global commercial Banks of the intermediary business to an unprecedented development, intermediary business has become an international bank new profit growth point and core industries in the world. Based on the analysis of the intermediary business development present situation and problems, and through the foreign commercial Banks of the intermediary business contrast further elaborates the our country commercial bank of the intermediary business deficiency, in order to adapt to China's current situation, summarizes the development of the intermediary business and to propose the corresponding countermeasure.

1.History is objective, but at the same time they also submerged in the past the dust
3.Real human growth lies in self, self check and influence the formation of self-worth
4.Through the ages, not for according to history. Unless the author can illustrate history data and now has a strong comparability
5.Whether people with purchasing power is to solve this problem, the decisive factor.
6.Ask: oh, even if even this word have good expression method? Table concessions, we seek good word. Putting assuming business too common ~ with presume can yao ~ this seems unwarranted speculation
7.Democracy is only use system restriction human this evil.




6. Remember that there later wrote to me.

7. Communicated to officers in the news before the soldiers had only spread.

8. John has a sense of responsibility not only smart. He likes to make friends with others.

9. This little boy alone, often by people hungry, because he will not cook.

10.'s Desire to create is very important. If we simply imitate, then it is very difficult the development of new things.







たかさわ (该日本人名字,根据读音可以译成 高沢)

1.我 저(cao) , 나(na) , 내(nai)2.你 너(nao) , 네(nai) , 니(ni)3.他 그(ke), 그 사람 (ke sa lam)4.是的.네(nai), 예(yei)5.不是.아니(&#...

哈级买嘛习带 哟罗习哭 哦乃噶一习马斯(初次见面 请多关照)阿里阿哆(谢谢)多模(多谢)撒哟那啦(再见)一肖腻(一起)哟~西~(乖 好)到一答习嘛习带(不用谢)带gi吗西哒(完成了)哦吗哒塞(大家久等了)无里哒耐露嗦(我已经迫不及待了)撒洗波利(好久不见)加乃(再见 平...

开场白:同学们,做人要“四不五静”,不然,便失去了意义。哪四不呢:1.不大声喧哗 2.不讲粗话脏话 3.不猛追猛打 4.不乱丢垃圾。又哪五静呢:1.升旗仪式要肃静 2.课间休息要肃静 3.食堂就餐要肃静 4.午间休息要肃静 5.校园环境要肃静 结束语:同学们,记住,只要你做到了这些,...

51396:我要睡觉了 0487:你是白痴 995:救救我 5203344587:我爱你,生生世世不变心 88:再见 748:去死吧 537:我生气了 3030335:想你想你想我 520:我爱你 53880:我想抱抱你 3344520:生生世世我爱你 53719:我深情依旧 25184:爱我一辈子 1392010:一生就爱你一人 259695:爱我就了解我 078...

韩语高手进 帮忙给翻译几个韩语句子~
1.nan yier(一后面加儿化音)bu luo ha nen ge a ni ya 男 一儿 不落 哈嫩个 啊你呀!2.a ni (比较口语化,也有不是的意思)啊你 (你不要发3声,发轻声)3.yi jia xi gi (一般是年龄稍大的人对稍小的人说的,同龄之间还是不用为好,不尊敬的成分比较多。开玩笑的时候...

现在我在韩国学了快一年的韩语,在韩国语老师和韩国朋友的帮助下韩国语有了很大的提高,我会不断刻苦学习,达到更高水准的韩国语交际能力。 对于任何人来说只有空想是实现不了梦想的,是付出代价后才终于能够到手的东西。因此在来韩国后我努力学习韩国语并积极融入韩国人的生活。通过本次申请和考核,如果成功地进入xxx...

苦后的笑:()、() 各位成语高手帮帮我啊!
:“纵李兄言太刻毒,适足破涕成笑,何须芥蒂。”破涕为笑 (pò tì wéi xiào)解释:涕:眼泪。一下子停止了哭泣,露出笑容。形容转悲为喜。出处:晋·刘琨《答卢堪书》:“时复相与举觞对膝,破涕为笑。”示例:她很高兴地赞同这个计划,并且~地说她有逃的办法。★巴金《家》二十八 ...

是小野教我韩语。理由同上。另外,是ならいまず,不是习いまず。4.どもだちに じてんしゃを かります 是我向朋友借自行车 这次是向里借,主动句,所以に提示的是动作牵涉的另一方,而不是动作的发出者。所以动作是被省略的主语“我”发出的。刚开始学日语,收受关系确实比较混乱。加油!

石是석还有那个闫...都没见过郁闷额= =!!

青河县15517889326: 请英文高手帮哈子啊求一句话的翻译:“魔镜魔镜告诉我 谁是天底下最漂亮的女人?当然是你啦”答对加分啊 -
藏兴人纤:[答案] mirror,mirror on the wall,who`s the most beautiful of us all? Of course you!

青河县15517889326: 英语高手帮哈子
藏兴人纤: playing badminton can make us feel relax . it can also comfertable our emotion.it makes our body fit and strong. basketball is the game that could help us with our hight. playing chess is good for our thinking ability.

青河县15517889326: 英语高手帮帮我吧 帮我翻译一下啊
藏兴人纤: On Saturday mornings, I usually get up at 7:30. Then, I have breakfast at 7:45. It's really wonderful time! I finish the homework at around 12:00, and I have my lunch at 12:30. I read the books the whole afternoon, and I go to take a shower at 18:30. On ...

青河县15517889326: 英语高手 帮帮我啊 帮我翻译一下啊
藏兴人纤: Good morning, I usually get up at 6:30 rick is usually done after a bath I take 16 places on the road What time is 10 minutes? It is 10:15 at night You want to know my weekend life? We ate lunch at school scott brush their teeth every day, wash, eat ...

青河县15517889326: 急!!各位英语高手进来看看啊帮我翻译下啊.. -
藏兴人纤: l really want to tell you that how much i love you!!我真的想告诉你我有多爱你!l hope to tell you that i love you so much我希望能告诉你我如此爱你!呵呵

青河县15517889326: 英语翻译,哪位高手帮帮我啊!!!!! -
藏兴人纤: I'll go over the English so that I can get a high score.

青河县15517889326: 英语高手来帮帮我啊~~帮我翻译一段英文~~
藏兴人纤: Dear Ricky, Do you remember that you have brrowed my tape recorder last week? But now, I am sorry to tell that tomorrow I will take an English listening test, so today , i need to take it back.If you don't mind you can brrow after my examation. OK?Bye! ###(your name)

青河县15517889326: 高手们帮帮我啊!中文翻译成英文
藏兴人纤: 1.This morning I get up and feel uncomfortable, headache, and do not want to eat. 2. My mother took me to the hospital to see a doctor. 3. The doctor told me I had a cold, it is recommended to eat some medicine and need a good rest, drink plenty of water. 4. I am determined to strengthen after the exercise.

青河县15517889326: 英语高手的帮帮我.帮我翻译这些句子,“我希望这是最后一次,请你明白我,相信我.我将消失一段时间” -
藏兴人纤: 手工翻译,注意意境:I wish this is my last time to do so, and I am eager for your understanding and believing. I will disappear for a moment.

青河县15517889326: 高手帮我翻译一下英语!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!感谢啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
藏兴人纤: Hi! alana, I want to die you very much!! Sorry! long time no talk with you!! because I like a bird to be kept in school. only the weekend to go home! But fortunately, I am now at the holidays! I will have up to twenty days of the holiday! so I'm so excited!! In this way, I had more time to talk to you!

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