
作者&投稿:超韦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In the year 3131, the goats live in the Qingqing Grasslands happily, while "Grey Wolf" and his wife "Red Wolf" move to Qingqing Grasslands to try and capture them. But goats in this time are intelligent and powered with technology. Every time Grey Wolf appears at the School of Goats, he thinks up a sneaky plan to catch the goats. Among the goat students, a smart young boy goat named "Pleasant" always finds a way to ruin "Grey Wolf's" plans and save the goats. With the effort of "Pleasant" and his friends, Grey Wolf never captures any goats. In the end of each episode, "Grey Wolf" always promises to come back.


The conflict between Grey Wolf and "Pleasant" never ends. Although he is mean to the goats, he is a nice and timid husband to Red Wolf. Red Wolf is somewhat impatient and enjoys making her husband do all the work. She never tries to catch the goats herself, but always yells at her husband, and hits Gray Wolf with a frying pan in almost every episode whenever she's unhappy. She likes fashion and behaves like a modern female adult (though sometime her thoughts are a bit childish).


"Pleasant" and his friends are portrayed as playful primary school kids, each of whom has his/her own unique feature. "Beauty" is a pretty girl goat who is always worrying about her looks and esteem. "Fit" is a boy goat who likes to work out; he is in love with "Beauty". "Lazy" is a cute boy goat who likes to relax. There are many other child goats, as well as their teacher - an old goat named "Slow", who is a scientist and develops machines to protect their school. He is slower than a snail and uses a walking stick.



Dear Mike,
I’d be happy to tell you something about the cartoon Pleasant Sheep and Big Big Wolf. It is Huang Jian’s latest cartoon. Huang is a very famous cartoon maker in China. The cartoon tells us stories about how some young and brave sheep fight against the wolves. The stories are very interesting. The sheep and the wolves are very funny. We children, our parents and even our grandparents like to watch it. The sheep have a lot of fans both in China and overseas. If you are looking for entertainment, stay at home and watch it. Don’t miss it.

Joozone Editor's Note:随着《喜羊羊与灰太狼》大电影第二部《喜羊羊与灰太狼之虎虎生威》的上映,这部空前火爆的国产动画再度成为众人关注的焦点。你知道怎么用英文介绍喜羊羊与灰太狼么?你知道美羊羊、懒羊羊的英文名字怎么说么? 下面作文地带为您提供一个完整的中英文对照名字: 喜羊羊 (Pleasant Goat/Happy Goat) 喜羊羊是小羊中的首领,在他的脖子上挂着一个小铃铛。他是慢羊羊的得力助手。几乎每集的剧情中都是他挫败了灰太狼的诡计。他是个跑步健将,而他的计划从不曾失败。 The leader of the young goats, who wears a small bell on his neck. He is the best assistant of Slow Goat. In almost every episode he is the first one who foils the plot of Grey Wolf. He is also a very, very fast runner. His plans hardly ever fail. 慢羊羊(Slow Goat/Mayor Goat) 慢羊羊是大家的村长,虽已垂垂老矣,却极具智慧,负责把他的知识教给小羊们。他同时也是一位天才发明家,拥有一个地下实验室,每次搞研发都会发挥出他科学怪人的一面。每次他努力思考的时候太阳穴都会长出植物来。他动作比蜗牛还慢,因而得名。 The village chief of the goats. He is a wise though senile old goat who is teacher to the children goats. He is also a brilliant inventor with his own underground laboratory, and when inventing he sometimes adopts a mad scientist persona. A running gag in the show has vegetation grow from his temple whenever he thinks too hard. He is slower than a snail. joozone.com提供 懒羊羊 (Lazy Goat/Sleepy Goat) 懒洋洋是一只戴着黄色围兜的贪吃小羊,他不爱劳动爱睡觉,总是第一个被灰太狼抓走的对象。每次灰太狼来绑架小羊的时候,他总是沉沉入睡。他培养出了不少躲藏技术,包括跳水之类的。 A small, gluttonous goat wearing a yellow drool bib. He hates work and likes to sleep, but due to his lazy nature he is often the first caught by Grey Wolf. He also has a habit of falling asleep whenever Grey Wolf kidnaps the goats. He has been revealed to hold a varying number of hidden talents throughout the show, such as diving. 美羊羊(Beauty Goat/Pretty Goat) 美羊羊是一只长着粉色犄角戴着粉色围巾的母羊,她喜欢烧菜和打扮,羊村人人都很喜欢她。她暗恋的对象是喜羊羊,而她自己又被沸羊羊暗恋。 A female goat with a pink scarf and pink horns. She likes to cook and dress up, and she is generally liked by all the other goats in goat village. She have a crush on Pleasant Goat. Fit Goat has a crush on her. 沸羊羊(Fit Goat/Tan Goat) 沸羊羊生来有着深色的皮肤,是青青草场最强壮的一位,后来才知道原来他有着高山山羊的基因。他脾气不太好,很是高傲,总是看不起别的小羊。他喜欢美羊羊。每逢拳脚之争,他都还不一定斗得过灰太狼咧。他超爱拳击,总是拿懒羊羊来欺负。 A goat with tan skin, Fit Goat was the strongest goat on the Qingqing Grasslands until it was revealed that Kind goat possessed mountain goat genes. He is feisty and arrogant, with a tendency to underestimate others. He has a crush on Pretty Goat. Interestingly, he is still unable to defeat Grey Wolf in a fist fight except for rare incidences. He loves boxing and he always like to bully Sleepy Goat. 暖羊羊(Gentle Goat) 暖羊羊和蔼可亲,是喜羊羊班上的班主任老师。在奥运特辑中,发现她原来也有高山山羊的基因,结果她就超越沸羊羊成为羊村最强壮的羊了。她细心体贴,但有时很是唠叨。焦太狼是她的好朋友。 She is a docile and kind female goat who is class president to Pleasant Goat's class in school. She is revealed in the Olympics special to possess mountain goat genes, effectively making her the strongest goat in Goat Village above Fit Goat. She is the most sensible goat but is sometimes talkative. She is friends with Banana Wolf. 软绵绵(Soft Goat) 软绵绵是羊族的祖先,创建了羊村。 The ancestor of the goat family. 灰太狼(Grey Wolf/Wolfy) 灰太狼是该动画的主要反派,他头戴一顶橙黄相间的帽子,脸上有一道清晰可见的伤疤。灰太狼总是工于心计,却总是在捕捉小羊的行动中落得两手空空的下场。每次他都会施展不同的诡计潜入羊村,比方打扮成不同的动物什么的。每次计划挫败后,他总是高喊着自己的口头禅:“我一定会回来的,可恶的小羊!” 、“我一定会回来的,可恶的喜羊羊!” 或者“我一定会回来的!” The main villain, a grey wolf with a patched yellow and orange hat, as well as visible facial scar. He is often found planning over-the-top maneuvers reminiscent of Wile-E-Coyote in attempts to capture the goats of Goat Village. He uses different sneaky ways to catch the goats. He sometimes dresses like a different animal or break the gate of the goat's home and go in and catch them.. When defeated, his catchphrase is 'I'll be back, annoying little goats! or I'll be back, annoying Pleasant Goat/Happy Goat! or I'll be back! 本文来自作文地带: http://www.joozone.com/yc/1884.html

Pleasant goat and grey Wolf is my favorite, because they are very clever, but they also have their own advantages, pleasant goat is brave, honest, smart, lively, and witty. Gray Wolf is a genius inventor, he has the perseverance, perseverance of perseverance. If the main character is not a pleasant goat and grey Wolf is the one side, grey Wolf is sure enough to defeat the pleasant goat.





喜羊羊与灰太狼全集可于各大视频平台下载,集数超过500集。关于喜羊羊与灰太狼全集的下载说明:一、下载渠道 由于喜羊羊与灰太狼系列非常受欢迎,许多视频平台都提供了全集的观看和下载服务。您可以通过搜索引擎查找相关视频平台,如爱奇艺、腾讯视频、优酷等。二、集数情况 喜羊羊与灰太狼系列自推出...

不知道,但喜羊羊与灰太狼》又出新作《羊羊运动会》。《羊羊运动会》将与《喜羊羊与灰太狼》一起播出并延续爆笑,60集的《羊羊运动会》(每集15分钟左右)以青青草原为背景,来自地球各大洲的同部落、 同种类的羊族们在青青草原举行盛大的羊族奥运会。羊族们的运动员代表都来到了比赛现场,然而...

3. 在这部影片中,观众可以看到精心设计的场景,如果酱布丁沼泽、彩色糖果大瀑布、棒棒糖丛林等,这些都唤起了观众对童年的美好回忆。4. 《喜羊羊与灰太狼之兔年顶呱呱》由广东原创动力文化传播有限公司出品,于2010年制作完成,在中国上映。5. 影片的中文名是《喜羊羊与灰太狼3:兔年顶呱呱》,外文名...

《喜羊羊和灰太狼》为什么喜羊羊和灰太狼最后会成为好朋友呢?_百度知 ...

喜羊羊 小名:小喜儿 性别:男 年岁:7 身份:羊村男主角,《喜羊羊与灰太狼》里最主要的主角。草原三侠之智。血型:A型 爱好:搞恶作剧、足球、捉弄灰太狼,跑步 常用道具:单筒望远镜、铃铛 缺点:性急 慢羊羊的助手、学生,走路、办事都很性急勤快,常常慢羊羊只说前面一句,后一句他已经抢在前面...



甘孜藏族自治州17289239209: 喜羊羊和灰太狼的英语作文 -
狐使赖诺: In the year 3131, the goats live in the Qingqing Grasslands happily, while "Grey Wolf" and his wife "Red Wolf" move to Qingqing Grasslands to try and capture them. But goats in this time are intelligent and powered with technology. Every time ...

甘孜藏族自治州17289239209: 喜羊羊与灰太狼英语作文老师要求写一篇英语作文介绍《喜羊羊与灰太狼》不少于80词!急 -
狐使赖诺:[答案] Recently a new release of the cartoon, called "Pleasant Goat and the Wolf." Film, led to a boom and I saw, it is okay ~ Wolf... I really benefit. 最近新上映了一部动画片,叫《喜羊羊与灰太狼》.这部片子,引发了一段热潮.我也看了,实在是好呀~ 灰太...

甘孜藏族自治州17289239209: 急!!!!请英语高手写一篇初一英语短文,喜羊羊和灰太狼的 -
狐使赖诺: Hi羊羊very smart, he repeatedly used his ingenuity to save a friend, so let too gray wolf and go up to a meeting, therefore, evil wins, however are just

甘孜藏族自治州17289239209: 请英语高手写一篇初一英语短文,喜羊羊和灰太狼的可以写喜羊羊和灰太狼的人物介绍,也可以写他们的故事.记住, -
狐使赖诺:[答案] Hi羊羊very smart,he repeatedly used his ingenuity to save a friend,so let too gray wolf and go up to a meeting,therefore,evil wins,however are just

甘孜藏族自治州17289239209: 用英文写一篇喜羊羊与灰太狼的作文 -
狐使赖诺: 喜羊羊与灰太狼之兔年顶呱呱观后感 Pleasant goat and ash too wolves rabbit years show. Top-rate 喜羊羊与灰太狼之兔年顶呱呱. Pleasant goat and ash too wolves rabbit years honey. 这部电影讲的是:苦瓜大王想利用超瓜战队和瓜兵苦化月球...

甘孜藏族自治州17289239209: 帮我写一个 喜羊羊与灰太郎的英语作文呗++ 分一的啊 -
狐使赖诺:[答案] Myfavourite cartoon is Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf.It was released inJune,2005.It is hot on nearly 50 televisionlike CCTV,TVB and BTV.It is a story about a group of sheep.They live happilybut the sneaky Grey Wolf and his wife try their best to catch and ...

甘孜藏族自治州17289239209: 急!!!!请英语高手写一篇初一英语短文,喜羊羊和灰太狼的 -
狐使赖诺: Hi羊羊very smart, he repeatedly used his ingenuity to save a friend, so let too gray wolf and go up to a meeting, therefore, evil wins, however are just

甘孜藏族自治州17289239209: 喜羊半与灰太狼的英语作文怎么写?
狐使赖诺: Firstly, title catered to a vast audience during the Spring Festival figure is auspicious, stained auspicious psychology. Behold, both "merchant" (harmonics), and meeting "cow spirit blunt day", just this, also should go take a look. Thus, the film's ...

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