像contribute to doing the way to doing look forward to doing 这样的,初中阶段还有什么这样的to doin

作者&投稿:郟咱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
look forward to doing 还是to do?~

look forward to doing


只有look forward to doing sth.期盼做...


不定式的固定短语(to do sth) 1.would 1.would like to do sth 2.want to do sth 3.stop to sth 4.remember to do sth 5.forget to do sth 6.decide to do sth 7.ask to do sth 8.tell to do sth 9.order sb to do sth 10.try to do sth 11.try one`s best to do sth 12.start to do sth 13.begin to do sth 14.teach sb to do sth 15.it`s time to do sth = it`s time for sth 16.it takes sb st to do sth 17.it`s good / bad for sb to do sth 18.it`s necessary / important for sb to do sth 19.it`s safe / dangerous 20.it`s for sb to do sth 20.it`s ready to do sth = it`s ready for sth 21.be happy to do sth = be nice to do sth = be glad to do sth = be great to do sth 22.be afraid to do sth 23.need to do sth 24.hope sb to do sth = wish sb to do sth 25.tell sb the way to sp 26.be sorry to do sth 27.be sure to do sth 28.it`s adj enough for sb to do sth 29.agree to do sth 30.it`s one`s turn to do sth 31.sb have / has no time to do sth 32.afford to do sth 33.be surprised to do sth = to one`s surprised = be surprised at sth 35.learn to do sth 34.invite sb to do sth sth 动名词固定短语(doing sth) 1.like dong sth 2. enjoy dong sth 3.have fun doing sth 4.hate doing sth 5. dislike doing sth 6.stop doing sth 7. remember doing sth 8.forget doing sth 9.begin doing sth 10.start doing sth 11.see sb doing sth doing 14.find sb doing sth 12.hear sb doing sth 13.watch sb doing sth 15.finish doing sth 16.go on doing sth 17.try doing sth 18.sb spend st / sm (in) doing sth 19.practice doing sth 20.would sb mind doing sth doing 21.keep sb doing dth 22.be busy doing sth = be busy with sth 23.be with doing sth 24.stop sb from doing sth = prevent sb from dong sth = keep sb from doing sth 25.what about doing sth = how about doing sth 动词原形的固定短语(do sth) 1.make sb do sth 2.let sb do sth 3.help sb (to) do sth 4.see sb do sth = 4.see hear sb do sth = watch sb do sth = find sb do sth 5.you`d better do sth — you`d better not do sth 6.why don`t sb do sth = why not do sth

contribut to什意思
contribute to 1.捐助;帮助 How much did you contribute to the relief fund?你为那笔救济金捐了多少?2.促成 Your suggestion has greatly contributed to the accomplishment of our work.你的建议大大地促进了我们工作的完成。3.为...写稿 She has been contributing to the paper for 5 year...

make a contribution to后面接动词什么形式?
因为make a contribution to的to是介哪没词,不是构成不定式,介词后都用动名词形式,所以是用doing。示例:Every one of us should make a contribution to making our gardens more beautiful.我们模纤每个人应该为使我们园林更美丽而做出贡献。短语:1、capital contribution 资本认购;资本摊缴 2、...



英语作文,the advantages of getting a good education
正文:Aducation is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for educating them.奉承不是目的,而是达到目的的手段。换句话说,我们教育孩子不仅仅是为了教育他们。Our purpose is to fit them for life. In some moderncountries it has been ...

I'm deeply impressed by the efficiency of the company. I'm very much interested in the work I've been doing with the team. I'd like to work together with them to further improve my ability. I hope to join your team and make further contributuions to the company.我对公司...

contributrion margin 边际贡献 control strategies 控制战略 convenience food stores 便利食品商店 convenience goods 便利品 convenience 服务的便利性 Cool Whip 清凉维普 co-operative advertising 合作性广告 co-ordination and conflict resolution 协调与冲突解决 co-production 合作生产 core benefit proposition (CBP) ...

必备营销英语词汇总结:buying task 采购任务 C cable TV 有线电视 Cadillac 凯迪拉克 Campbell's Soup 金宝汤业公司 capital gains 资本收益 capital invested in product 产品投入资本 Carnival 嘉年华 cash cows 现金牛类 cash discounts 现金折扣 catalogue sales 目录销售 categorization of perception 感知...

Having a good education is very beneficial to us . There are the following reasons. First a good education can help us get more knowledge and experience, which certainly provides us with personal enrichment and improvement. Second a good education can provide us with good job ...

make one's contribution 还是make one's contributio
make one's contribution 做出自己的贡献 如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

翁牛特旗19192277444: contribute to后面接to do 还是doing? -
堵聂京都: contribute to doing是正确的表达. contribute to 搭配时, contribute 作不及物动词时. 一般是contribute to sth,后面一般跟名词, 也可以动名词doing. 原因 1.contribute to中to是一个介词, 后面应该跟的是动名词, 而不应该是动词原形. 2....

翁牛特旗19192277444: contribute to do 还是 contribute to doing? -
堵聂京都:[答案] 一般是contribute to sth 后面一般跟名词,但是跟动名词doing也行,应为to是介词,后面肯定不能用do(动词原形) 我晕,楼上的在误人子弟吖! 一定要记住to是介词,后面不能用do

翁牛特旗19192277444: "devote to do" 与"contribute to"有什么区别,它们分别又有什么用处? -
堵聂京都: dedicate to 致力于devote to do give(oneself;supply(written materials)to 捐(款);把(时间)投入;投(稿) 2.help to bring about;have a share in 贡献,one';献身于 She has devoted herself to the medical science.她一直致力于医学研究.contribute to 1.give(money or time)to;s time,etc.)freely to

翁牛特旗19192277444: 是sb.contributed to还是sb.be contributed to -
堵聂京都: 两种表达方法都有错误,正确的表达是“sb. contribute to”. “contribute to”词组是固定搭配,表示“献身于;对……有贡献”,前面直接加某人即可.“sb.contributed to”是过去式形式; “sb. be contributed to”是被动形式,某人对……...

翁牛特旗19192277444: contributing to和attributing to用法上有什么不同 -
堵聂京都: contributing to 意为捐献,促进,有助于.一般是contribute to sth后面一般跟名词,但是跟动名词doing也行,因为to是介词,后面肯定不能用do(动词原形) .attributing to 意思是“归因于”,指“把某事归因于某人〔某事〕”“认为某作品出...

翁牛特旗19192277444: 填写to后的动词形式时是要安照to do的句型还是把to当介词后面加doing的形式? -
堵聂京都: to do 这是说明to 是动词不定式符号; to doing说明to 是介词,后面接动名词;楼上同学的例子不错 contribute to doing look forward to doing 更多学习攻略点击下面《新东方英语论坛》红色图标.

翁牛特旗19192277444: 类似look forward to doing这样的to doing形式,初中有几个? -
堵聂京都: contribute to doingthe way to doing我只知道这两个了一般在这样的结构中 to 作介词 所以后面接ing形式而不定式to do则是固定搭配 一般用来表示目的、结

翁牛特旗19192277444: 有have the contribution to do sth这个句型吗?它的固定搭配有哪些? -
堵聂京都: 有这个句型,做某事有贡献我首先对你提个小小的建议,学英语,不要迷恋固定搭配,不懂为什么会搭配,只知道闷着头背,你背无可背,还动不动就会错任何所谓的固定搭配其实都有他的道理,如果老师说这是固定搭配,那是他自己也没能弄清楚这里面的道理,只好这么说那你这个例子,里面包含这些东西,你弄明白了,就会举一反三 第一,have的用法,have +名词,用法很常见,have a talk,have a walk 所以,你这里的contribution可以用其他的名词来替代 第二,不定式to do的用法

翁牛特旗19192277444: "devote to do" 与"contribute to"有什么区别,它们分别又有什么用处? -
堵聂京都:[答案] devote to do give(oneself,one's time,etc.)freely to,dedicate to 致力于;献身于 She has devoted herself to the medical science.她一直致力于医学研究. contribute to 1.give(money or time)to;supply(written materials)to 捐(款);把(时间)投入;投(稿...

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