求音乐帝帮忙找一首开头吹口哨的英文歌 男女合唱 比较摇滚的 开始吹口哨4下有停下最后吹6下 小弟谢谢了

作者&投稿:实蚁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求英文高手帮忙查一首英文歌曲 开头是吹口哨声 男女合唱的 有视频链接 跪求大侠 ~~~~~

是叫big bad world哦~
(演唱:The Real Group)
作词:Anders Edenroth
作曲:Anders Edenroth

Don't you don't you step on a snake don't you don't you ride a plant
Don't you don't you eat a steak it might kill you Don't you don't you
Stay in the sun Don't you don't you open the door Don't you don't you
Have any fun it will kill you if you want to get to the end of the day
Before you die here's what I say lay down stay down cause you
Can't fall off the floor who's afraid of the big bad world the big
Bad world the big bad world who's afraid of the big bad world
Nobody loves a chicken who's afraid of the big bad world get some
Guts and feel no fear Don't you don't you sit on a wall
Don't you don't you take a breath Don't you don't you answer
The call it might kill you Don't you don't you catch a cold
Don't you don't you say what you think Don't you don't you
Ever get old it will kill you if you want to get to the end of the day
Before you die here's what I say lay down stay down cause you
Can't fall off the floor who's afraid of the big bad world......
Play it safe play it safe play it safe life is truly wonderful but
Slippery when wet stay inside stay and bide life can give you
Everything but don't forget stay low who's afraid of the big bad world


是叫big bad world哦~
(演唱:The Real Group)
作词:Anders Edenroth
作曲:Anders Edenroth

Don't you don't you step on a snake don't you don't you ride a plant
Don't you don't you eat a steak it might kill you Don't you don't you
Stay in the sun Don't you don't you open the door Don't you don't you
Have any fun it will kill you if you want to get to the end of the day
Before you die here's what I say lay down stay down cause you
Can't fall off the floor who's afraid of the big bad world the big
Bad world the big bad world who's afraid of the big bad world
Nobody loves a chicken who's afraid of the big bad world get some
Guts and feel no fear Don't you don't you sit on a wall
Don't you don't you take a breath Don't you don't you answer
The call it might kill you Don't you don't you catch a cold
Don't you don't you say what you think Don't you don't you
Ever get old it will kill you if you want to get to the end of the day
Before you die here's what I say lay down stay down cause you
Can't fall off the floor who's afraid of the big bad world......
Play it safe play it safe play it safe life is truly wonderful but
Slippery when wet stay inside stay and bide life can give you
Everything but don't forget stay low who's afraid of the big bad world

Flo rida唱的whistle
maroon 5唱的moves like jagger

Trouble Maker? Trouble Maker唱的

金泫雅的trouble maker

是walk away吗?


全名埃德森·阿兰特斯·多·纳西门托(Edson Arantes do Nascimento),1940年10月23日出生在巴西特雷斯科拉索斯镇,前巴西著名足球运动员,司职前锋\/攻击型前卫。贝利被普遍视为是现代足球历史最佳球员,有“球王”(O Rei do futebol)与“黑珍珠”(Pérola Negra)之称。职业生涯共出场1366场比赛,...


“我为足球而生,就像贝多芬为音乐而生一样。”——贝利这个孩子会成为球王你该管他叫什么?“埃德森-阿兰蒂斯-多-纳西门托”(Edson Arantes do Nascimento),这是他的本名,不过小时候在家里,家人们都叫他的昵称“迪科”(Dico)。上学时,一个伙伴管他叫“贝利”,由于这个词的发音在葡萄牙语中像是婴儿的喃喃呓语,...

两个问题。1.你怎样看待诗歌。2。写出一些关于诗歌文化的资料_百度知 ...

C罗小档案 [克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多] 克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多 儿时绰号:克鲁伊维特(当时荷兰的克鲁伊维特名声鹊起) 儿时的偶像:迭戈·马拉多纳 现在的偶像:罗纳尔多、亨利 最想遇到的名人:迈克·泰森 喜欢的城市:马德拉群岛首府丰沙尔 最喜欢的音乐:舞曲 最喜欢的饮料:一种叫桑塔尔的果汁 最喜欢的食物: "Bacalhau a Braz"...

急~~!!!1写出一种意象 要在诗歌中有至少五种不同的寓意

曹丕《典论·论文》译文 文人互相轻视,自古以来就是如此。傅毅和班固两人文才相当,不分高下,然而班固轻视傅毅,他在写给弟弟班超的信中说:“傅武仲因为能写文章当了兰台令史的官职,(但是却)下笔千言,不知所止。大凡人总是善于看到自己的优点,然而文章不是只有一种体裁,很少有人各种体裁都擅长...

帮助的人:1601万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1中国现实主义和浪漫主义的两大文艺传统的源头(人物和作品): 浪漫主义是:屈原的《离骚》。 现实主义是:诗经。 2奴隶社会艺术的典型代表: 司母戊鼎、《诗经》、古罗马角斗场、埃及金字塔、《汉谟拉比法典》、巴比伦空中花园、奥古斯都的和平祭坛。 3汉...

52.《杰出青少年的七个习惯》(美)肖恩·柯维 中国青年出版社 2002年11月1版 作者用妙趣横生的风格,提供一种阶段性的引导,把持久不变的七个习惯应用到年轻人身上,提供了一个密集的训练计划帮助他们改善自我形象、建立友谊、抗拒同辈压力、达成目标,同时面对困难,作出改变生命的决定。 书中充满聪明的点子、伟大的...

双台子区14799478554: 求一首开头吹口哨 节奏轻快 英文歌 -
晏相联邦: Maroon 5的 moves like jagger 张贤胜、泫雅--trouble maker Flo Rida--whistle how do you do 前两首的概率比较大!!酷狗一下就有!你去听听!! 【【望采纳!!

双台子区14799478554: 求音乐帝帮忙找一首开头吹口哨的英文歌男女合唱比较摇滚的开始吹口哨4下有停下最后吹6下小弟谢谢了
晏相联邦: 希望对你有帮助!是叫bigbadworld哦~(演唱:TheRealGroup)作词:AndersEdenroth作曲:AndersEdenrothDon'tyoudon'tyousteponasnakedon'tyoudon'tyourideaplantDon'tyoudon'tyoueatasteakitmightkillyouDon'tyoudon'tyouStayinthesunDon'...

双台子区14799478554: 求歌曲 一首歌刚开始就吹口哨的英文歌 歌名 -
晏相联邦: whistle Flo rida唱的,绝对是您想听的,或者是韩国歌曲trouble maker

双台子区14799478554: 求一首英文歌,前面好像是吹口哨的旋律!
晏相联邦: 前面是吹口哨的歌 我第一反应是<walk away >楼主可以听下 高潮部分歌词youd better run away run away 是dia frampton的歌

双台子区14799478554: 前奏是吹口哨的英文歌 挺欢快的……(好像)忘记了帮个忙找到了就采纳 -
晏相联邦: 这首英文歌?歌曲:Whistle 歌手:Flo Rida

双台子区14799478554: 一首英文歌开头是吹口哨 -
晏相联邦: 男声的吹口哨是这个《 Whistle 》— Flo Rida女声的吹口哨是这个《walk away》—dia frampton个人最爱女声的,单曲循环过很多次.越听越好听.

双台子区14799478554: 有一首歌开头是吹口哨的英文歌 -
晏相联邦: 是whistle

双台子区14799478554: 求一首英文歌,一开始是吹口哨,挺清新的.急求 -
晏相联邦: Trouble Maker金泫雅或者是Sunshine Girl--moumoon,如果帮到你,望采纳哦!~

双台子区14799478554: 开头吹口哨的英文歌 -
晏相联邦: 应该是谍影迷情的片头曲:Apple Trees & Tangerines - Can You Save Me开头吹口哨.地址:http://boxstr.net/files/6625207_s31gh/Apple%20Trees%20%26%20Tangerines%20%E2%80%93%20Can%...Me.mp3

双台子区14799478554: 求一首英文歌歌名(开头有吹口哨的) -
晏相联邦: Moves Like Jagger 来自于Maroon5 这是当时榜上冠军歌曲

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