七年级下册新人教版英语Unit4课件SectionB 1b

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百度文库人教版英语七年级下册unit4 SecntionB课件~


一切顺利吗? 我希望祖父现在身体恢复啦。听说他上周感冒啦,我很难过。我希望你们身体健康。这里一切都好。上周我考完啦期末考试,今天还收到啦成绩报告单。我见到啦邮箱里学校寄来的信封时总是感到紧张。 不过幸运的是我这次做的还不错。这学期我的科学课学的很吃力,所以当我看到对我最糟糕的评价是来自科学老师时,我毫不吃惊。她说我懒惰,但事实并非如此。只不过我发现科学课真的很难。另一门令我失望的科目是历史。我的历史老师说我可以学的更好。好消息是说学老师说我很用功。 西班牙语老师说我听力很好。
好啦,这就是到目前为止有关我所有的消息啦。 妈妈爸爸向你们你问好。


班 级 姓 名 学 号

Ⅰ听力部分 (30分)
一、 听句子,选择你所听到的单词(10分)
( )1. A. koalas B. pandas C. dolphins
( )2. A. When B. Where C. What
( )3. A. cute B. smart C. fun
( )4. A. bank clerk B. shop assistant C. reporter
( )5. A. interesting B. dangerous C. busy
( )6. A. writing B. singing C. cleaning
( )7. A. mall B. library C. pool
( )8. A. letters B. questions C. homework
( )9. A. in the day B. in the evening C. at night
( )10.A. other B. any C. some
二、 听句子,选择正确的答语(10分)
( )1.A. Because they’re ugly. B. Because they’re boring. C. Because they’re beautiful.
( )2. A. I like lions. B. Yes, I do. C. They’re from South Africa.
( )3. A. He is watching TV. B. He is a waiter. C. She is a policewoman.
( )4. A. He is singing. B. She is singing. C. She likes singing.
( )5. A. Thank you. B. I’m OK. C. Sure.
( )6. A. Yes, she is. B. No, I’m not. I’m dancing. C. Yes, I’ m singing.
( )7.A, Yes, I do. B. Yes, I want. C. No, I’m not.
( )8. A. Anna wants to be a reporter. B. She doesn’t want to be a reporter.
C. No, I’m not.
( )9. A. In a hospital. B. At school. C. In a bank.
( )10. A. She is talking on the phone. B, He is talking on the phone.
C. They’re talking on the phone.
( )1. What animals does Lucy like?
A. giraffes and elephants B. dolphins and pandas C. pandas and elephants
( )2.Why does Lucy like elephants?
A. Because they’re beautiful. B.Because they’re smart. C. Because they’re friendly.
( )3. What animals does Tom like?
A. dolphins B. pandas C. elephants

( )5. What is Jack doing?
A. He is running. B. He is reading books. C.He is drawing a picture.
( )6.What does Lily want to be?
A. She wants to be a writer. B. She wants to be an actor. C. She wants to be a running star.
一、 词语释义选出与句子中划线部分意义最接近的选项(5分)
( )1. He sleeps during the day and works at night.
A. inn the day B. in the evening C. day and night
( )2. Dolphins are very smart. They can play with balls.
A. lazy B. ugly C. clever
( )3. I’m very busy.
A. meet many people B. have much work to do C. have little work to do
( )4. My father is busy.
A. has a lot of work to do B. have a lot of work to do C. is free
( )5. He sleeps during the day.
A. go to bed B. gets up C. goes to bed

二、 从下面四个选项中选出最佳选项(15分)
( ) 1.Look! There is ______ elephant and ______ monkey in the picture.
A. a, a B. a, an C. an, a D. an, an
( ) 2. Dolphins are friendly with people. So let’s ______ the dolphins first.
A. look B. see C. hear D. listen
( ) 3.I don’t want to be a waiter, I think it’s kind of ______.
A. fun B. interesting C. dangerous D. boring
( ) 4. Where ______a bank clerk work? –– In a bank.
A. do B. does C. is D. be
( ) 5. A reporter likes _____ to people and writing stories.
A. talk B. talking C. talk with D. talking with
( ) 6. Giraffes are very tall and they can eat ______on the trees.
A. leaf B. leafs C. leaves D. leafes
( ) 7. People come to me when they want to buy some things, so I’m ____.
A. an actor B. a doctor C. an actor D. a shop assistant
( ) .8. — _______ is your friend?
— He’s in the library.
A .Where B. What C. How
( ) 9. Do you often go _______?
A. to shop B. shopping C. shopping
( ) 10. Listen , she _______ an English song.
A. is sing B. sings C. is singing
( ) 11. — What are you doing?
— I _____ computer games.
A. am playing B. play C. playing
( ) 12. — Is he doing his homework?
— Yes, _______.
A. he does B. he isn’t C. he is
( ) 13. May I ask you ______ questions?
A. any B. some C. many
( ) 14 .My English teacher is _______ to me .
A. friend B. friends C. friendly
( ) 15. — ________ music lessons do you have every week?
— Two.
A. How much B. How C. How many
Peter is a bank clerk. He counts(数) a lot of 1 every day, 2 it’s not his own(自己的). His sister, Gina, is a 3 . She helps doctors and patients (病人). Some people 4 her “Angel(天使) in White”. Peter’s 5 is a policeman. His work is kind of dangerous. 6 don’t like him. Peter’s aunt is a teacher. She 7 in a middle school. She likes her 8 . She thinks it’s an 9 job. They are busy every day, but they 10 like their jobs.
( ) 1. A. money B. moneys C. moneies D. people
( ) 2. B. and B. or C. so D. but
( ) 3. A. doctor B. teacher C. nurse D. bank clerk
( ) 4. A. speak B. call C. ask D. say
( ) 5. A. uncle B. aunt C. sister D. mother
( ) 6. A. Thief B. Thieves C. Thiefs D. A thief.
( ) 7. A. studies B. reads C. learns D. works
( ) 8. A. teachers B. students C. works D. family
( ) 9. A. funny B. exciting C. boring D. difficult
( ) 10.A.all B. don’t C. not D. both
三、 阅读理解(30分)
One day, the students are having their English lessons. Their teacher is Miss Gao. She is a kind and helpful teacher. And her lessons are interesting. All the students love her. Today, she sings a nice song with them. And then she goes to the blackboard and writes the word “smiles” on it. “This is the longest word in the world.” She says to the students. A boy says loudly, “It has only six letters. I don’t think so.” The teacher smiles and says, “Oh, look! There is a mile between the first letter and the last letter.”
( ) 1.Miss Gao is a good teacher.
( ) 2. Miss Gao is an English teacher.
( ) 3. The boy thinks “smiles” is the longest word in the world.
( ) 4. The boy is a bad boy.
( ) 5. The boy doesn’t like Miss Gao.

Mr. Smith is an English teacher. He comes from America. He has a daughter. Her name is Amy, and she is a good engineer(工程师) in New York. Mr. Smith likes traveling (旅游) very much, and he can speak Spanish very well. Now he is in China, so he wants to learn some Chinese. He studies very hard at his Chinese, and goes to Chinese classes every evening. He has a lot of friends in China and they often help him. He likes to talk with them. He tells his daughter that he can speak good Chinese, and he doesn’t have any trouble (困难) with his Chinese, but the Chinese have a lot.
( )1.Mr Smith works in _________.
A. a hospital B. a police station C. a school D. a restaurant
( )2.Mr Smith is good at (擅长于) __________.
A. Chinese B. Japanese C. Spanish D. French
( )3.His Chinese is __________.
A. not very good B. very good C. not very well D. very well
( )4.Where does he learn Chinese? _________.
A. In an evening class. B. At home.
C. In his friend’s home. D. In a park.
( )5.Does he study very hard? _________.
A. Yes, he doesn’t. B. No, he doesn’t.
C. Yes, he does. D. No, he don’t.
Many people have pets(宠物).Some people like rabbits very much. They have pet rabbits.
  Mr. Trotter is a doctor. But he doesn’t help sick(患病的)people, he helps rabbits. People call him“ The Rabbit Doctor”. When their pet rabbits get sick, they give him a telephone. And Mr. Trotter drives his car to the people’s houses. In the car, Mr. Trotter has medicine(药)to help the sick rabbits to get well.
  Wherever(无论哪里)he goes, he is always welcome.
  ( )1.“Trotter”is a .
  A. a rabbit B. a dog C. a man
  ( )2.Mr Trotter goes to people’s houses by .
  A. bus B. Car C .bike
  ( )3.People telephone Mr. Trotter when .
  A. they are sick B. their children are sick C. their pet children are sick
  ( )4.Does Trotter have a car?
A. Yes, he has. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know.
  ( )5.The word“ welcome” in the last line means .
Ⅲ 写作(30分)
一、 根据所给词或汉语提示,选择其恰当形式填空(15分)
1. They are _____ (wait). Their jobs are hard.
2. My father’s job is very _____ (danger).
3. I like writing _____ (story) for a magazine?
4. The little dog is very _____ (friend).
5. Do you want _____ (work) for a magazine?
6. He isn’t a (report), he is a (write).
7. These (child) are playing
8. He usually sleeps and (relax) 18 hours every day.
9. Rick wants to go to the zoo and (enjoy) his day there.
10. They are (有几分) cute.
11. The panda is very shy, so please (保持安静).
12. This (电视节目) is interesting.
13. (thief) don’t like (policeman).
Read a book
Watch TV
Clean the room
Do homework
Play a ball

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