
作者&投稿:彘峰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

;Through two year clinical practice experiences, I deep experience exploration disease cause of disease and the development mechanism to cures disease to play to the limit for the key role, therefore passes through the earnest consideration, I hoped can be engaged in the medical research work, further pursues advanced studies in this domain

Regarding by the brand management enterprise primarily, VI design's success mold will cause the enterprise to obtain opens the market front door's key to a problem. How to build the enterprise brand, seeks the accurate market localization, sets up the good image, has become the enterprise to participate in the market competition the bottleneck. Enterprise's visual image design's mold is a macroscopic systems engineering. so far, the Chinese clothing VI design industry internationally does not have the proper brand status. Has depended on the textile processing production for the leading economy domestic clothing profession, in the operation domain, also occupies a developmental stage in recent years, but the domestic brand are actually much more, this probably is also so-called “the Chinese characteristic”, this is also precisely the people with the wind imitation ability and pursue quantification ability the reason which is second to none in the international clothing transport business domain. But, this also exposes the domestic clothing enterprise to lack the creation ability and the depth system plan ability question seriously. If a brand lacks the core, if is unable to let the expense group understanding brand the concept, then attempts to want to cause any echo through the marketing way, the hope is very uncertain. is a situation in view on, how should we avoid. This is the question which I must elaborate and solve. Summarizes simply should be: Carries on the pointed enterprise vision vivid packing to the clothing class enterprise. Achieves lets the public be familiar and cognition goal, but carries on to it in the packing and the propaganda, has been clear about VI design which the enterprise locates is also a most essential part. How should the clothing class enterprise's visual image design do, will be the key point which I elaborate. [key word]: VI design clothing enterprise vivid vision distinguishes


The interactivity and global connectivity of the internet offers several interesting opportunities and applications for interactive home shopping(Alba et al., 1997) and online marketing (Hoffman& Novak, 1996; Deighton, 1996; Bezjian-Avery, Calder, & Iacobucci, 1998; Wind & Rangaswamy,2001).

The Internet is hypothesized to lead to increased efficiency, e.g., in consumer information search costs (Alba et al., 1997;Lynch & Ariely, 2000), and increased effectiveness, through different applications that are designed to support online customers and assist in building customer loyalty.
因特网被认为引导了效率革命. 例如在客户信息检索花费上(..). 并且也通过为在线用户设计的不同的应用程序, 帮助建立了客户忠诚度. 提高了效率

Focusing on the latter, several researchers consider the Internet to be a well-suited medium for building consumer brand relationships (Armstrong & Hagel, 1996;Peppers & Rogers, 1997; Hagel, 1999; Schultz &Bailey, 2000).

However, very few attempts have been made to investigate how different interactive Internet tools may develop or enhance such relationships.
然而, 对于调查交互式因特网工具会如何发展或者提高这些关系的研究问题上, 只进行了很少的尝试

This lack of research is surprising when considering the vast resources in vested into brand-building activities by companies on the Internet world wide.
当想到世界各地的公司在互联网上开展品牌建立活动后获得的巨大的资源时, 这种对研究(前面提到的研究)的缺乏简直令人惊讶.

To gain new insights in this important area, there is a strong need for studying the effects of various Internet-based applications on consumer-brand relationships.

In this study, two of the most common interactive Internet-applications: applications personalized Web sites and Web sites with customer communities—were compared experimentally for their ability to develop consumer brand relationships.
在这个研究中. 两个最普遍的交互式因特网应用——个人应用网页和带有客户社区的网页,对增进客户品牌关系的能力,被进行了实验性的比较

The Brand Relationship Quality (BRQ) framework (Fournier,
1998) was used to test potential effects.
这种品牌关系质量(BRQ) (...)被用来检测潜在影响力.

Moreover, Internet experience was included as a moderator variable, because this variable has been shown to affect both consumer perception of Web sites (Bruner & Kumar, 2000) and consumer behavior in electronic markets (Liang & Huang, 1998).
此外,互联网体验也被认为是两极性的协调者(这里我也不知道怎么翻译好!),因为这个两极性已经被表明既会影响消费者对网页的感觉(..)又会影响消费者在电子市场的行为(..) 。

In the following, interactivity is briefly defined within an Internet context and two dominant interactive Internet applications (personalization and customer community) are presented and contrasted.

Second, the potential moderating effect of Internet experience is discussed. Furthermore, the concept of brand relationship is briefly presented.

Finally, we report on the methodology and results of the experimental comparison of the two applications and discuss implications for marketing management and future research.



因特网被认为引导了效率革命. 例如在客户信息检索花费上(..). 并且也能通过为在线用户设计的不同的应用程序, 帮助建立客户忠诚度. 提高了效率
然而, 对于调查交互式因特网工具会如何发展或者提高这些关系的研究问题上, 只进行了很少的尝试
当想到世界各地的公司在互联网上开展品牌建立活动后获得的巨大的资源时, 这种对研究(前面提到的研究)的缺乏简直令人惊讶.
在这个研究中. 两个最普遍的交互式因特网应用——个人应用网页和带有客户社区的网页——增进客户品牌关系的能力,被进行了实验性的比较
并用一个品牌关系质量(BRQ)体系 (...)来检测潜在的影响.
此外,互联网体验也被归到两极性的协调者(这里我也不知道怎么翻译好!),因为这个两极性已经被表明既会影响消费者对网页的感觉(..)又会影响消费者在电子市场的行为(..) 。

接下来,在一个互联网的大背景中,概括的定义互动性。 然后介绍和对比两个主要的交互式的互联网应用程序(个性化和客户社区)


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