
作者&投稿:调厚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Today’s college students face choices unheard of years ago. Terms like two way selection, self-employment are not new to them. Many students swarm (蜂拥) into job market or look every talent fair (人才交流会) for potential employers. The concept of selling (推销) oneself rather than hiding oneself is well accepted by students.
Hunting a job is no small matter. Instead, it is probably one of the most, if not the most, important decisions any of would-be graduates can make in a lifetime. Therefore, they are very serious and cautious when that time comes. It is something that the society has taught them.Now more and more students lose their jobs when they graduate from school. It's easy for some students to find work. But the fact is that some students think the salary is so low that they don't want to do the job, they except to find a easy work with a higher salary.
Like the reason above,some jobs have nobody to do it ,but somebody is free with no job.

As the job market gets shrinking, it has also become a must for undergraduates (在校本科生)to work harder than before to keep their competitive edge (保持竟争地位). More students are engaged in their studies with no distractions (分心,干扰). They are investing today for a promising (大有希望的,前途无量的) tomorrowAs far as I'm concerned, those students who want to find a higher salary but have no better job to do should be do a easy work from basic.Work hard on ,I believe through their hardwork they'll get a better job soon.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon. To begin with, undergraduates fail to build appropriate employment prospects on the job market. For instance, they would not satisfied with either the salary or the working conditions provided by employers. Furthermore, lack of a proper match between specialty and the skills required by certain jobs should also be blamed. It means what they have learned from universities do not meet the demands of a number of sectors. Last but not least, mobility of population, especially talents, in the international job market, make it tough for domestic graduates to find a job.

Several measures should be taken to solve the problem. First of all, Graduates should be persuade to rebuild an anticipation of their future work based on reality and personal abilities. Moreover, schools and colleges need to adjust their syllabus to the requires of private sectors, and offer specific career training for senior students. Finally, a possibility is also for local government to create more job opportunities for young people.



It has always been a major concern for people that college students have difficulty in finding ideal jobs they want. Some people say that students lack of social experience and most companies are reluctant to hire graduates without practical experience. 

Others hold that almost all graduates think that they deserve a higher salary than their ability. From my point of view, I think students should pay attention to enrich their social experience by doing some fundamental work rather than just expecting a high salary.


First, most students are unwilling to do the most fundamental job at the very beginning. Lacking of experience is a rather significant reality for graduates. 

However, most graduates think that the fundamental job neither can bring them money nor benefit, so they won’t choose to do it. As a result of this, most students just miss the chance of being a potential figure in a certain field.


Second, most companies are too strict to the graduates. For example, some companies think that students without practical experience won’t conform to their position need, so they refuse the graduates at the first time. 


In conclusion, not only the students themselves have limited ability to get a better paid job, but also, the social environment aggravates the difficulty of finding an ideal job. 

As a result, graduates should not only focus on improve their capacity of handling things but also learn to adjust their vision to find new chance to lead a better life.


Now way out of university graduates is a common problem! Landlord first thing to do is put right state of mind, because the biggest problems students is impetuous! Similarly, impulsive and our society, so must find out their position, practical, ambitious and hard work, keeping in mind constantly to recharge Oh! In this way, time is running short side long, you have the experience, social status slowly coming up, there will be future!

宣恩县15837855189: 大学生毕业都有哪些出路
唱狡滴加: 1、自主创业 2、考研究生 3、到职业技术学校学习技能 4、应聘 5、考公务员 6、找熟人联系工作 7、出国留学

宣恩县15837855189: 现在大学生毕业后,最好的出路是什么?
唱狡滴加: 最好的出路对于不同的人是不同的,有的人有资源,有的人没资源,有的人有父母(支持),有的人没父母(支持),有的人学到了真本事,有的人浑了四年,混个学历…… 最主要的,就是你要真正的认识自己,自己到底会什么,能干什么,是不是块料…… 大学生最好的出路就是自己学会找出路!

宣恩县15837855189: 一般的大学毕业后能干什么? -
唱狡滴加: 如果是应届毕业生,你应该提早计划,并为自己设定合理的职业目标,这个时候你面临从校园到工作的转型,提早的参于工作和面试将会帮助你明确未来的工作的雇主种类和工作职位. 具体的,你应该是以下几个方面来做准备: 1. 为你的第一...

宣恩县15837855189: 大学快毕业了,有没有什么好的出路?现在很迷茫. -
唱狡滴加: 1. 【考研】,如果你对读书很感兴趣加上学习成绩好,想要更好的发展的话,考研是一条很好的出路,但是如果你只是为了逃避就业压力的话,那么最好不要.2. 【公务员】,公务员收入并不高,普通工资,但是它的福利是极好的,吃国家的饭...

宣恩县15837855189: 大学毕业后的出路 -
唱狡滴加: 考证,还有参加实习. 出路么,比较多,环境的可以去企业,可以去公务员或者事业单位.

宣恩县15837855189: 大学毕业可以干嘛 -
唱狡滴加: 毕业就可以去实习啊,或者自己找工作,专业对口且又喜欢就找类似专业!大学毕业证时很多企业招聘的一个条件!

宣恩县15837855189: 大学毕业后有什么出路 -
唱狡滴加: 刚踏入社会先就业再择业,先得有饭吃才有力气找(创造)好饭吃!找个地方评估自己的能力,再做好实际的人生规划目标,一步步计划去接近目标,最后就是成功!就如下棋的道理!

宣恩县15837855189: 大学生毕业后做什么? -
唱狡滴加: 1、人对于一个新环境不熟悉,有陌生感,有担忧,有恐惧感,都是正常的,每个人对于不熟悉的事物都有恐惧感; 2、无论通过哪种方式找工作,你的目的都是要找工作,不是找方式,所以找到工作就好了,不要拘泥于形式; 3、关于经验,不...

宣恩县15837855189: 大学生的出路在哪儿 -
唱狡滴加: 当代大学生的压力都很大,恐怕每个人的潜质和资质以及家庭环境等情况也各不相同,所以,无法确定什么才是一个人最好的出路!其实小编以为,最最关键的是,个人要知道自己的发展优势在哪里.比如:能说会道的,思维逻辑很强的,很...

宣恩县15837855189: 大学生毕业有什么出路? -
唱狡滴加: 其实,目前中国有一个新兴阶层——蓝领,所谓蓝领就是技术工人,他们是比较吃香的,另外读职高也可以考大学的.其实目前的普高及普高考大学实在没意思——在下没胡骗你,在下就是一名普高考上来的大学生,快毕业了,但什么都没有!

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