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Marco Polo  1254 – January 8–9, 1324) was an Italianmerchant, explorer, and writer, born in theRepublic of Venice.His travels are recorded in Livres des merveilles du monde(Book of the Marvels of the World, also known as The Travels of Marco Polo, c. 1300), a book that described to Europeans the wealth and great size of China, its capital Peking, and other Asian cities and countries.

Marko Polo and Korcula by dr. Zivan Filippi


The city of Korcula, in the opinion of its many distinguished visitors throughout its rich history, is one of the most attractive and best preserved towns from the Middle Ages in the Mediterranean area. The island of the same name is one in the long string of 'pearls' forming great archipelago that runs along the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea; rightfully the pride of the Republic of Croatia.

Why the modern tourist at the end of the twentieth century (though not acquainted with the details with the rich history) is immediately consciouss of the connection between Korcula and Marko Polo is an interesting question. Does the knowledge come merely from tourist slogans and publicity, or from a deeper sense of tradition and historical memory?

The Depolo family have lived in Korcula for centuries, proof of which exists in the numerous documents held in the Korcula archives; and one of member of the family the young flower decorator Mate Depolo happened to meet in 1993 another young woman girl who is a descendant of the Great Kublai Khan, They were both in Wells at the time under the auspices of the BBC. A hotel in Dalmatian style was built in Korcula in 1972 and named "Marko Polo". The tourist agency "Marko Polo Tours" has also existed in Korcula for several years. "Jadrolinija", the Croatian Shipping Line, gave the same name to its most beautiful and biggest passenger ship.

The first question which most visitors ask, while irresistibly attracted towards Korcula in a wish to escape for a while from the trials and burdens of evberyday life, is "Where is the tower of Marko Polo"? Does not its position in the immediate vicinity of the St. Marko cathedral, in the central town square, together with the houses of many old noble families, confirm the Korculan origins of Marko Polo? If we add that the sculptor from Corinth, Polo, lived in Korcula in the 5th century B.C. (according to the Encyclopedia Treccani), and that Korcula at that time, according to Skylac, was the main Illyrian emporium in the Adriatic, then it becomes evident that the traditional hearsay about the Korculan origins of Marko Polo must have its ancient roots in history, which is in itself a kind of word of mouth tradition, and an attractive story. Moreover, the belief is also fed also by the oldest legend of all regarding the foundation of Korcula, which says that the town of Korcula was founded by the Trojan hero, Antenor, after the fall of Troy. While one old Venetian manuscript also points out that, together with Antenor, a certain Lucius Polus, arrived on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, as an ancestor of the family Polo.

In 1995 Korcula celebrated the 700th anniversary of Marko Polo's return from China to Europe. Korcula had also solemnly celebrated the 700th anniversary of his birth earlier in 1954. Within the frame-work of celebrating the 700th anniversary of his return from what was then far away though today much more accessible China, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU) held a scientific symposium under the title "Marko Polo and Korcula in the 13th Century". Concerts, exhibitions, lectures, boat parades, commemorative stamps, seals were organized and produced, and the house of Marko Polo is now being rearranged in the style of his voyages and happenings. A special attraction is the popular song about Marko Polo on disc. This arrangement by the best Croatian pop singers was sent to radio stations all over the world under the title "Seven Hundred Years". One verse in that song speaks about the bright star high in the sky which was guiding Marko Polo during his life-long voyages. this was the North Star, his star of the North Pole, mentioned several times in Marko Polo's book Million.

The purpose of this commemorative work is not to prove that Marko Polo was born in Korcula, though it every Korculan small child feels instinctively that this is so. Even less is its purpose to challenge the undisputed role of Venice in the life of Marko Polo and his family. After all, Korcula was for many centuries under the government of Serenissima, which is to be thanked for the rising prosperity of Korcula in the 14th and 15th centuries. The real aim of this book is to present to the interested tourist all that connects Marko Polo with Korcula and at the same time to emphasize the significance of his interesting voyages and discoveries when he ventured to unknown worlds.

Marko Polo is the property and inheritance of the whole world. His life story still speaks clearly to today's man about the richness of various ambiences, races and cultures, and about the instinctive wish of every well-intentioned inhabitant of the Earth to know the world around him, to get more contact with other people, and live his life in an interesting way in friendly relationships with others and not against them. Exactly as did the first world traveller and writer, MARKO POLO.

 马可·波罗(Marco Polo)[1254年~1324年],世界著名的旅行家、商人。1254年生于意大利威尼斯一个商人家庭,也是旅行世家。他的父亲尼科洛和叔叔马泰奥都是威尼斯商人。马可·波罗17岁时跟随父亲和叔叔,途经中东,历时四年多来到中国,在中国游历了17年。回国后出了一本《马可·波罗游记》(又名《马可·波罗行记》,《东方闻见录》)。记述了他在东方最富有的国家——中国的见闻,激起了欧洲人对东方的热烈向往,对以后新航路的开辟产生了巨大的影响。同时,西方地理学家还根据书中的描述,绘制了早期的“世界地图”。

Mark · Boluo (Marco Polo) [1324 in 1254 ~] , famous tourist of world , businessman. In 1254 be born in a Venice , Italy businessman family , be been also the aristocratic family who journeys. His father Nikeluo Mataiao all is The Merchant of Venice with the uncle. Mark follows father and uncle when being · Boluo about 1-year-old, via Middle East , last for more than 4 years arriving in China, in China has traveled 1 year. After returning back to homeland have gone beyond one capital "Mark · Boluo travel notes " (is also named as "story of Mark · wave Luo Xing ", "the east smells idea record "). Have given an account of his knowledge in the richest east country Chinese , have evoked European enthusiasm to oriental yearning for that new air line opening up has produced gigantic effect to the hereafter. At the same time, the west geographer has been based on description to hit the target the book , has drawn the Model T "world map".

英文简介(2) Mark · Boluo (Marco Polo) [1324 in 1254 ~] , famous tourist of world , businessman. In 1254 be born in a Venice , Italy businessman family , be been also the aristocratic family who journeys. His father Nikeluo Mataiao all is The Merchant of Venice with the uncle. Mark follows father and uncle when being · Boluo about 1-year-old, via Middle East , last for more than 4 years arriving in China, in China has traveled 1 year. After returning back to homeland have gone beyond one capital "Mark · Boluo travel notes " (is also named as "story of Mark · wave Luo Xing ", "the east smells idea record "). Have given an account of his knowledge in the richest east country Chinese , have evoked European enthusiasm to oriental yearning for that new air line opening up has produced gigantic effect to the hereafter. At the same time, the west geographer has been based on description to hit the target the book , has drawn the Model T "world map".

Marco Polo [1254-1324] ,a famous tourist in the world but also a businessman. In 1254 ,he was born in a Italy business family , also a family who journeys. Marco follows his father and uncle when he was 17 years old, spent many years arrived to China,and lived there for 17 years. After returning back to hometown,he fought in a battle and when he was in the enemy’s prison,he told stories about China and a writer there wrote a book called "Marco Polo travel notes ". Everyone was curious about China and they will go to China when they are exploring.

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右玉县17181329267: 马可波罗的英文简介
仲战通脉: 维基百科

右玉县17181329267: 牧马人马可波罗英文 -
仲战通脉: Wrangler Marco Polo 牧马人马可波罗

右玉县17181329267: 英语作文介绍马可波罗的故事六十词要翻译 -
仲战通脉: Marco Polo, the 13th century Italian traveler and businessman. The age of 17 with his father and uncle, to the east along the Silk Road, through Mesopotamia, the Iranian plateau, the Pamirs, which lasted four years, reach most of the Yuan Dynasty (...

右玉县17181329267: 马可·波罗(意大利旅行家,商人) - 搜狗百科
仲战通脉: 马可·波罗(Marco Polo)[1254年~1324年],世界著名的旅行家、商人.1254年生于意大利威尼斯一个商人家庭,也是旅行世家.他的父亲尼科洛和叔叔马泰奥都是威尼斯商人.马可·波罗17岁时跟随父亲和叔叔,途经中东,历时四年多来到...

右玉县17181329267: 马可波罗是谁? -
仲战通脉: 马可·波罗(Marco Polo,1254年9月15日—1324年1月8日),出生于克罗地亚考尔楚拉岛,意大利旅行家、商人,著有《马可·波罗游记》.

右玉县17181329267: 马可·波罗的人物介绍 -
仲战通脉:[答案] 马可·波罗是13世纪意大利著名的旅行家.他最大的成就是把自己在中国游历的17年见闻,写成《马可·波罗游记》.这本著作激起了欧洲人对东方的热烈向往,并激励了航海家寻找通往中国新航路的探险,推动了地理大发现年代的到来.

右玉县17181329267: 马可波罗是一个什么人?请详细说明
仲战通脉: 马可·波罗(Marco Polo,1254—1324),世界著名的旅行家、商人.1254年生于意大利威尼斯一个商人家庭,也是旅行世家. 马可波罗的祖父名叫安得利亚波罗,他的三...

右玉县17181329267: 马可·波罗的出生年月是多少? -
仲战通脉: 你好楼主,马可·波罗的出生于1254年,至于出生月份确实无法准确查证.马可·波罗百科名片 中文名:马可·波罗外文名:Marco Polo国籍:意大利出生地:意大利威尼斯出生日期:1254年逝世日期:1324年职业:旅行家、商人主要成就:...

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