
作者&投稿:东泡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


global warming
A. Class begins, good afternoon everyone.
B. C. D :Good afternoon, teacher.
A. First, I will ask you a question: What is the serious problem nowadays ?
B. I think it’s the problem of environment pollution.
A. It’s related to our correct answer. But it isn’t correct one.
B. Is it the problem of population increasing?
A. No.
C. Oh. I got it. It’s global warming.
A. Right! Global warming is one of the serious problems nowadays. Because……
B. Teacher. I have a question. It was very cold indeed this winter. I think it’s global cooling!
A. You got the wrong concept. Global warming doesn’t only mean that the weather is getting hot, but also mean that the weather is out of control. So it will be sometimes very cold.
B. Teacher. What causes “ global warming”?
C. I know. Now people drive too many cars and the exhaust gases discharged by the cars and lorries pollute the air and also destroy the nature. It causes global warming.
A. You are right. Do you know what will happen with the global warming?
B. Yes. The ices in South Pole are going to be melted and at the time, many islands will be gradually flooded with water. Human will have no places to live.
C. Surely, we don’t want that will happen.
A. What sould we do to stop “Global warming”?
B. I think we can protect the environment from ourselves. We can plant trees
C. When we are protecting the environment, we are saving ourselves.
A. Ok. Students, we can’t only speak but not do later . Let us go planting trees.
D. Oh, teacher! Tomorrow is March the twelfth, it’s tree-planting day!
A. Yes! Now all of you know the importance of protecting the environment.
B.C.D.Let us do our best to stop “Global warming” and make our earth a lovely homeland!
A. That is good . I hope you all will be succeeded in protecting the environment. Now the class is over bye-bye students!
B.C.D. good bye. Teacher.

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