英语单句改错:(1)It's 30 minutes's bus ride to the park (2)He leaves to school at 7 every

作者&投稿:陆态 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
阅读下面的短文,判断正误.(正确的用T,错误的用F)Lin Fei’s home is about 10 kilometers from schoo~

小题1:T小题2:F小题3:T小题4:F小题5:F 试题分析: 小题1:从第一句“Lin Fei’s home is about 10 kilometers from school.”可知从林飞家到学校大约10千米,与原文相符,故为T。小题2:从第二句“He gets up at six o’clock every day,”可知他每天在六点钟起床,换一种表达方式为“he always gets up at six o’clock.”他总是在六点钟起床。而问题2表达的是他有时在六点钟起床,与原文不符,故为F。小题3:从“he leaves for school at around six-thirty.”可知他在六点半左右动身去学校,around与about意思接近,都是大约的意思,故为T。小题4:原文he rides his bicycle to the bus station.,他骑自行车去车站,by subway乘地铁与ride bicycle不符,故为F小题5:从“That takes about ten minutes.”可知,that代指骑自行车去车站,需要10分钟。20 minutes20分钟与原文中的ten minutes10分钟不相符,故为F. 考点:

Unit 4 How do you get to school?
Ⅰ.Match the phrase with the proper picture.(把下列短语和和相应的图片对应起来。)

1.take a bus 2.by trainu 3.take a taix
4.on a bike 5.in a car 6.fly to �
7.by subway �
答案:1.B 2.F 3.E 4.A 5.C 6.G 7.D
Ⅱ.Please go through the text and find the words or expressions that mean the same as those below.�
1.骑车去上学 2.坐地铁去上班 �
3.步行去公园 4.乘公共汽车回家
5.前往学校 6.依靠,依赖
7.到达 8.多远
9.多长时间 10.思考、考虑
答案:1.ride bike to school/go to school by bike�
2.take subway to work/go to work by subway�
3.walk to the park/go to the park on foot�
4.take bus home/go home by bus/in the bus�
5.leave for school�
6.depend on�
7.get to�
8.how far�
9.how long�
10.think of
●Exercises for new words�
Ⅰ.Write down the word or expression according to the sentence meaning and tip.
1.It takes Mary 35 minutes to get to school by s .�
2.It’s about 500 k from Qingdao to Jinan.�
3.After a q breakfast,he went to school in a hurry.�
4.I don’t have a car.I have to d on the buses.�
5.Could you show me the places in the m ?�
6.My home is near.I (步行)to school.�
7.Li Lei (乘地铁)to school every day.�
8.His father often goes to Shanghai (坐飞机).�
9.If you don’t want to be late,you’d better (乘出租车).�
10. (骑自行车)to work is good for our health,I think.�
答案:1.subway 2.kilometers 3.quick 4.depend�5.map 6.walk 7.takes the subway 8.by plane 9.take the taxi 10.Riding the bike
●Exercises for phrases�
Ⅱ.Translate the following sentences into English.(翻译下列句子。)�
In our class the students go to school school bus.�
— they all bikes to go home?
—No, of them go home bike.
do you the transportation in Beijing?

other of the world,people go bicycle to exercise.
me about two hours do the homework.
How do you school in the morning?
What do you the transportation in your town?
When it rains I .�
How far do you the bus station?
I like to my on the weekend.
答案:1.most of,by 2.Do,ride,some,by 3.What,think of 4.In,parts 5.It takes,to 6.get to�7.think of 8.take a taxi 9.live from 10.ride,bike
●Exercises for function items
Ⅲ.Arrange the following sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue.�
A.New Street.�
B.I take a bus to the subway station.Then I take the subway.�
C.So,how do you get to school?�
E.Well,first I walk to the bus stop.�
F.Where do you live,Nina?�
G.Next I take a bus to the bus stop on 26th Street.Finally I walk.�
1. 2. 3. 4. �
5. 6. 7. 8. �
答案:1.F 2.A 3.C 4.E 5.D 6.B 7.G
●Exercises for grammar�
Ⅳ.Complete the dialogue with proper words.�
A:Hey,Dave. do you get to school?�
B:I usually walk sometimes I the bus.�
A: does it take?�
B:It takes 10 minutes to boat and 15 by bus.�
A: is it from home to school?�
B:About 3 kilometers.�
A:Do you like to school by boat?�
B:It sounds .That must be fun.�
答案:How,but,take,How long,minutes,How far,going,good/great/interesting
●Sentence structure training�
Ⅴ.Unscramble the sentences.(连词成句。)�



4.Lin Fei,at,leaves,school,for,7:00�


答案:1.Can you play tennis with me?�
2.It is at four on Friday,June 30.�
3.It depends on where you are.�
4.Lin Fei leaves for school at 7:00.�
5.How long does it take you from your home to school?
Who is stupid?�
Mr.White was at the window of a train in a station.He was going to London.He was angry.The train began moving,and an old porter came to the window.�
Mr.White shouted angrily to the porter,“I gave you my luggage a quarter of an hour ago,but you haven’t put it in the train.Why isn’t it here?And where have you put it?” �
The porter looked at Mr.White and said,“I looked for you everywhere,but I didn’t find you.Your luggage isn’t as stupid as you are.You’re in the wrong train.This one is going to Cambridge.”�
●Elementary exercises�
Ⅰ.Translate the following sentences into English.
How do students get to school?
That must be a lot more fun than !
First I the subway station.Then I .
Lin Fei’s home is about 10 school.
The bus ride usually about 25 minutes.
does it take you to get from home to school?
about 25 minutes walk and 10 minutes bus.
does he the transportation?
In North America, students take the bus to school.
答案:1.around the world 2.taking a bus 3.ride bike to,take the subway 4.kilometers from 5.takes 6.How long �7.It� takes,to;by �8.What,think of 9.not all
●Integrated exercises�
Ⅱ.Multiple choice(单项填空)�
1.I’m sorry I can’t go to your home.My sister has a stomachache.I have to .�
A.study for a math test B.go to the dentist�
C.babysit my sister D.go to the movies
答案:C babysit相当于look after。
2.—I’m sorry I can’t come to your party.�
— .�
A.Oh,I’m sorry to hear that B.OK.Not at all�
C.Oh,see you then D.OK.Don’t worry
答案:B Not at all 可用于别人道歉时的答语。
3.Would you like to my birthday party?�
A.come B.came C.to come D.coming
答案:C 此处为would like to do sth.的用法。
4.“The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes” means “ ”.�
A.The bus is about 25 miles�
B.It usually takes 25 minutes to ride a bike�
C.It’s about 25�minute walk�
D.It usually takes 25 minutes to get to a place by bus
答案:D 句意为“乘坐公交车需25分钟的时间”。
5.How far do you from the bus station?�
A.ride B.take�
C.live D.get
答案:C 根据句意,此处表示“住得离车站有多远”。
Ⅲ.Translate the following sentences into English.(翻译下列句子。)�

——不,他要去参加 Susan的聚会。�




答案:1.Caleb’s home is far from school.She takes the subway to school every day.�
2.—Does your brother have to study for the math test tomorrow?�
—No,he has to go to Susan’s party.
3.In Japan most students take trains to school.�
4.I am really busy this week.I can’t come to your party.�
5.In my class many students ride to school,some students walk to school.
●Link to test
Ⅳ.Multiple choice(单项填空)�
1.(2010济南模拟模拟)I often spend as much time as I can my lessons.�
A.prepare B.to prepare�
C.preparing D.have prepared �
答案:1.B to prepare my lessons为目的状语从句。
2.(2010江苏苏州模拟)—Did you see the traffic accident yesterday?�
—Yes.It happened when I past the museum.�
A.walk B.am walking�
C.will walk D.was walking
答案:D 从上文yesterday可知应用过去时态。
3.(经典回放) It’s up to you to decide you’ll go there,by air or by road.
A.how B.why�
C.that D.when
答案:A “by air or by road”提示该句是对交通方式的提问。
4.(经典回放)—Excuse me,sir. is it to the nearest hotel?�
—About 15 minutes’walk along the road.�
A.How much B.How soon�
C.How far D.How long
答案:C “15 minutes� walk”意为“步行走15分钟的路程”。由此可知是对距离的提问。
5.(经典回放)—How are you going to the train station to meet your aunt?�
—I’m going there my car.�
A.by B.in�
C.to D.on
答案:B 表示交通方式的介词有by,in,on。by后直接跟交通工具名称;in,on与交通工具名称之间需要有冠词、物主代词或名词所有格,常常有in a car,on a ship。
6.(经典回放)Tim goes to school every day.It�s a 5 minutes� walk(步行5分钟的路程)from his home to school.�
A.in a bus B.by plane �
C.on foot D.by boat
答案:C 根据句中提示语“5 minutes� walk”可知,是步行。
by train乘火车,train之前不用the。�
on foot是走路,foot注意用单数。�
holiday名词是假期,by plane乘飞机,�
by air是同义,用法相同要牢记。�
by ship和by sea,都是乘船用心记。�
how long意思是多长,可问时间和度量。�
walk步行或散步,have a walk要记住。�

(1)It's 30 minutes's bus ride to the park .
改为:It's 30 minutes' bus ride to the park .
解释:30分钟是s结尾的复数,所有格只能加' 符号,不能再写那个s了。

(2)He leaves to school at 7 every morning.
改为:He leaves for school at 7 every morning.
解释:动身去学校要说leave for school.


1. It's a 30 minutes's bus ride to the park it's后面要加a

2. He leaves for school at 7 every morning. leave for... 动身前往某处


It's 30 minutes's bus ride to the park .
改为:It's 30 minutes' bus ride to the park .

1.The bus ride takes 30 minutes to the park
2.He leaves home to school at 7 every morning

He left home,determining not to return again.他离开家,决定不再回来。He is impossible to refuse to help a man in trouble.他不可能拒绝帮助一个身处困境的人

1. 改正:He succeeded in the competition,which made each of us happy.或:He succeeded in the competition,making each of us happy.解释:不能用两个动词同时做一个简单句的谓语。要么把句子变成复合句,要么把某个动词变成非谓语形式。2. 改正:The problem is that more and more young ...

1.Jim ,as well as his two brothers ,are (此处are应改为is)to go to Europe for the coming summer holiday.2.---Must I write down what you said now?---No, you must. (must改为needn't)3.The girl asked me whether could I (把could I改为I could)tell her how to ...

1that改成which 2which改成where 从句结构完整不需要用which,where在这是地点状语 3that改成who 主语指的是人,who在从句中代人 4which改成what 从句缺少宾语,you have what 5who改成whom 在句中作宾语,是引导词,引导定语从句 6them 改成whom 这里是定语从句,主语是人用who或whom,但跟在...

1 Spring Festival is the most important festival in China(只是词义的问题)2 How long did you to get there by bus?(不知为甚。我觉得就这么改了)3 I spent five days on this work,it was difficult workwork应该作“工作”来翻译,所以不可数名词,不加冠词a。4 In the three boys...

高中英语 单句改错求讲解
which改成that,因为句子中出现了最高级,引导词只能用that。which改成when,定语从句中缺少时间状语,所以用when what改成that,因为what不能引导定语从句。(或者却掉all,也可以,这时候what引导的是宾语从句)

初三英语 单句改错
1 were -> was ( homework 是不可数名词)2 read-> are read ( 报纸是被阅读,故要和被动语态 3 care -> care of ( take good care of 好好照顾,变被动语态时不能省介词OF)4 will give -> will be given (一般将来时的被动语态)5 to be done -> to do (动词不定式作后置...


it改为which 2. lift it 3. Which改为As its改为whose 5.in which改为on which which改为that that改为which where改为which 9. whom改为who what改为which

1.I used【to go down(A)】to the bank of the stream and【chose(B)】little【flattened(C)】stones to throw across the water, which moved【as swiftly(D)】as swallows.B 改为choose 因为and连接前面的go是动词原形,并列谓语动词时态要一致。我过去常常沿着小溪的岸边漫步,选那些光滑的...

中原区13941168992: 英语单句改错:(1)It's 30 minutes's bus ride to the park (2)He leaves to school at 7 every -
天拜施太: 为你解答.(1)It's 30 minutes's bus ride to the park .改为:It's 30 minutes' bus ride to the park .解释:30分钟是s结尾的复数,所有格只能加' 符号,不能再写那个s了.(2)He leaves to school at 7 every morning.改为:He leaves for school at 7 every morning.解释:动身去学校要说leave for school.

中原区13941168992: 高二英语50句单句改错 -
天拜施太: 单句改错1. It is only when he comes back can you leave.2. A child as he is,he knows a lot about computer games.3. In he came when the bell rang.4. So fast he ran that I couldn't follow him.5. It was not until he told me did I know the news.

中原区13941168992: 英语单句改错 -
天拜施太: 1. ... such an interesting novel ...2. The surprised look ....3. Do you find it possible ....4. ... hope we live a happy life

中原区13941168992: 高一英语单句改错1.It didn't matter that I would win or not.2.He was used to live in an old house,but now he lives a new building. -
天拜施太:[答案] 1.that 改为 whether 翻译:输赢都没关系 解析:whether翻译为是否,引导选择疑问句 2.live改为living 翻译:他习惯了住在老房子里,但是现在他住在一幢新楼里. 解析:be used to习惯后用动词ing形式. 英语教师回答 保证质量

中原区13941168992: 英语单句改错 -
天拜施太: 1.It's the first time that she has been here,isn't IT?2.He dares TO go there by himself.3.One should have a friend whom you can tell everything TO.

中原区13941168992: 英语问题: 一、单句改错1、It's very important (for)us (drinking)( much )water every day. ( )____ - A B C2、He always (spends) (so many )time (on)his ... -
天拜施太:[答案] 1( B )to drink ( It's 形容词 for sb to do sth) 2.( B )so much(time不可数) 3( A )How(how do you like=what do you think of) 4.( C )any people(否定) 5.( C )to chat (have time to do sth)

中原区13941168992: 初二英语单句改错,急...1、You must do it like(A) the teacher told(B) you,or(C)you may make a few(D) mistakes.2、It is(A) two weeks since(B) I have seen(C) ... -
天拜施太:[答案] 第一题选A也就是改成as 因为like后面加介词不能加句子的 第二题since后一般接过去式 第三题是good改成well 第四题是把afraid with改成afraid of afraid一般接to do 或of 是这样的吧应该 不对在切磋

中原区13941168992: 高一英语 单句改错 - - - 务必高手进 -
天拜施太: 1.which - where 在situation,case,point等词后面用where引导定语从句来修饰,有点表地点的意思.2.troubles - trouble,make trouble固定搭配.制造麻烦,trouble是不可数名词.

中原区13941168992: 高一英语单句改错,咋么改? -
天拜施太: next Monday 改为 the next Monday While he walking 改为 while walking 或 while he was walking . friend 拼错.That happened 改为 It happened , it 形式主语.

中原区13941168992: 单句改错:1.It was the first time that i have seen the strange animal.2.I am not good at wrote english composition.3.Chinese is also spoke in many countries.4.... -
天拜施太:[答案] 1.have 改为 had.这是一个固定句型:it was the +序数词+time+that +主语+had +过去分词2.wrote 改为 writing3.spoken4.becauce of5.in order to "When will we go back home?" Ann asks her father.The doctor told...

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