T-Splines for rhino 如何进行破解?

作者&投稿:洪榕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求 T-Splines 3 for Rhino 的破解文件(最好是中文版文版),谢谢!~



T-Splines 1.2 for Rhino boasts several improvements: additions to the toolbar, polish items, bugfixes, and new tutorials.

Paid users have received a direct download link and this release is now the current version at our web store for free trials and purchases.

New Toolbar items:
The Rhino MeshBox command, a common starting point for T-Splines geometry, is now included in the T-Splines toolbar.
T-Splines now loads the full T-Splines toolbar when the plugin is installed. Previously just the container was loaded, which was confusing for some new users. The container is still accessible in the toolbar options.
Two commonly-used scripts from the jb Toolbars (Extrude Cage From Existing Curves and Flatten Control Points) were implemented and included in the T-Splines toolbar as tsScriptExtrudeControlPolygon and tsScriptFlattenPoints. Thanks, Jonah Barnett!
New command tsConvertToRhinosurf. This replaces Explode and DivideAlongCreases as the recommended way to convert to NURBS. It boasts two major improvements: first, it works on a single T-Splines surfaces (without T-Points or star points), and second, it strips away all T-Splines information from the surface, which fixes a number of reported bugs.

tsManip now uses the Rhino selection pop up box for selecting objects.
TsManip observes Osnap options.
tsExtrude user interface is much cleaner--now, selected faces for extrusion are shaded in a solid color, and can be deselected by CTRL+clicking on the face.
The T-Splines surface now updates in real time when dragging control points in Shaded Viewport.
Several command line prompts were modified for clarity.
tsCrease selection interface is cleaner.
Activating licenses using tsActivateLicense is now more user friendly. A crasher associated with installing full licenses on top of beta licenses has been fixed, and the command line messages are more clear.
Error messages have been rewritten for clarity.
Isocurve display can now be turned off and on for each T-Spline, like with native Rhino objects.
Installer now remembers previous installation directory.

Bug fixes:
Infinite loop associated with the tsSkin chord length option has been fixed.
tsMerge crasher fixed.
tsSplitCurves no longer goes into an infinite loop when tolerance = 0.
tsSkin: creasing option crash has been fixed.
tsControlPolygonToSrf infinite loop has been fixed.
T-Splines no longer claims the F3 key.
T-Splines used to not interact reliably with Rhino's Flow command. This has now been fixed and there is no longer a problem.
tsControlPolygonToSrf and tsSkin used to not quit when another command was entered. This is now fixed.
T-Splines licensing experienced some crashing on XP 64 bit machines which is now fixed.
tsSkin: ESC can now be used to cancel out of the command.

To install T Splines for Rhinoceros v4.0 SR2.

Execute TSplinesRhino_20080221.exe

Browse for root folder C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0
follow installation.

Replace TSplines.RHP in C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0\T-Splines for Rhino with one from crack folder.

Then move TSplineImport.RHP from C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0\T-Splines for Rhino\
to C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0\Plug-ins

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尖扎县19572368237: T - Splines主要用在哪儿方面??? -
有吉甲磺: T-Splines for Rhino是Rhino平台下的细分建模插件,理论上只要是造型它都能做,当然了,强项是建光顺的有机体造型上,能有效快速地构建,这有力在补充了以往Rhino在这方面的不足.在官网上有很多不同行业上的应用,你可以进去看一下,个人觉得也不止这几方面 http://www.tsplines.com/community/gallery.html#consumer

尖扎县19572368237: 求大神指导,怎么调出T - splines -
有吉甲磺: 你好,很高兴为你解答.工具--------> 工具列配置---------> 弹出对话框 你会看到 VRAY FOR Rhino 点击 在工具列 里打勾 OK!希望能帮到你,求采纳.

尖扎县19572368237: t - splines for rhino5.0怎么显示中方菜单 -
有吉甲磺: 查看一下工具-工具列配置里的文件“default”还在不在,在的话调出来就可以了,不在的话可能要重新下载一个这个文件.

尖扎县19572368237: 3dmax模型导入犀牛不够圆滑怎样增加网格线呢 -
有吉甲磺: 楼主,目前Rhino的网格工具内没有提供运算网格光顺的功能,所以Obj的模型导入后,Rhino只能显示网格下的状态.如果你要实现网格光顺的效果,可以使用T-Splines for Rhino这个插件来实现,安装好插件后,转换成TS mesh,按TAB键即可进行网格曲面/光顺曲面两种模型状态.TS插件提供了编辑多边形的相关工具,功能上接近MAX多边形建模,你可以使用相关的工具对模型进行加减线等操作.

尖扎县19572368237: T - Splines简介:什么是TS? -
有吉甲磺: T-Splines是由Alias公司领导开发的一种具有革命性的崭新建模技术,它结合了Nurbs和细分表面建模技术的特点,虽然和Nurbs很相似,不过它极大地减少了模型表面上的控制点数目,可以进行局部细分和合并两个Nurbs面片等操作.使你的建模...

尖扎县19572368237: 为什么t - spline的快捷键用不了? -
有吉甲磺: 自重启直包括输入转换等快捷键都用事解决追加50悬赏

尖扎县19572368237: tsplinesforrhino有mac的吗 -
有吉甲磺: 试试下面的序列,我以前用的.T-Splines for rhino 的序列: 1C82-0000-19E5-MAAX-4003-3140-9994 T-Splines for rhino 注册码: 1A23-0609-9130-2456-3399-2745 1A23-0609-9030-2444-1072-0779 1A23-0009-4030-2326-8620-1653 1A23-0009-4030-2326-8620-1653 1A23-0009-9030-2464-7105-4550

尖扎县19572368237: T - Splines的相关公司与产品 -
有吉甲磺: T-Splines最初出现于2003年.2007年,美国专利局将专利号7274364授予T样条相关技术.之后2004年T-spline Inc公司成立并开始商业化该技术. 它主要通过为Rhino和SolidWorks实现插件的方式提供T-样条的建模能力.T-spline公司于2011年被...

尖扎县19572368237: 麻烦谁有犀牛rhino的T - splines 32位的插件 -
有吉甲磺: 去摩登犀牛网下载,主页上即有下载!http://bbs.rhino3d.us/thread-4718-1-1.html

尖扎县19572368237: 请大家帮我看看怎么接顺,要遵循写法则
有吉甲磺: 又见星星了~~我偷懒了,用楼主的NURBS曲面转成TS曲面做拼接,效果下:使用T-Splines for rhino V4.0中的Crease对拐角的边进行定义就可以做出这效果提供转好NURBS模型

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