
作者&投稿:绽享 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语话剧剧本<美女与野兽> 配乐~


旁白:Hello,everybody,I am aside.today I will tell you a very very beautify story.Now let me introduce the members of this story first.(一个一个指着说)the father of the beauty,beast,playboy, the eldest sister of beauty,the second elder sister of beaty,and the leading role of our story----beauty.now,our beautyful story is begining.
美女父亲(依依不舍的):my dear daughters,I must go .
美女三姐妹(很担心的):where will you go,father?Don't leave us!
美女父亲:I must go to a far away place,to talk a big business.If I talk succeed,then I will make very much money.
美女大姐,二姐:what!? Oh yeah! father,if you successful,please bring us some pretty thing!
美女父亲:what pretty thing do you want, my dear daughters?
美女大姐:I just want a diamond,,my dear father!
美女二姐:I just want a precious stone,my dear father!
美女父亲:OK,I will bring them to you.And you,(对着美女) my dear little beauty,what do you want?
美女:I want a pretty flower,daddy.I'll miss you.
美女父亲:I'll miss you too.But I have to leave.(转身离去)
美女大姐,二姐:good bye, father,rember to bring us a diamond and a precious stone!
美女:good bye, father,I'll very miss you!I love you!

第二幕: 出场人物: 美女父亲,野兽
旁白:the father of the beauty is going,one day he got a strange palce.He find he was lost his way.But a big castle appeared in his eyes.
美女父亲:woo~~~Its so big and so beauty castle.(上前敲门)hello!anybody?!plese open the door!(发现门是开着的)hen?the door has been opened.(走了进去)woo~~~so many delicious dishes,I'm so hungry now, I think the master of this castle is a kind and warmheart man.Let me eat something.(吃了起来,吃到一半突然发现前面的花园有许多鲜花)hen?Its so many flowers!I shall bring one to my little daughter beauty.(走过去采花)
美女父亲(吃惊的):Oh no~~~~~
野兽:How dare you!I have give you eating But I dont think you are so greedy! I will kill you and eat you!
美女父亲:no!Please dont!I have three daughters!If I die ,they will very sad!
野兽:You have daughters?Do they beauty?
美女父亲:beauty!beauty!very beauty!espicially my little daughter , she like an angel!
野兽:Ok.Then I wont kill you.But you must take your little daughter to here.I want to see her!
美女父亲:o~~~I understande.
野兽:If you dont take her to here three days after, I will kill you and your daughters and eat you!

旁白: when the father of beauty completed his business, he was going home and told his daughters what happened.
美女(伤心的):daddy,I love you!I wont let the beast kill you!
美女父亲:I wont let the beast touch you too!But he is so strong that nobody can defeat him!
美女大姐(对着美女说):If you dont want the flower, that nothing will happened!Its your mistake!
美女二姐:why you want a flower ?Do you want to kill daddy?hen?!
美女:no!Idont!I will go to the place where the beast living.He said if me come that he wont kill daddy!

美女父亲:No ! my little beauty!You are my best love!Icant leave you!
美女:Dont worry,daddy.I will be back.trust me!(转身离去)
美女大姐二姐(悄悄离开)大姐:She must be eaten by the beast,hahaha~~~~~~(一起笑)

旁白:when the beauty was on the road, she was become aim by someone
花花公子:I am a handsome boy,I like beauty girl~~~
花花公子:woo~~~what a beauty girl!here is a present for you!(拿起一枚戒指)
美女:I dont want your present,I just wanna to save my daddy!
花花公子: Dont leave me , I need you, and I will help you to save your father,heihei~~~~(上前要动手动脚)
美女:Dont! Dont touch me !
野兽:What are you doing!
野兽: You must be his daughter.
野兽:please come with me.
美女:woo~~~Its so nice castle.
野兽:This is my home ,do you like it?
美女:yes ,its so pretty.
野兽:this is your bad room,you can sleep here at night.
美女:en ~~~~And where you sleep?
野兽:I sleep in my room.
旁白:two week after
野兽:Do you feel happy living here?
美女:Yes ,I do. but I shall go home.I want to see my daddy!
野兽(突然认真的):now, tell me, Do you love me ?
野兽:Do you love me ?
美女:~~~~No,I wont love you,you just are a beast.
旁白:two hours later
野兽:Do you want go home ?Just go, never come back.
美女:Thank you.I think you are a kind man.
野兽:thanks . but I am nothing.
旁白:one night the beauty make a dream,she dreamed the beast lied on his garden,and he will die soon.
美女:Hoo no!Dont die!
野兽(躺在地上有气无力地):you have come~~~~.Didnt I told you never come back here? I will die soon.Just let me die.leave me~~~~~~
美女:No~~~I cant leave you, I love you~~~~
野兽:what ?
美女:I love you!
王子:I love you too!
美女(吃惊地):your face , how handsome you are!
王子:I was maken magic by a old sorcess,only a beauty girl's ture love could broken the magic, now ,I do it now.
美女:OH~~~I love you , I wont leave you!(条件允许的话,抱在一起)


Beauty and the Beast(美女与野兽)
The Complete Script
Compiled by Ben Scripps
NARRATOR: Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a
shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired,
the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. But then, one
winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and
offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter
cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at
the gift and turned the old woman away, but she warned him not
to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.
And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness
melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The prince
tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that
there was no love in his heart, and as punishment, she
transformed him into a hideous beast, and placed a
powerful spell on the castle, and all who lived there.
Ashamed of his monstrous form, the beast concealed himself
inside his castle, with a magic mirror as his only window to
the outside world. The rose she had offered was truly an
enchanted rose, which would bloom until his twenty-first
year. If he could learn to love another, and earn her love in
return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would
be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for
all time. As the years passed, he fell into despair, and lost
all hope, for who could ever learn to love a beast?
(We have seen a progression of stained glass windows illustrating the narration,
as well as BEAST shredding his portrait. The camera slowly zooms out from the
castle and we see the title. Fade up on the home of BELLE. She exits the front
door and begins her walk into town.)
BELLE: Little town, it's a quiet village
Every day, like the one before
Little town, full of little people
Waking up to say...
TOWNSFOLK 1: Bonjour!
TOWNSFOLK 2: Bonjour!
TOWNSFOLK 3: Bonjour!
TOWNSFOLK 4: Bonjour!
TOWNSFOLK 5: Bonjour!
BELLE: There goes the baker with his tray like always
The same old bread and rolls to sell
Every morning just the same
Since the morning that we came
To this poor provincial town...
BAKER: Good morning, Belle!
(BELLE jumps over to the bakery)
BELLE: Morning monsieur!
BAKER: Where are you off to?
BELLE: The bookshop! I just finished the most wonderful story, about
a beanstalk and an ogre and...
BAKER: (Ignoring her) That's nice...Marie, the baguettes! Hurry up!!
TOWNSFOLK: Look there she goes, that girl is strange no question
Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?
WOMAN 1: Never part of any crowd
BARBER: Cause her head's up on some cloud
TOWNSFOLK: No denying she's a funny girl, that Belle!
(BELLE jumps on the back of a wagon and rides through town)
DRIVER: Bonjour!
WOMAN 2: Good day!
DRIVER: How is your family?
WOMAN 3: Bonjour!
MERCHANT: Good day!
WOMAN 3: How is your wife?
WOMAN 4: I need six eggs!
MAN 1: That's too expensive!
BELLE: There must be more than this provincial life!
(BELLE enters the bookshop)
BELLE: Good morning. I've come to return the book I borrowed.
BOOKSELLER: (Putting the book back on the shelf) Finished already?
BELLE: Oh, I couldn't put it down! Have you got anything new?
BOOKSELLER: (laughing) Not since yesterday.
BELLE: (on ladder of bookshelf) That's all right. I'll borrow...
this one.
BOOKSELLER: That one? But you've read it twice!
BELLE: Well it's my favorite! (BELLE swings off side of ladder,
rolling down it's track) Far off places, daring
swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise!
BOOKSELLER: (handing her the book) Well, if you like it all that much,
it's yours!
BELLE: But sir!
BELLE: Well thank you. Thank you very much! (leaves bookshop)
MEN: (looking in window, then turning to watch her)
Look there she goes
That girl is so peculiar!
I wonder if she's feeling well!
WOMEN: With a dreamy far-off look!
MEN: And her nose stuck in a book!
ALL What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle!
(BELLE sits on the edge of a fountain, singing to the sheep and the washing
woman in the background, who leaves)
BELLE: Oh! Isn't this amazing!
It's my favorite part because, you'll see!
Here's where she meets Prince Charming
But she won't discover that it's him 'til chapter three!
WOMAN 5: Now it's no wonder that her name means 'beauty'
Her looks have got no parallel!
MERCHANT: But behind that fair facade
I'm afraid she's rather odd
Very different from the rest of us...
ALL: She's nothing like the rest of us
Yes different from the rest of us is Belle
(GEESE flying overhead, one is shot and plummets to the ground. LEFOU runs
over, holds out the bag, and misses catching the prize. He returns to GASTON)
LEFOU: Wow! You didn't miss a shot, Gaston! You're the
greatest hunter in the whole world!
GASTON: I know!
LEFOU: Huh. No beast alive stands a chance against
you...and no girl for that matter!
GASTON: It's true, Lefou, and I've got my sights set on that
one! (pointing to BELLE)
LEFOU: The inventor's daughter?
GASTON: She's the one! The lucky girl I'm going to marry.
LEFOU: But she's--
GASTON: The most beautiful girl in town.
LEFOU: I know--
GASTON: And that makes her the best. And don't I deserve the best?
LEFOU: Well of course, I mean you do, but I mean...
GASTON: Right from the moment when I met her, saw her
I said she's gorgeous and I fell
Here in town there's only she (BELLE walks by and away)
Who is beautiful as me
So I'm making plans to woo and marry Belle
BIMBETTES: Look there he goes, isn't he dreamy
Monsieur Gaston, oh he's so cute
Be still my heart, I'm hardly breathing
He's such a tall, dark, strong and handsome brute
(BELLE walks easily through the crowd of people in the town, GASTON struggles to
catch up to her)
MAN 1: Bonjour!
GASTON: Pardon!
MAN 2: Good day!
MAN 3: Mais oui!
WOMAN 1: You call this bacon?
WOMAN 2: What lovely grapes!
MAN 4: Some cheese!
WOMAN 3: Ten yards!
MAN 4: One pound
GASTON: 'xcuse me!
MAN 4: I'll get the knife!
GASTON: Please let me through!
WOMAN 4: This bread!
MAN 5: Those fish!
WOMAN 4: It's stale!
MAN 5: They smell!
MAN 6: Madame's mistaken!
BELLE: There must be more than this provincial life!
GASTON: Just watch I'm going to make Belle my wife! (TOWNSFOLK gather
around GASTON, and eventually surround him)
ALL: Look there she goes a girl who's strange but special
A most peculiar mademoiselle
It's a pity and a sin
She doesn't quite fit in!
GROUP 1: But she really is a funny girl
GROUP 2: A beauty but a funny girl
ALL: She really is a funny girl! That Belle!
GASTON: Hello, Belle.
BELLE: Bonjour Gaston. (GASTON grabs the book from BELLE) Gaston,
may I have my book, please?
GASTON: How can you read this? There's no pictures!
BELLE: Well, some people use their imaginations.
GASTON: Belle, it's about time you got your head out of those books
(tossing book into the mud) and paid attention to more
important things...like me! The whole town's talking about
it. (The BIMBETTES, who are looking on, sigh. BELLE has
picked up the book and is cleaning off the mud) It's not
right for a woman to read--soon she starts getting ideas...
and thinking.
BELLE: Gaston, you are positively primeval.
GASTON: (Putting his hand around her shoulders) Why thank you,
Belle. Hey, whaddya say you and me take a walk over to
the tavern and have a look at my hunting trophies.
BELLE: Maybe some other time.
BIMBETTE 1: What's wrong with her?
BIMBETTE 2: She's crazy!
BIMBETTE 3: He's gorgeous!
BELLE: Please, Gaston. I can't. I have to get home and help my
LEFOU: Ha ha ha, that crazy old loon, he need all the help he can get!
(GASTON and LEFOU laugh heartily)
BELLE: Don't you talk about my father that way!
GASTON: Yeah, don't talk about her father that way! (He conks LEFOU on
the head.)
BELLE: My father's not crazy! He's a genius! (Explosion in background.
GASTON and LEFOU continue laughing. BELLE rushes home and
descends into the basement.)
BELLE: Papa?
MAURICE: How on earth did that happen? Dog gonnit! (He pulls the barrel
off his waist, along with his pants.)
BELLE: Are you all right, Papa?
MAURICE: I'm about ready to give up on this hunk of junk! (kicking
BELLE: You always say that.
MAURICE: I mean it, this time. I'll never get this boneheaded contraption
to work.
BELLE: Yes, you will. And you'll win first prize at the fair tomorrow
MAURICE: Hmmmph!
BELLE: ...and become a world famous inventor!
MAURICE: You really believe that?
BELLE: I always have.
MAURICE: Well, what are we waiting for. I'll have this thing fixed in no
time. (sliding under machine) Hand me that dog-legged clencher
there... So, did you have a good time in town today?
BELLE: I got a new book. Papa, do you think I'm odd?
MAURICE: My daughter? Odd? (Appears from under machine with bizarre
goggle contraption on his head distorting his eyes) Where would
you get an idea like that?
BELLE: Oh, I don't know. It's just I'm not sure I fit in here.
There's no one I can really talk to.
MAURICE: What about that Gaston? He's a handsome fellow!
BELLE: He's handsome all right, and rude and conceited and...Oh Papa,
he's not for me!
MAURICE: Well, don't you worry, cause this invention's going to be the
start of a new life for us. (Comes out from under machine) I
think that's done it. Now, let's give it a try. (MACHINE
whirs and chops wood, just as it should)
BELLE: It works!
MAURICE: It does? It does!
BELLE: You did it! You really did it!
MAURICE: Hitch up Phillipe, girl. I'm off to the fair! (Log strikes
him in the head, knocking him out. Fade to later in the day)
BELLE: Good bye, Papa! Good luck!
MAURICE: Good bye, Belle, and take care while I'm gone!
(MAURICE and PHILLIPE continue on their journey until they become lost)
MAURICE: We should be there by now. Maybe we missed a turn. I guess I
should have taken a...wait a minute. (Lifts lantern to
illuminate sign giving directions to Anaheim and Valencia)
Let's go this way!
(PHILLIPE looks right, at a dark, overgrown path, then left towards a more
inviting route, then begins to go left)
MAURICE: Come on, Phillipe! It's a shortcut. We'll be there in no time!
(PHILLIPE and MAURICE continue through the dark.)
MAURICE: This can't be right. Where have you taken us, Phillipe? We'd
better turn around...and...whoa...whoa boy, whoa Phillipe. Oh,
oh! Look out!
(A swarm of bats fly out of a tree. PHILLIPE runs through the forest avoiding
everything until he almost runs over the edge of a cliff)
MAURICE: Back up! Back up! Back up! Good boy, good boy. That's good,
that's--back up! Steady. Steady! Hey now. Steady. (PHILLIPE
finally bucks him off.) Phillipe! (PHILLIPE runs away, leaving
MAURICE on the edge of the cliff.) Phillipe? Oh no! (He looks
up and sees WOLVES growling at him. MAURICE runs away, being
chased by the WOLVES. He stumbles down a hill, and lands at the
gate of a castle. He grabs the locked gate and tries to shake it
MAURICE: Help! Is someone there?
(The gate opens, and MAURICE runs in. He slams the gate in the faces of the
WOLVES. Leaving his hat on the ground as the rain begins to fall, MAURICE runs
to the castle and bangs on the door. It creaks open and he enters, cautiously.)
MAURICE: Hello? Hello?
(Watching from a table near the entrance are LUMIERE and COGSWORTH)
LUMIERE: (Barely whispering) Old fellow must have lost his way in the
COGSWORTH: (Also whispering) Keep quiet! Maybe he'll go away.
MAURICE: Is someone there?
COGSWORTH: Not a word, Lumiere. Not one word!
MAURICE: I don't mean to intrude, but I've lost my horse and I need a place
to stay for the night.
LUMIERE: (looking at COGSWORTH like a child having just found a lost puppy)
Oh Cogsworth, have a heart.
COGSWORTH: Shush shush shhhhh! (COGSWORTH puts hand over LUMIERE'S mouth,
who promptly proceeds to touch his lit candle hand to COGSWORTH's


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三句半台词 急急急 快快!!! 谢谢


英语翻译 急急急,,快快!··

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江宁区13389438369: 关于美与丑的小剧本 -
钮峡沙棘: (板块一)小品:最后一滴水旁白:故事发生在未来某年某月的某一天,那时由于人类的过度开发,地球上能源紧缺,人们过着白天无水、晚上无光的日子.这天,由于缺水,地球母亲也已经奄奄一息、生命危在旦夕.她的大儿子“节水”出...

江宁区13389438369: 描写中秋月亮的片段,要满月!急用!速度! -
钮峡沙棘: 月亮悄悄地上来了,就像一轮银盘,镶嵌在深蓝色的夜空上.月光静静的洒下来,整个世界好像都沉浸在银色的海洋里.月光下,人们那多姿多彩的的生活,犹如一支优雅宛转的月光...

江宁区13389438369: 数学问题 快!!!!! -
钮峡沙棘: 解:设应该生产第X档次产品则{60-3(X-1)}{8+2(X-1)}=858,化简得XX-18X+80=0解得X=10或8,则应该生产第10或第8档次的商品

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