A speciad memoy for me 英语作文70字 谁告诉我一下

作者&投稿:柘刮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
A speciad memoy for me 初二英语作文70字~

I will never forget one special memory. One day when in Grade one I was on the way to school . Suddenly I found an old lady lying on the ground . She looked very weak so I went up and asked what I could help her. She was too ill to say a word. So I called to ask for an ambulance to take her to the hospital . She was saved but I was late that day. But I was very happy and I will never forget this memory.

Its Chinese name "Qing Ming" literally means "Clear Brightness," hinting at its importance as a celebration of Spring.Similar to the spring festivals of other cultures,Tomb Sweeping Day celebrates the rebirth of nature,while marking the beginning of the planting season and other outdoor activities. 清明节,又叫踏青节,正是春光明媚草木吐绿的时节,也正是人们春游的好时候,所以古人有清明踏青,并开展一系列体育活动的的习俗.直到今天,清明节祭拜祖先,悼念已逝的亲人的习俗仍很盛行.

Everyone has a special memory that they will never forget. To me, spending time with my husband on my twentieth birthday was the best time that I have ever had.
In the morning, he took me to a Chinese restaurant in Orange County for breakfast. The food was really tasty, and my husband wanted to make sure that we were full before getting to Universal Studios. After thirty minutes of driving, we finally got there. At the parking lot, I saw a huge word” Universal Studios”. That made me really excited, and I couldn’t wait to get in. After we went through the gate, there were some people taking a picture of us. I tried to be pretty in front of the camera. There were a lot of movie’s pictures inside. We had a picture with The Incredible Hulk, but of course, it was just a statue. We first went to watch Terminator show. It was amazing, the show was in 3D. I felt like it was real. After that, we went to Jurassic Park the Ride; there was a long line, but it took only ten minutes to get in. I was so scared when we were falling down, we all got wet, but it was a great feeling! The next one was Revenge of the Mummy, I loved this one the most, but my husband didn’t like it much because it made him dizzy. We didn’t forget to take a picture with Homer- our favorite cartoon, both us of hugged him as if we wanted to let him go. It was so funny! Later, we traveled Hollywood Studios where many famous movies
were made. They showed us how they shot the “Fast and Furious” movie and also a small river that became a big ocean in the movie. I was so impressed when I saw the set of War of the World. There was an airplane crashed scene, the same one I saw in the movie. I always wondered how they did that. At 6pm, we were really hungry after traveling around Universal. I told my husband that we could stop by some seafood restaurant around there, but he told me that he already knew where to go for dinner. It was a surprise.


As parents to create a happy life for children. But if give children too much spoil causes the child heart adjustment, self-supporting ability is insufficient, too much to be financially dependent on their parents. Not only that, a parent if too spoiled child, this is equivalent to destroy the life of a child.
Time is very serious and careful person, they are very serious, responsible. They work very responsible, careful, very admire.

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一阙富马: I will never forget one special memory. One day when in Grade one I was on the way to school . Suddenly I found an old lady lying on the ground . She looked very weak so I went up and asked what I could help her. She was too ill to say a word. So I ...

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一阙富马:[答案] Everyone has a special memory that they will never forget.To me,spending time with my husband on my twentieth birthday was the best time that I have ever had. In the morning,he took me to a Chinese restaurant in Orange County for breakfast.The food ...

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一阙富马:[答案] I will never forget one special memory.One day when in Grade one I was on the way to school .Suddenly I found an old lady lying on the ground .She looked very weak so I went up and asked what I could ...

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