
作者&投稿:平妻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear! Not to say that just to short-term business trip? Why so long you do not have contact! Without you SMS! I miss you! Ye Hao worried about you! If you see my message please tell me where are you? How are you getting good? Why so long did not come back? I miss you! I've been waiting for you too! Husband! These are dream about you! Dream of you holding me! Kiss me!

My dear! Not only to short-term on business? Why so long without your contact! SMS without you! I miss you! Worry about you! If you see my text messages please tell me where are you? Too well? Why so long is not coming back? I miss you! I have been waiting for you come back! Her husband! These days is dream of you! Hold on I dream of you! Kiss me!

Dear ! not to say just to short-term travel so long? Why ? without your contact ! without your message ! I miss you very much ! or worried about you ! if you saw me message please tell me where you have ? well so long ? why did not return ? I miss you very much !? I've been waiting for you to come back ! husband ! hold you these days ! dreamed you hold me ! kiss me !

自己翻译的 有些不确定所以多翻译了几种 希望能帮到你

Because the Japanese side holidays rest, started to work today. So to your letter so late, really sorry!
I only can speak Japanese, English are now learning. This will bring you the inconvenience, also please forgive me!
You say you to speak Chinese, but can't read Chinese, that means later I can call you communicate in Chinese?
You mentioned the E-mail of construction machinery model, I already know, but now we have no inventory, if you can give me a rough idea when you need these machines, probably how many money a words, our company will soon try to find you in the Japanese market needs. Often contact!
Wish you happy every day!

Inside and outside the enterprise environment increasingly complex and inter-enterprise competition intensifies, continuously improve the internal management has become an important one, and how to prevent and control financial risks, the possibility of enterprise financial risk. Internal accounting control as a core part of the internal control, and can control the content and structure of the accounting elements to safeguard the assets of the enterprise security, supervision and control of the enterprise business process, to guard against financial risks, in order to achieve business objectives. From the point of view of the accounting elements of financial risk control problem, has important practical significance for promoting the business management. This paper, a comprehensive analysis of the relationship of changes in accounting elements and financial risk, and stressed the importance of financial risk management, and the actual performance of the financial risk management and the corresponding controllability countermeasures.

The competitive enterprise internal and external environment of increasingly complex and between enterprises intensified, so that the possibility of enterprise financial risk increasing, how to prevent and control the financial risk, has become one of the important contents of enterprise internal management. Internal accounting control as the core part of internal control, can guarantee the safety of enterprise assets from two aspects of content and structure control of accounting elements, to supervise the operation of process control of enterprises, to guard against the financial risk of the enterprise, in order to achieve the business objectives. From an accounting perspective, control of financial risk, has important practical significance for the promotion of enterprise management. Through comprehensive analysis of accounting elements change and financial risk, and emphasizes the importance of financial risk management, and puts forward the practical performance of financial risk management and control countermeasures.


只有达到“内化”这一步,才能真正说得上自身技能——即真正做到终生不忘,真正随时随地条件反射般拿捏自如。就好比我们小时候学踩自行车,一旦学会,即使很长一段时间不学,再次骑上,可能一开始有点生硬,但很快就能找到感觉。1. 每一个英语好的人都是从零基础学起的,没有人天生就是高手。所以零...

I have three brothers. All of them are college students. 我有三个哥哥,他们都是大学生。He has two sisters. Both of them major in English. 他有两个姐姐,她们都主修英语。3. 不能说“all + 代词”,要说“代词+ all”或“all of + 代词”。如:误:All they like her.正:They...

Collect a mountain, a lake, the mountains and rivers scene mansion of a natural original edition, is perching and occupying the ground of poesy.From the soul dwelling not from the city of dust --Tenderness of West Lake, freshness of mountain, river vast to become a portion of ...

What would you like to drink(或者to order)?Hot coffee or cold coffee?Milk tea No sugar a little sugar Have a seat ,please.And wait a moment.The bill is ...RMB Thank you for coming I can speak a little english.相信我 我是 英语老师 ...

但英语一直没有丢,英语一直是我的排头兵!我对英语的自信还有,我觉得学好英语不难,重要的是你要有恒心,急躁冒进,三天打渔两天晒网都是不行的。在这里我就毛遂自荐一下我的学习方法吧: 首先先你要端正心态,不要急躁,,你做你自己的事,这样才能静下心来学习。要成为英语高手就必须比别人...

各位大哥大姐 有没有英语专业毕业的啊 说说写毕业论文的经验吧 题目...
5. 找英文高手改。找不到合适的人,就去找提供英语论文编辑服务(English correction and improvement,not translation)的公司 ,在此向有钱没时间的人强烈推荐。文献管理1. 下载电子版文献时(caj,pdf,html),把文章题目粘贴为文件名。注意,文件名不能有特殊符号,要把 \\ \/ : * ? < > | 以及 换行符 删掉。

以下是几种更爽的学习英语的方法:1. 看英语电影和电视剧:通过看英语电影和电视剧可以提高听力和口语,同时也可以了解到地道的英语表达方式和文化背景。2. 听英语音乐和广播:通过听英语音乐和广播可以提高听力和口语,同时也可以了解到不同地区的英语口音和文化背景。3. 看英语原版书籍:通过阅读英语...


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half-read book,unfinished sentence,half-emptied coffee cup 参看 A half-read book is a half-finished love affair 参看 he left a piece of writing ending in an unfinished sentence 参看 lay her half -emptied coffee cup and unlit cigarette 世人来仰慕我吧!

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秦淮区15136157368: 求英语高手!谁能帮我把下面句子翻译成英文
皮凝基瑞: Received your gift, and I was very happy. I like English, this dictionary is...

秦淮区15136157368: 英语翻译哪位高手能帮我翻译一些下面的句子呢?(中译英) 采纳的话会重赏的哦(100),--------------------------------------------------------------------先生,不好意思... -
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皮凝基瑞:[答案] slower rays indicated a different way to control pysical interreaction of lights,moreover,it has potentials to develop optical buffer,data sync,optiacl memory,signal processing etc.The article gives c...

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皮凝基瑞: this photo was taken at river bank last year ,it scene was fine at that time , I was fourteen years old, long hair, big eyes , very lovely I like this photo very much

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皮凝基瑞:[答案] I appreciate most of the teachersI am most grateful that I'm the most grateful is my primary school teacher-the teacher-teacher Wu. He was my first teacher of enlightenment of mathematics.I still reme...

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皮凝基瑞: Maybe you don't know all the time, in fact, I fell in love with you at the first sight, at first I don't know if this is love, but with the passage of time, I just know I always love you, I will not ask you must with me, just silently pay for you, good for you, I love you! 有道的

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