请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话, 不要翻译器的,谢谢。

作者&投稿:庞衫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

After our discussion,our unanimous descision is eating the tradional snack in a unkonwn but authentic snack shop.And after breakfast we decide to server most characteristc places in Shnaghai,French concession and Shanghai Old House.

" We may not be professional tour guides, we may not be able to introduce clearly about scenic spots, but we will do our best to show our foreign friends a comprehensive Shanghai, as well as our hospitality."



本系统就是根据在线订购电影票的实际情况和人们的需求来实现的。系统主要分成三大模块,即用户系统模块、管理员系统模块和电影模块。用户注册登录以后可以浏览放映中影片的具体信息。根据影片信息可以选择场次和座位,然后订票。管理员则可以对注册用户、影片信息以及用户订票信息进行管理。管理员可以添加、修改、删除影片信息等。The system is realized according to practical situation of on-line ticket purchasing and people’s demands. It’s mainly divided into three modules, that’s user system module, administrator system module and cinema molude. After registration and login, user can browse detailed information of movies being screened, select the session and seat and then book a ticket. The administrators can manage registratered users, movie information and ticket booking information. Also they can add, modify and delete movie information and so on.


This system is based on the actual situation and the needs of people in order movie tickets online. The system is divided into three modules, user system module, the administrator system module and movie module. After registering and logining ,you can check out the information of movies.According to the film screenings and seat then booking. Administrators can manage information of users and movies. Administrators can add, modify, and delete the video information,and so on.参考例句和词典组织的语言,望采纳为最佳答案。

This system is based on the actual situation of online booking and the actual needs of the audience. It consists of three modules: User, Administrator System and Movies. Once registered and logged in, users will have access to detailed information of on-showing movies, complete selection of movies and seats according to the Screening Schedule, and order tickets. Administrators can manage registered users, information of movies, and users' booking information. Also, administrators can add, modify, and delete the information of movies.


为了方便你对应看我把句子分开翻译 希望有所帮助
The system is realized according to the real conditions of the online film tickets booking and the demand of the people.
The system is mainly divided into three templates,they are the user system template,the administrator system template and the film template.
Detailed information of the films are availble to the users after the register and log in the system.
According to the film information,the users can choose the times and locations and then book the ticket.
Administrators can manage the registered users,both the information of the film and ticket booking,other management such as add,modify,delete the films can also be done by the administrators.

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开化县15850378401: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话,不要在线翻译的,谢谢 -
歧茜顺峰: 亲,你好 This is my the first members of the volunteer organization, and it is also one of the first batch ofvolunteers who receive badges. The heart-shaped poster also have my photos, but for some reasonI temporarily left the organization, so now I want to know whether the organization has welcomed meback.祝您生活愉快

开化县15850378401: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话这就是生活,你永远不知道明天会发生什么,但是只要不忘记内心真实的梦想而且不停地努力,至少你知道明天的方向在哪里. -
歧茜顺峰:[答案] This is life.You will never know what happens tomorrow.But as long as you don't forget the real dream inside your heart and keep fighting for it,at least you know which direction you'll go tomorrow.

开化县15850378401: 英语翻译请哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话:“我要你知道,这个世界上有一个人会永远等着你.无论什么时候,无论你在什么地方,反正你知道总会有这样... -
歧茜顺峰:[答案] I want you to know that in this world there will have a person waiting for you forever .Whenever,regardless of you in any place,you knew in any case there will have this kind of person waiting for you.

开化县15850378401: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下这句话,不要翻译器 -
歧茜顺峰: 我只是害怕失去一个原本不属于我的东西,这也是我矛盾纠结的原因:It's just that I'm afraid of losing something that wasn't originally mine; this is the reason why I'm conflicted and at a loss. 句子翻译以后,选择用 ; 这个分成号,觉得比逗号要更恰当一点.自己认真翻译的,有问题请追问、希望及时采纳—— ♥ 多谢 ⌒_⌒

开化县15850378401: 急求英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话....跪谢. -
歧茜顺峰: 这是我自己译的,为了配合英文语法,做了些小改动.希望对你有帮助.每年的4月至12月是最佳旅游时节. Every year between april and december, is the best tourist season.如果想观赏太姥山的红叶最佳时间为11月下旬:景区西南侧霞浦县境...

开化县15850378401: 请英语高手帮我把这段话翻译一下,这段话是某人在我空间里面的留言,请高手把我翻译一下!In fact, I have no matter what I hope you have a good, to tell you ... -
歧茜顺峰:[答案] 事实上,我不介意告诉你真像,我承认,我真的没有勇气去解释,我能做的就只有这些.我是一个有没想的人,我知道也许你没有时间等我,或许,是属于别人的,但是我但是我答应你这是一定会做的,让我祝愿你有好的生活吧. 他写的很怪,有很多...

开化县15850378401: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这句话,最好是地道的美语,不要翻译器的谢谢因为我一直知道这幸福不是属于我的,我只是在得到怜悯. 我一直想问你却不敢知道... -
歧茜顺峰:[答案] Cause I know the happiness is not belong to me, I've just got the mercy. The question that I want to ask you the most is whether you have been liked me or not.

开化县15850378401: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这句话 -
歧茜顺峰: You need to believe something like courage. fate, life, fortune and confidence, though these will lead you to somewhat unusual. 感觉后面用“即使”连接有点奇怪哦~

开化县15850378401: 英语翻译请高手帮我把这段话翻译成英文,"我会把你永远珍藏在心里,即使我以后遇到很多人,我也只想听到你的声音,只想寻找你的样子." -
歧茜顺峰:[答案] I will be in heart treasuring up you forever,even if I come across many person hereafter,also only,I want to hear your sound ,want to seek your appearance only.

开化县15850378401: 英语高手请进来```帮我翻译一段话 谢谢了``` -
歧茜顺峰: I cann't let you go, because I feel like I've fallen in love with you. I will have a try even if it is impossible.I know you love me too, so please don't hide your feeling any longer.

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