
作者&投稿:包诸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

English is a language with long history, rich vocabulary and numerous meanings, concise syntax, flexible use and agile collection, human beings are willing to learn and use. Vocabulary is the smallest unit of meaning of the language, like the brick is the smallest constituent units of the building. It is also the basis of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Human thinking activities and communication are relied on the vocabulary. The amount and solid of mastered vacabulary directly impact on his language skills and degree of accuracy.

6:30 winter morn 6.30分的冬天早晨
snow keeps falling, silent dawn 雪花不断的飘落于无声的拂晓
a rose by any other name 一朵无名的玫瑰 (?)
eva leaves her swanbrook home 伊娃离开了那个天鹅湖畔的家
a kindest heart which always made 她善良的心
me ashamed of my own 总是让我感到无地自容
she walks alone but not without her name 她用她的名字独自行走 (?)

eva flies away 伊娃飞走了
dreams the world far away 梦着这个遥远的世界
in this cruel children's game 在这个残忍的儿童的游戏里
there's no friend to call her name 没有一个同伴来把她唤醒
eva sails away 伊娃扬帆起航
dreams the world far away 梦着这个遥远的世界
the good in her will be my sunflower field 她就像向日葵田野一样天真美好
mocked by man to depths of shame 男人的嘲笑让她深深的羞愧
little girl with life ahead 她的生命在未来
for a memory of one kind word 记忆里是单调的世界
she would stay among the beasts 她将与野兽为伴
time for one more daring dream 陷入一场最惊心动魄的梦境
before her escape, eden beam 在她能够躲避之前,亚当微笑了
we kill with her own loving heart 我们杀了她的爱人之心 (?)

eva flies away 伊娃飞走了

dreams the world far away 梦着这个遥远的世界

in this cruel children's game 在这个残忍的儿童的游戏里

there's no friend to call her name没有一个同伴来把她唤醒

eva sails away伊娃扬帆起航

dreams the world far away梦着这个遥远的世界

the good in her will be my sunflower field她就像向日葵田野一样天真美好 打问号的地方就是不怎么明白那句的意思= = 只能按自己的理解翻译。

Among logistic activities, transportation is always the most important which enjoys a core position. Transportation carries the duty of location change of goods in every link between spaces. Transportation is the main functional factors of "space effect" created by logistics. Transportation has the special function of replace space effect with time effect. Moreover, communications and transportations are one of the important activities for human suvival and development. As the important component of modern social and economic activities, logistics has stronger tie with communication and transportation throughout its development and operation process. Hence, conducting communication and transportation work well is of great significance to the development of logistics.

In logistics, transportation is always the key. Transportation makes it possible for goods to transport between different vertexes. It functions predominantly in exerting space effect in logistics, trading time utility for space utility. Transportation serves as one of the most vital activities on which people rely to keep alive and develop. Being an important component of the modern social-economical activities, logistics establishes an inextricable relation with transportation as it operates and develops.It is of criticial significance, therefore, to improve the transportation functioning in logistics development.

In logistics activities, transportation has always been a core role. Transportation is the main functional elements of logistics to create "space" effect,which unsertook the task to transport the goods in all aspects with the special features of exchanging the time utility for space utility. And transportation is one of the important activities in human survival and development. As an important part of modern social and economic activities, logistics activity,in the development and operation of the process, is intimately related with the transportation activity. Thus ,to improve transportation work is of great significance to the development of logistics.






Student: I cannot point out but I know the answer.Teacher: Please tell us.Student: The swallow is beside the sparrow and the sparrow is beside the swallow.两 只鸟 老师: 这儿有两只鸟,一只是麻雀。谁能指出哪只是燕子,哪只是麻雀吗?学生:我指不出,但我知道答案。老师:请说说看...

bill、pill 、grill 、hill 、hell 、meal 、mill 、mile、 smell 、smile 、cool、 still 、chill ache、awake、backache、bake、beefcake、beefsteak、betake、brake、break、cake 一、bill 1、读音:英 [bɪl] 美 [bɪl]2、释义:账单。3、语法:bill作“账单”解时指记载各种...

感觉"城市 英语"不错,都是3-5人的小班面授课,老师上课很负责,很会调动学生的学习积极性,上课时间也比较灵活,都是滚动循环开课。建议楼主自己咨询看看

1.My hobbies All of us have hobbies. And our hobbies are changing all the time. I used to listen to music. Because I thought it could make me relaxed and happy. But now I don't enjoy it. I am interested in collecting stamps. These old stamps , some of them are of ...

给你介绍两个好用的英语软件 1《轻轻松松背单词》,短时间内突击背大量单词用这个软件效果非常好,这个软件很经典,已经畅销17年了。她最强大的地方是单词和例句的真人语音非常好也非常多,功能寓教于乐,把背单词变得很轻松,可以从蒲公英软件官网的下载中心下载简版试用。2 如果要提高听力和阅读,可以...



误区二:瞎背 学英语最起码要让人家明白你的意思,有些人英语学了好几年,单词背了不少,可是他说的英语却谁都听不明白,问题出在他没掌握住几个关键单词。用英语交流有时不必说完整句子或一段话,说清楚一个单词就可以了,只要这个单词能表达你的意思。英语在世界上不同的国家可以通用,但即使是...

The modern tennis movement includes the court tennis and the outdoor tennis two forms generally. The tennis movement most got up early stems from 12 to the 13th century France missionaries in the church winding corridor one kind of game which hit a ball with the palm. Afterward ...

前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县19745455905: 哪位英语好的能帮我翻译下英语句子!谢谢咯! -
童砖司迈: 1 看见大海,孩子们开心得大叫起来.(at the sight of) At the sight of the sea, children are so happy that they all yell2 你刚刚说的话我没太听懂,你能再说一遍吗?(catch on) I could not catch on what you said just now. Please say it agian.3 他知道...

前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县19745455905: 急求英语翻译||谁英语好就帮我翻译下
童砖司迈: 06 Mustang Giugiaro what appearance design features are: has a long nose and a short suspension. Car, front lights wide to rear 30mm increases, the largest expanded gradually expand 80mm. Solutia company adopts the roof can block ultraviolet...

前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县19745455905: 有谁英语好的能帮我翻译一下吗?
童砖司迈: 1. 他有一个父亲是医生的朋友. 3.那个门破了的教室将很快被修好. 4.那个教室破了的门将很快被修好. 5.你喜欢那本黄颜色的书吗? 6.你喜欢那本书的黄颜色吗? 7.那些玩足球的男生来自一班. 8.昨天我帮助了一位迷路的老人. 9.刘先生是你在公交车上跟他说话的人. 10.凌先生就是我想见的男生.

前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县19745455905: 谁英语好点的,帮我翻译下
童砖司迈: 自己翻译的,应该差不多就这个意思了. 1.无论我去那里,我都逃离不了那白色聚光灯. 2.不管是白天还是晚上还是别的什么时候我都是一个人. 3直到他们不想让Drew Berrymore告诉我其他的任何消息.4.源起亚洲,风行全球. 5.请试着了解我该怎么做. 6.使他们知道我是多么热/性感.(这里确实不知道为什么有两个hot.)

前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县19745455905: 求英语好的人帮我翻译!急!!
童砖司迈: evan,the actor of 《Evan Almighty》,is a courage,righteous,firm,perservering and faithful person. he want to change the world, but he don't know where to start. that is just like changing himself which he also don't know how to do. in the movie what ...

前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县19745455905: 求英语好的好心人进来帮我翻译下 虽然分不多 还是谢谢了 在线等
童砖司迈: It is from John where the police heard that Bob was killed by a boy at 11 last night. Speaker: Tell us what the boy/suspect looks like please. John: The boy was not very strong and muscular he had black eyes and hair. He wore a pair of jeans and jean ...

前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县19745455905: 哪位英语好的兄弟可以帮我翻译一下?感激不尽! -
童砖司迈: 6:30 winter morn 6.30分的冬天早晨 snow keeps falling, silent dawn 雪花不断的飘落于无声的拂晓 a rose by any other name 一朵无名的玫瑰 (?) eva leaves her swanbrook home 伊娃离开了那个天鹅湖畔的家 a kindest heart which always made...

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