
作者&投稿:蔺服 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

琴Guqin 棋Go 书Calligraphy 画Chinese painting are the four arts in ancient China and these are the symbols of many artistic elements in traditional Chinese cultures. If one who equipped with these four arts, it can reflect his elegance personality, knowledge and cultivation to a certain extent. Guqin can shape one's temperament. Go can improve one's mind. Calligraphy and Chinese painting can build up one's sense of asethetic. As a chinese student, we are not only to learn these four arts, and must try our efforts to flourish them and let them go out of China and become a main branch in arts of the world.


 Duanwu Festival (端午节, Duānwū Jié) is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar. It is also known as the Double Fifth. It has since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of East Asia as well. In the West, it's commonly known as Dragon Boat Festival.
  The exact origins of Duan Wu are unclear, but one traditional view holds that the festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan of the Warring States Period. He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu government. The local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fish so they would not eat Qu's body. They also sat on long, narrow paddle boats called dragon boats, and tried to scare the fish away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking carved dragon head on the boat's prow(船头).
  In the early years of the Chinese Republic, Duan Wu was also celebrated as "Poets' Day," due to Qu Yuan's status as China's first poet of personal renown(名声名望).
  Today, people eat bamboo-wrapped steamed glutinous(粘的) rice dumplings called zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fish) and race dragon boats in memory of Qu's dramatic death.

good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen . The title of my speech is " The development of traditional culture " :
The 21st century has started a new history . Great changes have taken place in the world because of the prosperous development of technology and science . Maybe some of you have noticed that more and more people around us have started to learn a second language besides English . But maybe you will ask me “Isn’t it a good thing ?” No , absolutely not . It certainly meets the objective request of the economic globalization .But while we accept the western culture,some of us lost themselves in the ‘cultural sea’.The terrible ending will makes us lose our own traditional culture . So ,the cultural globalization which is caused by economic globalization may be harmful to our country’s scientific development.
As is well known to all , culture is the pillar of science .But under the situation of globalization ,there are two extreme phenomena . One is some people call 'Mr West ’ 。They accept western culture without any judgement , and they don’t care whether it is good or not . For instance ,maybe someone has found that western festivals are more and more popular such as VALENTINE’S DAY. At the same time ,Chinese traditional festivals are fading away in our memories .we can’t image how a country could develop with its own culture lost. Well , another is called ‘ Mr Old ’ , in the contrary , they refuse to accept any other cultures , they blame that cultural globalization is a disaster . To our surprise , they absolutely don’t know that exchanging culture can advance the development of science and technology .

急需一篇关于中国传统节日的记叙文!! 500字,一定要记叙文

传统文化的瑰宝 中国传统文化是中华民族的瑰宝,它包含着丰富的历史、哲学、艺术和道德等方面的精髓。这些文化传统从古至今,一直影响着中国人的思想、行为和生活方式。首先,中国传统文化的一个显著特点是它的历史性。中国的历史悠久,留下了丰富的文化遗产。从古代的甲骨文、青铜器,到现代的书法、绘画,...

中国的传统文化——剪纸 中国是个古老的国家,传统文化更是源远流长,丰富多采。有民间工艺陶瓷,民族艺术戏剧,国画,风俗习惯端午节赛龙舟,元宵节闹花灯等等。不过最值得一提的就是民间艺术——剪纸。剪纸是中国的民间艺术瑰宝,是民间艺术的一朵奇葩,看了让人羡慕不已,啧啧称赞。剪纸的内容包含着...


说起中国传统文化那可是数不胜数,而让我记忆深刻的就是这春节了。 春节是中国人民最隆重的传统节日,是象征团结、兴旺,对未来寄托新的希望的佳节,如何庆贺这个节日,在千百年的历史发展中,形成了一些较为固定的风俗习惯,有许多还相传至今。其中有一个风俗习惯就是吃饺子。吃饺子之前当然要包饺子啊。我为了能吃上美...



中国传统文化对中华民族的文化结构、心理特征、伦理道德等等都有深深的影响。其积极的层面都为历代的仁人志士所继承和发展, 成为中华民族长期发展的巨大力量。 当今中国在科学发展观指导下, 正在努力构建和谐社会。社会和谐是社会文明程度的集中体现, 与社会文明的发展有紧密关系。而社会文明的发展, 无论是...


这个星期,我收集了许多中国传统的资料:有传统文化、传统 、传统节日等。我最喜欢传统节日了,因为节日是亲人团聚的时候。 传统节日有:春节、、···春节是农历 ,俗称“过年”。每年过年,每家每户都会吃团年饭,街上挂满了红红的灯笼,飘飘。每个小朋友都穿上了漂亮的新衣服,大人们露出了满意的...

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阴月善唯: good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen . The title of my speech is " The development of traditional culture " : The 21st century has started a new history . Great changes have taken place in the world because of the prosperous development of ...

双桥区18816828415: 关于中华文化的英文演讲~~大约两分钟,主题是中华文化,哪方面的都行.急呀...分分分可以追加... -
阴月善唯:[答案] 你要原创的话有点难. 这有中国文化导论的书.里面是一些关于具体的.你要嘛? A Chronological Table of Chonese History. A Summary of Chinese History History Classics (Philosophy and Religion) (Literature and Art) Science and Technology education...

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阴月善唯:[答案] Chinese culture not only to South Korea,Japan,Southeast Asia,South Asia countries such as the Philippines,Singapore,... and their focus is the relationship between the Chinese culture. 意思是:中国文化不但对韩国、日本,对东南亚、南亚一些国家如...

双桥区18816828415: 求~一篇关于中国文化的英语小短文....大概在3 - 5分钟内,不要太难,内容要新颖,谢谢啊!!
阴月善唯: Dragon Robe (龙袍) Even though the dragon is an imaginary animal, it was long regarded as a god in China and was loved and respected as the highest symbol of good luck in the animal kingdom. The dragon thus became a symbol ...

双桥区18816828415: 请求高手帮忙~~用英文讲一个中国的传统语言故事,体现中国文化的,时间大概2分钟 -
阴月善唯: 战国时期,靠近北部边城,住着一个老人,名叫塞翁.塞翁养了许多马,一天,他的马群中忽然有一匹走失了.邻居们听说这件事,跑来安慰,劝他不必太着急,年龄大了,多注意身体.塞翁见有人劝慰,笑了笑说:“丢了一匹马损失不大,...

双桥区18816828415: 关于中国传统文化的英语作文 -
阴月善唯:[答案] Culture of China The Culture of China is home to one of the world's oldest and most complex civilizations. China boasts a history rich in over 5,000 years of artistic, philosophical, political, and scientific advancement. Though regional differences provide ...

双桥区18816828415: 介绍中国传统文化的英语短文【1分钟】,初四的,英语比赛用,急!如琴棋书画、诗词歌赋、历史名人、名胜古迹、茶文化等方面的,不要太难. -
阴月善唯:[答案] I am very happy to have the opportunity to talk to you about major traditional Chinese holidaysThe Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Year's holiday.In addition to the popular seafood,poultry and meat,people will prepare traditional food,for ...

双桥区18816828415: 关于中国传统文化的英语作文,例如龙,丝绸,长城等等.介绍能具有代表性物品的短文! -
阴月善唯:[答案] 这些东西都可以再网上查到! 关于长城的传说 In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at ...

双桥区18816828415: 求一篇有关中国有趣的文化习俗的英语短文!
阴月善唯: In the world today, there are millions of surveillance cameras, or 'spy cams', watching and monitoring our daily activities. There are some benefits of course, as people who are breaking laws can be watched and caught using cameras and this helps ...

双桥区18816828415: 老师要求写一篇关于中国文化的英语作文,里面要写:中国文化丰富,历史悠久,丝绸和西安的兵马俑闻名世界,二胡则是中国古文化的一部分,美食更有北京烤鸭、兰州拉面、饺子等.不少于60词.谁能帮帮我,急用! -
阴月善唯: Traditional Chinese culture is beginning to capture the attention of the world. This is true even as popular culture that has traditionally been considered Western begins to spread throughout China. Kung Fu, especially, has had a great impact on the ...

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