我可爱的家乡株洲 英语作文

作者&投稿:逮备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
《我可爱的家乡》在云南英语作文 60词左右~

I went to Yunnan Province with my sister to enjoy my summer vacation. During the five-day trip, we visited many famous sites of interest in this province. Among them, Stone Forest in Lunan Yi Nationality Autonomous County leaves a deepest inpression upon me for its strange, steep yet magnificent landscape. Indeed, both my sister and I had such a good time in this tour that we could not help but plan our trip to this province for another time the moment we arrived at home!

我的家乡就像一颗小巧俏丽的明珠,坐落在崇山峻岭的万绿丛中。说它小,既是说它人口少,也是说它县城小,走在街上几乎人人都认得对方。外地人常常笑我们——小,说一家炒辣椒全城呛鼻子。但我要说的是,我的家 乡小得美丽,小得人杰地灵。 小荷作文网 刚刚结束的“——潇湘八景”评比中,我们——县忝列其中,消息传来,全县人民无不雀跃。我们——的秀美风光多少年来一直“养在深闺人未识”,如今终于展现在世人面前,朋友,就让我带着你们一起畅游——的山山水水吧! 栖凤湖——一个多么富有诗意的名字,湖内小岛星罗棋布,岸线迂回曲折,万亩湖面碧波荡漾,烟波浩渺,鱼跃鸢飞。沿湖山峦叠翠,茶果飘香,加上流水小溪自高山林间似银带漂入湖中,可谓风光旖旎。画家黄永玉、龙清廉曾泛舟于此,题就“青山似画,碧水如诗”的妙笔,名记者、散文家萧离踏波湖中,发出“山水迷离”的咏叹。每当夏日来临,别处是炎炎酷暑,湖畔却是山风送爽,气候宜人,令人流连忘返。如今,热火朝天的建设正在栖凤湖畔展开,一座旅游新城即将出现,栖凤湖将成为人们避暑休闲的好去处。 泛一叶扁舟,顺流而上,便可以到达中南第一峡谷——坐龙峡。“平湖游罢逛山峡,兴味欣然玩物华,八瀑八潭玄俊巧,人间天上一奇葩。”坐龙峡内绝壁矗立,峡谷幽深,坑连洞,洞连溪,大洞连小洞,洞洞相通。春夏之际,溪水陡涨,不见谷底,溪水流过浪花四溅轰然作响。秋冬之时,水落石出,流水孱孱,曲折有致,让人不禁慨叹大自然的鬼斧神工。 来吧!朋友,尽情来享受——的山水之美吧!奇特秀丽的地质公园红石林在等你来,天然氧吧、万亩林海高望界在等你来,奇美高耸的天桥山在等你来。我们有浓浓的米酒、淡淡的茶香,美味的腊肉、醉人的山歌,有古老原始的毛古斯,有神秘惊险的巫傩绝技,还有许多未知的美好风光在等你来发掘、来品位。 一方山水养一方人,灵秀精巧的——县也人才辈出。我们有“扶贫司令”彭楚政,有苗族少将张显伯,有著名记者萧离,有老歌唱家何继光,更有“苗山百灵鸟”宋祖英。她凭借她美妙的嗓音唱出了湘西,唱到了北京,唱响了维也纳的金色大厅,征服了亿万听众,展示了我们——苗山儿女的万种风情。 美丽的——,我可爱的家乡,你以你丰沛的乳汁哺育了一代代勤劳朴实的土家苗汉儿女。我们生在这块热土,将用自己的青春和汗水为——的繁荣富强而奋斗。我们期待————的明天会更辉煌!

My beautiful home town Zhuzhou My home town Zhuzhou is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.
  In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.
  I love my hometown Zhuzhou. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.

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宦软辅舒: my hometown 我的家乡更多释义>> [网络短语] My Hometown 我的家乡,我的故乡,我出生的村落 My Hometown 我的家乡,我的故乡 My Lovely Hometown 我可爱的家乡

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